Cringe culture has destroyed a generation

Unironically bring back the T3H P3NGW33N OF DEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWMMMMM (o_O) shit.

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bumping with somewhat relevant image

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The internet was always going to become mainstream. Now humanity has become really too intimate with itself, and we will get to witness the apocalypse.

taming the internet is not a meme , everyone will be a slave here , not free.

Yeah, and everyone always jumps the ship to pull out their stupid fucking phones to record something when they encounter the slightest thing out of the ordinary.

That "this is going in my cringe compilation" pic is probably used more sincerely than I guess most people would believe

All right, the internet has turned normie, everybody move to tor please

>inb4 le r/ihatemygeneration

I don't even hate them. I feel bad for them.

The trouble with Tor is that, unlike the internet of old, there's no reason to use it over the alternative: there's simply no draw. Unless you're trying to buy drugs or find CP or something.

i appreciate zoomers taking the hate millennials used to garner

The privacy is one thing. I'm planning to register a personal site on tor one day just because I'm paranoid over whois data (I don't trust whois hiding services either). Obviously that doesn't apply to everyone though.

Nothing to do with cringe culture, someone discovered you believed everything as long as it was in meme format and run riot with it

Why do you all like Xxboxtentacoon and other trash? How do you take a rapper with a 2009 xbox gamertag name seriously?

There are no more different sub cultures among young people because of cringe culture. As soon as you do something seen as cringey or embarrassing it's recorded, uploaded to youtube and is seen by millions. Everyone feels the need to conform to the status quo and thus every single zoomer is exactly the same.

It's pretty sad, social media shouldn't exist.

>mocked for being veteran users
I can agree. The mainstream crowd took over so much of this, and they get offended by anything. So it's almost like a national monument getting tagged with graffiti.

this desu
irony is poison and it destroys your mind
I'm trying very hard to just be genuine about things, but all this time spent here and especially on /mu/ makes it very hard to sincerely like things

Red is the best TayTay album btw

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I'm still mad about that Changes sample.

I have his name tattooed on my chest

Honestly, what's bad about DEEZ NUTS? I really like GOT'EM type things, like Ligma and prank calls.

Has anyone else kinda realized how the whole "fedora neckbeard" stereotype is barely even based on reality? I have never seen or met a person like that in real life or on the internet. Everyone is literally just getting mad over something that doesn't exist or does exist but in such negligable numbers that it doesn't even matter.
Go on places like r/justneckbeardthings and you will see basically half of the content posted is just people shitting on people who like japanese things or just have hobbies in general.

I have a feeling that some kind of counterculture will come along within a decade that basically says fuck you to the culture of baseless shame and peer pressure so present online today.

I'm kinda optimistic though.

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Nerd culture is becoming unpopular again slowly, except now it's because it is associated with fat 30 year old guys that hate women and not some scrawny kid with glasses that bullies pick on.

>"fedora neckbeard" stereotype is barely even based on reality?
The stereotype has changed over time, but it was based on something at one point. I know because I fit the bill years ago. I still have my fedoras and still remember being an edgy atheist.

Jow Forums really is the worst thing that ever happened to this site.

This is the kind of stuff that came out of this site like 10 years ago, the same kind of stuff 14 year old girls would make at the time.
Not saying it was a bad thing but you could never see something like this be made here today.

>cringe culture
butt hurt zoomer spotted
cringed hard

2008 ~ had a lot of people being ironic on Jow Forums as well, but at least r9k was pretty nice back then, could have discussions about life every day and not just sex and no gf

user you made me have feels

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normies came and ruined the internet

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>some retarded sperg posts his mental diahreea somewhere that briefly aligns with my own autism
>it must be all true, finally!
truly the cringe generation

