25+ year old club, you hanging in there?
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30 and officially diabetic, gonna kms before the year ends
How are my fellow NEETs holding out?
What do you guys do against the boredom of daily life? Video games no longer entertain me so and now I don't have any idea what to do during the day.
I realize eventually my disability funds will run out and I dont know if I should put the rest of my money towards paying off my car, investments, or entertainment
I will be 25 in roughly half a year. What is your advice to me, as boomers?
badly, nothing is really enjoyable anymore, i'm mentally preparing myself for the moment where i have to explain a potential employer the gaps in my resume, that is in case i even get a call
Just tell them you were studying a degree during those years. That's how I answered and it always worked for me.
28 here. I'd say the number one goal is figuring out what you REALLY want in life. Some people don't discover it until they're 60 and it's too late. I've been gradually narrowing it down, but if I had any advice, it's that threadbare cliche of listening to your heart. Not in the degenerate "become a dissipated traveling psychonaut funkhead" sense, but in the "you know why you're unhappy, do something about it dumbass" way.
Oh yeah, put every bit of money you have in Bitcoin ASAP. This isn't a joke btw.
25 here. I've been depressed for a long time about having no friends and being completely alone in life, but I am now settled in to adult life and the realization that I will probably remain like this forever has hit me really hard lately.
I wanted to be a composer.
I want a wife and children.
Never gonna happen.
35 reporting in. feels like i'm practically an invalid these days. my reaction times are slow, it's hard to carry a thought through to its conclusion and i don't particularly enjoy anything anymore. i'll spend a few hours trying to think of something to do, whether it's entertainment or physical activity or cleaning up my apartment, but ultimately nothing sounds appealing and i go back to sleep.
don't want to die but am very tired of existing without reason or purpose, and not able to garner enough interest in anything to gain reason or purpose. just rotting away here in apathy and anhedonia. i have a cat. she's great. that's probably about the only tingle of joy i get in life.
younger people in this situation... get out while you still can. i'm not saying it's too late for someone my age, but that your brain and sense of self really does rot the longer you stay idle and NEET it up, the more your depression becomes your actual being. making it that much harder to dig out of the hole you've made yourself as the years go by. and boy do they go fast. thought i was just 23 a second ago.
Tell them you were doing personal study for a different field, go on w3schools and learn some html and most people will be too afraid to prod further if not applying for a tech field.
What this guy said. It just gets worse.
Hello, friendos. I'll be 26 in 3 months. My soul can't handle working a full time office job anymore. Time is moving too fast, yet too slow at the same time. I just want to live a modest and peaceful life. I'm tired of playing this game.
How do you even know when you are depressed? Been thinking of visiting a shrink sooner or later, but I just expect them tell me I'm fine and "diagnose" me as an incel loser.
i don't really know how you'd put it into words because it's different for everyone i guess. and it goes through different phases. for me i don't feel any overwhelming sadness or loneliness or anything, just overwhelmingly useless and tired. my body hurts. like lifting my limbs and breathing feel like monumental tasks. so i just stay in bed all day. nothing really feels good. i can't focus well on tasks. i don't have any interests or goals. i just exist here in purgatory. it's probably worth going to a professional to get yourself checked out if any of it sounds familiar. therapy and medications really do help a lot of people. i haven't had any luck, but at least you'd be able to say you tried.
Doens't feel as bad as you are describing. Just that life is in some standby mode with some ocational terrifying moments of lucidity when I realize how pathetic and useless I am.
I basically do what is needed of me, then I kill time. Old hobbies are now so borin that I procrastinate doing them, and all dreams I had as a child are either grinded to dust or seem unfitting for a failure like me.
But maybe this soulless personality is just what I truly am.
I just wish I was broken so someone could fix me.
>sleep all day
>stay up during the night time with nothing to do
Don't sweat it, life will be done and over with as quick as it seemed to get straight to our present point of being. If anything exciting comes up, welcome it, but don't expect adventure to come to you. Fuck it all
30 year old NEET KHV running out of money fast with no family or friends
got into the stock market and crypto, the rush and anxiety it gives is really enjoyable.
