Ask a girl who mutually lost her virginity with a former robot today, 5 years ago anything

Ask a girl who mutually lost her virginity with a former robot today, 5 years ago anything.

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Did/do you love him?
Did/does he love you?

can you facque off?

Was your pussy shaved?

We love eachother a bunch.

Yeah but it was pretty messy since it was only my first time trying anything more than trimming.

How did you two meet? Here, presumably, but what kind of thread? And what made you want to meet up?

Did he cuminside you?

How big is your dick?

good for him ..,
you are still a roastie
but not of the worst ones

Yes he did

About 5.5 inches

how old was he and how old were you?

Not me, but almost the same answer anyway

No and 5.5 inches I think? That's what he told me once. Either that or 5 inches I can't remember.

I just turned 18 and he was 24

Here and it was just a general one where people post their interests and I asked for his Skype, not one dedicated to dating or a, "femanons pls respodn," one. He didn't know I was a girl until a few months after we started talking and he thought I was catfishing him when I told him. I wanted to meet up because we were online dating for a year or two. He moved here to graduate from neetdom since it's easier to get a job around me and a week after he got his place was when we met up.

Thanks user, kinda.

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Oops, misread. I thought you said his dick kek

Where are you two now, 5 years later?
Do you still hook up?

We're engaged now but for the sake of answering, yeah I suppose

pic of you before and after

cute as fuck. Are you guys happy? Does he enjoy cuckolding?

So his dick is 5.5, what about yours, ?

Why the fuck are you on this board then? Roastie.

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How many times haveyou cheated on him?

Are you two still happy together?

also it's good to know that robots are can also experience something nice in their lifetime

Fuck nevermind, I'm a retard, should've read the thread before posting

some robot, having sex and taking virginities

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No but I think I probably understand what you're probably getting at. I'm still the same weight (106 lbs) and still take care of my self well. I even started working out when I met him and bought some home gym equipment.

Thanks and yes, I'm genuinely glad I met him and he says so too a bunch. No that'd be gross


Yeah we are and it's okay, being engaged/still together doesn't necessarily mean you're still happy together. I think a decent number of people here are good people who've just been hurt a bunch or have extremely shitty luck. I hope they can find similar happiness. Also I know a lot of people will be like
>got a gf
>ever a robot
but he was probably an older virgin/neet than most people who browse here nowadays so I hope you guys can have a lil bit of hope too.

So he was a NEET and a 24 year old virgin. But what brought you here and made you look for friends here?

>he was probably an older virgin/neet than most people who browse here nowadays

I am not a virgin, but I am a neet and I am 28.

Uh, what made you think this was thread worthy?

>>got a gf
>>ever a robot
oh fuck you're definitly not one of the thousands of normies that came after the reddit and trannies invasions, my apologies

This gives all of us hope

What did you like about your robot back then to be motivated to have a relationship with him?

It just makes me really sad to be honest. Hopeful, but sad nonetheless.

Where did you and your robot bf reside before meeting up?