As I remember it being:
>a focus on "class", despite a lack of real effort or understanding of what that meant. This is why the fedora became so iconic, it was supposed to be a throwback to when wearing a hat of some sort was common. Sorta like how top hats are still associated with fanciness, it's just that cheap trilbies are way more accessible and better fit the perception of the era. You also saw people wearing untucked button up shirts and vests, often with jeans and sneakers.
>A focus on intellectualism. This often amounted to just skimming wikipedia and pretending to understand the subjects, or constantly correcting people's grammar. It was important to show off your supposed intellectualism, so that lead to:
>distancing oneself away from mainstream stuff, since you were better than that. You had refined tastes, after all. Even if all that amounted to listening to a few classical sounding pieces for a bit, and not being able to recognize them or tell classical apart from neoclassical, at least it was better than listening to whatever pop or rap trash your peers were listening to. It also meant other dumb shit like not playing CoD or Halo or whatever.
and the big one
>rejecting religion, or really, christianity. Just at all times. You're not a "mindless sheeple" after all, you have SCIENCE and INTELLECT. Whenever possible, pick a fight with someone even vaguely religious, because you have to wake him up and show him how intellectual you are.
In general, it was just a "holier than thou" type thing. Even your failing were a sign of superiority. Fat as a walrus, or skinny as a twig? It's because you're an intellectual and all those idiots that care about "sportsball" will end up working for you anyway, so there's no need to get in shape.

>will end up working for you anyway
and fucking your wife while they're at it, but whatever floats your boat, chief

99% of the time I've ever seen people like this is in content made to mock these kinds of people. I remember back in 2013-2015 it was really common to see people shitting on this type of neckbeard, but I had and still never have seen anyone that adequately fits the bill. People still re-use those old tumblr macros (that "boys have swag, men have class" picture for example) and it's quite telling.

Yes neck beards are real people. I thought the same thing as you until I entered uni last year and there are neckbeards WITH fedoras. It was weird to be honest. I think now neckbeard shit is associated with numales which there are an abundance of.
Nerd culture is more for numale fags. Theres nothing wrong with liking stuff but being so faggy about it like basedboys is fucking gay

(Ran out of space)
Now this is just based on my experiences, because I was like that during my teens (couldn't even grow any facial hair, let alone a neckbeard), and while I don't think there was any "community" (I certainly wasn't part of it) I do know that there were other people that fit that overall pattern. I don't know where the hell the m'lady shit came from, or the fixation with anime. I know that Japan was often held as some sort of ideal, probably because of memes from the 80s where the japs were all seen as honorable and wise and the whole bushido thing that "real men" would follow, but if anything it was more about that romanticized perception of the whole of Japan than anime itself.
I wrote that from how "neckbeards" saw the world, you fucking idiot, I'm not saying that's how it is.
It started way before those years. By 2013 I had already grown out of it, and I guess it had died down, beaten down by constant mockery probably. Or perhaps it just mutated into something else. Like I said, if there was any real community, I hadn't found it, so I didn't keep up. Like with all things, though, it's easier to just keep beating a dead horse. You can see it with incels right now. Their reddit thing got deleted and minassian did his thing, and then nothing has really happened since. People still talk about them, and attribute shit to them, it's just how it goes. In a sense, even the whole militant atheism was that. Talking shit about creationists, westboro types, and other such people despite those kinds being largely irrelevant even back then. I recently stumbled on some youtube channel that has like 50 >hour long videos, all about creationists, as if they were some big thing today. It's all just a way to put down people to prop yourself up, despite not really doing anything.

it wont happen until true anonymity is restored
im sry fren - centralisation is an addictive drug to our overlords, who must know our every waking though
the best part is that it is not them who police us, but us onto ourselves though LE WRONGTHING! >:(

im glad i didnt grow up with social media, but got to experience ye olden interwebz

former Fedoric here, I used to be like this when I was 14. It really was just "I am better than you, in all the ways you don't care for" to cope with crippling insecurity and alienation. It's a way to deal with caring too much what other people think about you. For me, at least it was less about the appearance and more about the attitude towards things and the excessive pseudo-intellectualism. I at least knew that I did not know anything about fashion.
Due to all the things you mentioned being incredibly low-hanging fruits people can reach individually, it's clear that there's not really a community and more just a pattern that you tend to notice among people on the internet.

Anyway, I grew out of that when I discovered irony and ironic detachment which allowed me to like things again (even while pretending to not like them) and to have social relationships with some verisimilitude. The downside of that was that I couldn't take anything seriously or even have opinions about things.

And now almost 10 years later I managed to finally become a real human bean.