In your opinion what age should we have ideally figured out what we want to do in life?
26 and I feel like time is running out
I've come to terms with my situation but it still hurts.
As someone that's been officially diagnosed and put on antidepressants, here's my take on it:
Everyone gets depressed. Yes, some people lead shittier lives than others but most of those people are also just depressed.
Actual depression (MDD) is when your body physically changes into a state where literally nothing gives you pleasure anymore. Your body goes into a negative feedback loop and just keeps pumping stress hormones into your system no matter what you do. Things that used to be enjoyable are no longer enjoyable. That videogame you used to love playing every day? For some reason it just seems really boring and like a waste of time now.
You stop showering and taking care of yourself. You stop going to school or work or whatever. You stop going out with friends, and if becomes severe enough, you'll even stop eating because it's just too much of hassle.
You know life isn't supposed to be this way. You know it's not normal to lie in bed all day and do nothing, and yet that's the only thing you do because everything else just completely drains you.
A lot people with depression have suicidal thoughts. Some of them go on to actually kill themselves, but that's not really what depression is about.
If you asked me to explain depression in one sentence, I would describe it as losing the ability to enjoy anything anymore.
You randomly decide to ignore your feelings and do something productive, but when you're done you notice nothing has changed. You don't feel proud or good or anything. It was all for nothing.
Normal human beings go through life chasing after rewards, but when you have depression all the rewards disappear and there's nothing worth doing anymore.
You try your best to be normal but nothing is rewarding. Nothing. You can't even fucking jerk off because it just doesn't make you happy anymore and feels like a waste of time. Your libido dies and your body just completely shuts down.
Can you try to explain what antidepressants feel like? Do they make things fun again, do you feel better? Do they ruin your libido further and does it have long term consequences?
Negative feedback loop is pretty much the best description.
It has different effects depending on who's taking it and which drug they're taking.
For me personally, I feel like they barely do anything and are just a waste of money. The only one that seems to have any sort of effect on me is Wellbutrin, which I guess makes me slightly more motivated to do stuff, but then there's some people who take antidepressants and improve dramatically.
One thing about antidepressants that I always found funny is how one of the side effects is literally an increased suicide risk, because a suicidal person isn't gonna kill themselves if their depression makes getting out of bed and tying a noose feel too bothersome. Put them on antidepressants though and suddenly they have the motivation to actually go through with it.
Another thing worth mentioning is that you need to take antidepressants for at least two months before you get the full effect, so it's not like you're gonna change overnight after taking one pill.
It's very much subtle and dependent on what type of person you are.
35 years old, feel like 80.
I can barely do my shitty lowest effort job (basically sit every day doing almost nothing).
I live with mom.
Probably have tons of undiagnosed physical and mental problems but I'm unable to do anything about it.
I'm so fucking tired.
I had the same experience as NEET for 6 years. I think you have to be genuinely, seriously mentally ill and not just lazy/depressed to thrive doing nothing all day.
I finally got a job as govenment computer operator (they don't seem to care about employment gaps, just education) and my quality of life has improved dramatically. I sleep better, lost weight, am calm and not so scatter brained about everything.
I think people on here are generally 15 to 25 and don't see the long term effects of NEETdom. It rots your brain to the point that nothing is enjoyable anymore. It did for me anyway.
Just turned 39. I've come to peace with the fact I'll never be accepted or fit in with society, I'll never achieve anything and I'm destined to live the rest of my life alone.
Then I guess I do not have it. It's just, what have I done today? I awoke, spent two hours in bed and then the rest of the day absentmindedly browsing Jow Forums and some news websites. Looking into buy yet another videogame that I know I most likely won't ever play.
It is not unenjoyable, I have gotten a few chuckles from some posts but like, is this it? Is this my life? To daydream and kill time until I die?
What if I don't even have enough to buy one bitcoin?
