Why is Antifa so Gay?
Why is Antifa so Gay?
because the future is diverse and lqbt
Is Faggot-Muslim-NiggerPill final pill?
Every one who thinks they should assault another person for their political views is gay
You are bigot if you don't agree we should punch Nazis!
what the fuck is with the Nikes?
>was fighting fascism really worth it?
Its new balance you idiot
>v-violence is bad! You shouldn't ever fight for your way of life! Just let them slowly subvert your culture and destroy you economically!
Good goy
Those degenerates advocating for rope day must be purged from earth.
Antifa are most laid back people and enjoy having good time at concerts!
Christ, even Stalin placed his top officials in cells with serial rapists in gulag, pinkie.
>imagine being so obsessed over commies that you'd draw porn about them
It's not because you're attracted to them, it's because you fear and hate them. Just like poltards that post niggers all day. it's to rage at them, not fap.
Uh I'm pretty sure these are made by antifa themselves. If it was made by their opponents, they wouldn't draw them as Jow Forums ubermensch since they aren't at all IRL
Hardcore faggots are ridiculous. Last time I went to a show there was crowd killing, nbd I'll just avoid them and stay out of the pit. The same dude kept hitting me with his spinning fist dance. So I pushed him away and a bunch of fags all jumped me in nog fashion. Thankfully I made it out unscathed cuz I put one dude in a chokehold and held him as a shield. Then some toastie roastie said I put a kid in a RNC I could've killed him and the crowd killers dindunuffim
mindlessly resort to caveman mentality and pure emotional driven aggression goy
! fuck off you greasy mutt
the same reason there are so many autistic socially awkward neets and outcasts on the far right as well, politics often is a practical application of self interest when people are threatened and do not have any institutional or social power and require some kind of existential validation.
so, antifa is a reaction to fascism. fascists typically hate gay people. surprise, antifa is full of more gays.
Saving this shit on your computer is gay as fuck
Even a lot of the left hates AntiFa methods.
What is good Leftie Antifa college to join?
Evil can only be fought off with violence.
Good is vanquished with deceptions and (((discourse)))
Jeff Goldbluk should have played as Dracula