Having lived through all that, it just is hard to watch the way people act on the internet today, because I recognize all of those patterns in my former selves. I wish I could help other people get their shit together, but it is really hard to make them understand.

>knowing about subreddits

This. I'm convinced every zoomer found this website by using reddit. I never had a reddit account and it wasn't around when I was first here. People who say r/x are the faggots that need to go back.

I don't even understand how reddit works, it's so unintuitive

I miss the daily John threads. Shit was so cash.

>everyone lamenting the death of old internet culture
>not actually doing anything to keep it alive
Since we don't have anything better to do anyway, why don't we try to bring the old spirit back? Let's show the reddit trash that the internet is not for srs business and we are here for he lulz. If you see a thread about poltics, racebaiting, genderbaiting, etc just spam the shit out of it with DESU. Avoid cancerous terminology like "incel", it doesn't belong here.

tldr Let's make our boards silly and lighthearted again!

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>tfw I still have all my pics from 2005-2007 saved somewhere
I save too much shit from this site, they're one of my millions of photos folders.

I remember the early days of YouTube, watching gif complications set to Through the Fire and the Flames and shit like that. It was a simpler time.

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I take the pledge

kek, I've been posting "peanus weanus beanus", "benis :DDDDD" and similar shit on other boards when they get that offtopic shit, and ever since t b h got filtered to desu, I've been regularly ending my posts with desu just for keks. desu.

I have been doing the exact same for years, lol. I just come to this site to have fun and laugh at silly things but usually end up leaving frustrated, desu. Especially since the 2016 elections it seemed like things took a nosedive in quality. But I still manage find some good lighthearted threads every now and then.

This thread just made me realise how incredibly stupid it is for ANONS to be scared of acting "cringe" on an anonymoose board. As a matter of fact, I remember that just a few years ago anyone using the word "cringe" would be outed as a redditor and made fun off.

Nice! I'm going to be doing my best to fight cancer with silliness from now on. Hopefully people will catch on to what I'm doing and join in. Desu

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Same here,tried using that site once because I didnt get the taboo this place had with it ,but I just found it too ugly

desu, i didnt get to experience the old Jow Forums because i was too young. ive always wanted to though. ill try to help bring it back however i can! :D

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I am here since 2011 and it is still fun. Jow Forums is my life.

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>have sex
You're right OP, it'll only get worse since r9k isn't even a robot board anymore.

>boohoo the mean words hurt my fee fees
Back to r*ddit l, cuckboi

This thread will keep on living for a little while

>inb4 le r/ihatemygeneration

Jow Forums should really be removed, all it does is poison other boards when those basement dwellers waddle over to greener pastures

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I made shitty anime gif comps with Linkin Park or Three Days Grace music in the background. It was a simpler time

Europe is dying, user. Will you stand up and fight or lay down like a dog?

Laying down. Im tired user. So very tired.

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no matter what I do you'll hate me for it, so I'll probably do nothing.

t. burger

That's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? You worry too much. People want to be different from others so badly that they will fake it.


peak internet was usenet before eternal september
Jow Forums took /b/'s place ever since /b/ became a fap board and stopped being able to meme. people bitch about Jow Forums like they used to bitch about /b/ so in conclusion, whatever

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imagine thinking old memes were funnythats literally cringe bro you just posted cringe
now if youll excuse me, i need to go back to my discord and post memes about muh dupression and anxiedy

where as the internet used to be a place where you could escape reality it is now simply a mirror of reality. zoomers have had access to fast internet their entire lives now so they don't have filter between real life and the internet. and thus see the internet just as an extension of reality.
the internet is no more about what creativity or niche spaces you can create with anonymity but rather using the internet to try and garner some attention for your real self. the most popular memes are not due to how creative or funny they are but simply how popular they are. there is pretty much no where on the internet anymore that requires you to browse for more than a year before you begin to understand the niche culture of the place. everything is easily accessible and easily digestible. and ad revenue has only propelled this by having places like Jow Forums appeal more to the average person. moderating in this place has become so strict that you have large amounts of people here who have never come into contact with any of the regular old Jow Forums content. most people on blue boards are genuinely shocked by something as tame as non nude loli etc