Well, why do you browse Jow Forums and play videogames all day?
I assume you're not disabled, so what's stopping you from going for a walk around the block for example?
32 here
There's a song in the 90s (probably '95-'96) I want to listen to again. The video is basically people having a great time surfing. Can you guys help with the title?
This search led me straight into searching MTV Top 10/100 lists and still to no avail. However, the nostalgia's kicking me so hard right now. For some reason the earliest 'weird' song I liked in my youth was Garbage's Push It and Smashing Pumpkins' Ava Adore.
Time really does fly by huh
28 here, one of the strongest feelings of nostalgia I have is tied to Garbage stuff on Gran Turismo 1 OST. I can relate.
I don't feel like it.
I don't even feel like playing videogames. I just remember the excitement I used to feel playing them. I have not felt that in years, but I still buy them just in case.
Browsing random shit online gives roughly the same non-entertainment as going outside, but takes less effort.
Hanging in pretty well actually.
Could be a case of sour grapes I suppose, but I am very thankful to have avoided the impregnation and marriage memes even if I wish I got my dick wet more.
If part of that is down to being an autistic uggo well then maybe being an autistic uggo has its privileges.
Then what would you rather do that you aren't doing?
What would the perfect version of you do in your situation?
I agree with you but at the same time unfortunately can't shake the deep belief that a life spent sleeping alone is a wasted life.
I don't know.
Get fit, travel to japan, get a qt3.14 gf, a decent job and raise a family?
The moment to moment drive just doesn't exist for me. There is only wishful daydreaming that I know will not happen.
Weirdly enough I evaded the GT series, until now. I thought it was too complicated back then.
On an unrelated note, I had a hard crush on Shirley during the day.
if you can't get laid in degenerate west how do you think to pull it off in super conservative country such as japan?
In a similar situation. Two year gap and no clue how to go about explaining it. And I am in the IT field, so I don't know what I can bullshit for two years worth.
So why don't you start with getting fit?
What's stopping you from doing some pushups right now?
Japanese and East Asians generally are meganormies of the worst kind, literally all the Jow Forums memes about them are true to the extent that I can't even hate on kikes or niggers anymore because they seem relatively tolerable by comparison.
>obsessed with seeming normal and socially acceptable to the point of being OCD-tier
>obsessed with literally ranking people and countries by status and income
>obsessed with not seeming like a loner or socially ostracised, gotta seem 'cool', got to get a gf and not let down your parents! gotta get that prestige job
Seriously fuck gooks chinks and slopes
That is why it is wishful thinking. It is on the same level as marrying a prince or something.
A "perfect version" of me more realistically would just try to get a job and talk to people. Like what humans are supposed to do.
I have already tried and given up. The results just don't show up quickly enough to keep my interest.
I am 100% sure that I am doing something wrong and just not putting the training time into things that have an effect however.
The worst unimaginable thing is escaping your robot ways, being a successful person with active hobbies, loving perfect girlfriend and an active social circle only to lose everything and get thrown back into the endless loop of loneliness and absolute fucking misery.
>The results just don't show up quickly enough to keep my interest.
There's your problem. You focus on results when you should instead focus on habits.
Fitness isn't something you do until you're fit and then you stop. It's something you do every week for the rest of your life.
If you want to be a fit person you need to make fitness a part of your daily life.
27 and destined to be a sad government office worker until I croak.
Hobbies are Jow Forums and drinking so it's no mystery why I have the nogf feels.
I'm just so bored. I could get a pilot's license or go back to school but it all feels so pointless.
That is the plan right now. Just make sure to walk properly every day. Next up is trying to regularly run a couple of times each week.
Baby steps.
I'm 28 and life is going great. I have a decent job, it's stressful and my bosses suck but the pay is sufficient for me to live comfortably. I am getting married in a few months to my longtime girlfriend of 5 years and don't have any debt. I have a loving family that supports me, and no mental issues other than smoking too much weed maybe.
Still hard to be hopeful about the future though, I'll have to buy a house soon and will probably become poorer after that, and my shit bosses probably aren't going anywhere, nor will I get the promotion that I want. But that's okay, I'm content to be doing better than most people I know, like you hopeless bastards.
Good, and don't think about results or progress. Sometimes you'll do better and sometimes you'll do worse.
The most important part is not giving up and turning it into a habit. Make it part of your identity.
26. I'm in Europe. Won't say where but somewhere on east/north.
Ive been saving some money for some time now. Wondering about going on a solo trip for a while. Netherlands looks fun. All the hookers and drugs, maybe would be fun experience.
Maybe finally lose my virginity to some random whore.
Just turned 25 and realized I can finally post here. I've seen these threads for 6 or 7 years now and never been able to participate in good faith
kinda makes me want to die
You don't have to buy a whole one. You can buy in whatever fragments you like. Though I strongly recommend anyone with available capital to accumulate 1 BTC before 2020. This thing is going 100k in just a couple years. Sell, then buy back in near the bottom in next cycle. We can all make it, bros.
Basically put in whatever you can afford and HOLD
What about ETH?
It's so fucken sad, the self-pity is through the roof, I'm 27 and never had anything close to a grilfriend, there were times that i stopped trying but also there were times that I go for it and get nothing, it's a wild ride and I wish to get off.
Good stuff, riskier though. Have a few on the side if you can swing it. Ethereum and smart contracts are incredibly exciting.
Yeah tried that a few times. I don't have anything left in me to do it again.
>Get a "gf"
>Doesn't even want to kiss me
I was only a tool used to increase her confidence.
>10pm, bed time, don't feel tired at all
>6am, alarm clock, wake up for work, feel extremely tired
>currently 8am, at work, all i want to do is sleep
Sometimes i really hate being a night owl. This needless suffering has been going on for years
Found out I did well at uni, got a 2:1 (not sure how to explain that to non-UK anons other than it means simply I did well), moving out into a cheap place with a bit of help from my parents and I've started working out.
I still have an awful drinking habit and no friends but should everything go to plan I should have a career and a car soon.
This time last year I was a useless drop-out neet, but things look a lot brighter now.
What does "not being a manchild" consist of, anons? I really don't know what's expected of me at this point.
I could move out, but there's negative pressure on me to do so. Moving out is a pain, no one is in a hurry to boot me out here.
It can't just be that though. Is this just a coded reference to make myself interested in "normal" things, like paying too much for alcohol and watching game of spectacles?
It means not leeching off your mother at the age of 30 so you can be an independent man who can survive in this world on his own.
But I don't leech? I buy food and pay my share of bills.
Lost my virginity as a 31yo NEET to a 19 yo 8/10 who I was dming with on Reddit. She claimed she was demisexual and really into me after a few months and we met up several times over the span of half a year or so (lots of fucking and gf experience stuff like handholding and cuddling.) She had a boyfriend whom she felt neglected by and was cheating on with me. I thought we might have a future. She decided to stay with her well-off 24 yo bf.
As long as you support yourself without her help, you're doing ok.
Anything else is just social norms, like having your own apartment so you can invite people without having to ask mom.
In some countries it's normal for grown men to live with mommy, in others it's not.
She was into rough sex and would let me do anything I wanted to her as well (probably daddy issues.) Ironically it turned out I appreciated the affectionate presence the most and once I emotionally fell for her it seems like she lost interest.
Yeah, 28, and I'm still here. Not really sure why. I'll wait until my car is repaired and decide then I guess.
Turning 29 this month. My life is a nightmare. My car broke down and I live in the country so I had to bike 8 miles to a new job and then 8 miles back at midnight. My old car is too fucked up to repair and I can't get a new one until I secure this job, which might not happen. If it doesn't then my life is fucked and I think that's the end of the road for me.
>got into accident
>still do not know what to do with my life
>never had a gf
>youth pissed away
Feel so empty right now. Too tired not physically but emotionally tired.
What's up with older robots cars? Weird.
learn programming, make games etc.
At first its painful and confusing, but becomes more fun and engaging than any game possibly could be. Being a good programmer is pretty much same as playing a strategy game and developing cool and effective strats to win. If you want an easy start just torrent some udemy courses, those are pretty fun to even just watch and see how it looks/what kind of things you ll be able to do if you invest a month or two
Is it wrong to own a dakimakura? If I ever got a friend or girlfriend I figured there would probably be some conflict, but I'd cross that bridge when I came to it.
I don't know about the other user but I totalled mine. Rolled it going too fast on a country road at night. It's going to take months to repair.
Okay, I'm turning 25 at the end of the month and I'm still single. Last time I had a gf was 17. That breakup was horrible, made me stay away from women for a long time.But there's a girl I like at work and I've been thinking about her a lot. There's been this strange feeling inside me that I'd like to start a family. If I'd build up some courage and talk to her more, I'd even have a chance. But? Is there really a purpose for all this, I feel like women really just use men for their own gains and don't really love them. Thinking about this has really lowered my courage and will to do something to get a gf. Is this really woth it?
One of my most well adjusted acquaintances has a daki on full display in his living room. A body pillow isn't gonna ruin a relationship as long as what you have on it isn't too degenerate.
"Manchild" is an utterly fucking meaningless term invented by roasties to shame men in to being beta providers
starting to get wrinkles end me now
>That breakup was horrible
wat happen
I've got grey streaks more suitable on a 50 year old and I'm 28. Happens to the best of us.
why were you being a moron user? you could have killed someone.
What does diagnosed actually entail? Do you just go to a therapist and fill out a form? Do you have long sessions of akward talking? Do they use psychic powers to see if you are lying?
I'd had a rough night. I was angry or depressed, not sure the difference. Picked that road specifically because nobody would be on it at 4am. Wouldn't matter if I did something stupid, at least I'd have only been killing myself.
Do you know C++?
Do we 25+ bros have a discord server?
Or is it zoomer shit?
It'd be cool if there is one. I'd like to talk to my fellow anons about things that happen at our age.
>be 25
>only sex I got was from hookers
>they were either ugly, I creeped them out, or I felt bad when staying with them
>decide to yet again go to one because why not I'm so pathetic and horny I have no shame
>she is a qt petite blonde with perky boobs and beautfiul face, is 22
>doesn't find my initial awkardness disgusting
>inbetween the sex we start just talking and laughing about random things, with the others I could not talk about anything
>i'm bad at sex but doesn't matter to me, I really loved the image of her smoking a cigar next to me while we cuddled
that felt so good god daaaaamn, when you find a good escort don't lose her
Been going on autopilot mode at work for a week
Yesterday I found out some shit got fucked up and I honestly can't remember if I did it
I can't bring myself to focus 8 hours a day
Seconding starting (or joining) a 25+ discord. It's not like there's another easy way to start a chat.
I relate to this feel so hard it hurts sometimes
I always thought I'd be making good money at this point in my life, I'd have a wife or at least a serious girlfriend, I'd be saving for a house
Instead I just wake up feeling dead inside M-F, work too long for not a lot of money for something I don't care about, then go home and try to numb the pain of my pointless empty life
I heard it's curable with weight loss and fasting
28. British. Autistic but undiagnosed so rely on a punitive welfare system when I'm in between jobs (as I am currently since March). Longest period of NEETdom was almost a year, which was between the start of 2016 and the start of 2017, then I had a job for 2 years but left because a few people there were being cunts to me, calling me retarded, being rude all the time, etc. Sadly in a min wage job when you complain about anything like that you'd just make everything worse for yourself and get labelled as a snitch.
Also because I walked out of the job where I was being low key bullied I'm welfare sanctioned for 3 months so I've had no money whatsoever since March. I want to work but I know it'll just be more of the same (people being cunts to me). I'm not a lazy person and I like working, the money it brings in, etc. Just sucks because people always end up making it unbearable.