Interesting times

Interesting times
we live in
donchya say

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I miss these times when women were women, men were men, nazis were the bad ones and commies
and fascists .didn't raise in every corner. I have lost so much since 2015. Friends, relatives, experiences, years of life, health...

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My life is meaningless. I need a gang of hard pipe-hitters to ransack the YT headquarters with.


Funny how contrapoints, three arrows and the others will stat monetized ain't it? It's not like commies never did anything wrong.

Stay mad reactionary edge lord

pushing gays, trans, intersex and immigrants is extreme tho, where's the consistency

They make you think society doesn't care. That, if anything, they're all partaking in the support of the things you listed. But that couldn't be further from the truth. If censorship is a thing by nations and/or by private enterprises that control popular media, then we are nearing an age of darkness. Let the bloodshed continue until utter chaos. Let's just hope some hero gets rid of some fags next. That'll really piss them off.

As long as they remove extreme content from all around (both right and left wing), I'm content with this.

The caustic discourse we've been suffering the past few years has only brought the worst out of everyone.

Tyranny by the majority. If they refuse to listen to people outside their hugbox, I say let it come. We have our own group, and a fence they can't cross either. Watch them cry when everything in their realm goes to shit and ours improves, regardless of whatever propaganda they spew out.

Want to know why countries like Armenia exist? Because Christians in the Middle East were sick and tired of being slaughtered by the Turks.

They've become the oppressor they fought against years ago.

>implying hontratranny isn't an edgelord

Somebody's gotta do something about these kikes oregano

varg got fucked too, feelsbadman.

i uploaded two of his videos here (sorry for shilling):

That's the thing about privatization and the market; they dont have to grant the rights of the constitution, just follow the rules of the law.

Which inevitably means that private platforms that become a major source of communication and information can sensor those platforms however they wish, citing policy of use.

you forgot anti-white racism

Hontrapoints isn't particularly extreme

>Which inevitably means that private platforms that become a major source of communication and information can sensor those platforms however they wish, citing policy of use.

Unless they want Congress to start around with Section 230, no they can't.

You can't on one hand say you're just a platform that can't be held accountable for what anyone does and then on the other censor anyone you want and expect to get away with it.

I was bored in the hospital waiting for my wife to give birth and I downloaded a shit ton of 9/11 conspiracy videos that now looks like a great idea. I absolutely 100% believe the towers were taken down by demolition. but even if they weren't, it's incredibly sad that I can't go to any other platform to see and discuss such things anymore. been on the internet since around 1998/99. what is the point of anything anymore? wish you were still alive for all of this, Bill Cooper, everything you said is true

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They removed everything questioning the "holocaust" conspiracy theory. CODOH's entire channel was banned. ADL (a jewish criminal hate group) is behind it

Basically all that is happening is jews censoring what they dont like. Check the ADL Twitter they take full responsibility

What is extreme is censoring harmless videos, like holocaust skepticism

this is a good thing retards, do you really think racism and shit should be allowed on youtube?
fuck off,

um... hello? do you have a brain? Didn't you study WWII and all the horrible shit that happened to the jews? pls educate yourself.
That thought process in those videos is the very reason millions of people died, those who do not know their history are destined to repeat it.
And we cant have videos like that trying to rewrite history and manipulate it.

Imagine being skeptic about the holocaust just because you saw some frogs online

They can't win the debate so they have to resort to censorship.

Yeah that's retarded

How mant of these books have you read?

You have read a holocaust revisionist book, cover to cover right? Which one was it?

Le'ts see then
>This website is about enlightenment, maturity, and courage
>It requires that the visitor be mature, that is: that he or she is capable of using their own intelligence without the guidance of another.
> it requires courage to open the mind to well-founded, rational
I can count with 0 fingers the number of groundbreaking discoveries or truths unearthed by anyone preaching with this mentality.
Confidently dropped.

I saved a bunch of videos that got taken down so it's alright, most of them are available on other platforms anyway if you're lucky

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Please stop trolling

Jews suffered immensely. They had a very hard time, and nazis did bad things to jews. Nazis were evil

That's not the point. the point is:
- 6 million jews didnt die (good news)
- the "final solution" was a resettlement or deportation policy like the documents claim, not a plan to kill every jew
- no jew died in a nazi gas chamber at the camps. They died of typhus and starvation

Facts are important. Truth is important

Some people believe the holocaust and claim it was a good thing. some jews deny that nazis gassed jews

There is NOTHING wrong with questioning details of the so called "holocaust"

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The website is made by 1 person
The books are written by different people

You're a close minded bigot with no desire for debate. Just accept that you will believe whatever you want even if it is debunked nonsense

Im so tired of all the political extremism
Dont like nazis? Must be a commie
Dont like commies? Must be a nazi
Motherfucker i dislike anyone whos extreme ideas would put me and my fucking freedom at risk. I consider myself a true american. Commies and nazis get the bullet, get the FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY.
They'll never remove the commies though
Nazis are known for the 6 millionz it was blatant killing, so everyone thinks they were the bad guys and the commies werent so bas ignoring the 100 FUCKING MILLION PEOPLE WHO DIED
Fuck commies way more than nazis. They deny the suffering of eastern europeans, they killed 40% of khazakstan, and now normies will tell you its capitalismd fault
Look at any commies, especially plebbit ones, they fetishize the soviet union 101% with the unironic "comrade" and worshipping of genocidal warlords.
The moderate no longer exists in america because the right (especially the extreme) refuses to listen to science and believe they could be wrong and the left is being told by fucking swedes that we need socialism because itll make everything better despite scandinavians paying 18 USD for a big mac because of 80 different taxes
Fuck this stupid ass political strife. I want an america where i dont have to worry about a president making nuclear threats over twitter or democrats trying to make me pay reperations for shit my family was never involved in

>i just want to gas the kikes and hang niggers, why am I so oppressed?

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>communism isn't extreme
Ok bro, practice eating shit cause that's all you're gonna get in your communist utopia.

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That was always banned

Also people against violence got banned

Stop pretending to be retarded please

I'm refering to Jow Forums's retarded victim complex in general, not this instance in particular
I'm sick of your shit

Capitalism = bad isn't exactly a very extreme view, most people can agree on that.

Must be the first not retarded politic post i ever read on Jow Forums

can you read the German language?
If not, why are you making claims about the politics a German politician who exclusively wrote in the German language?
And how do you know whether the people telling you about these things are not lying to you?

Bad in comparison to what?

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>soviet officer
Looks too polish, to me. And you would never make a pole an officer.

I gave it a try to your source and is shit, what else do you want me to do.
Sorry for not being illuminated enough to buy into that crap.

>I'm ok with censoring.
Fuck off you communist nazi scum.

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Its a drawing you autist.

remember, we're better than China because we got freeze peach

Capitalism has glaring flaws sure, as does every system. We'll never get a perfect system, but so far capitalism seems to be working out the best.

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Well, it depends on who you ask, no?
a communist will say "real communism"
a capitalist will say "real capitalism"
a conservative will say "the good old days"
a fascist will say "real fascism"
a neo-monarchist will say "monarchy"

The point is, there's something wrong with the world as it is today, with neoliberal capitalism and everyone knows that. It is just that we've run out of solutions for the problem. We don't know what to do about the issues plaguing our society. Mark Fisher called this "capitalist realism", capitalism is the only thing imaginable, the only reality that could possibly exist.
In my opinion, the only ones offering a satisfying solution are the accelerationists who say "let's make capitalism go faster and faster towards the abyss and see what happens when everything breaks, it can't be much worse than what we have now".

based and underrated opinion

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Then why would someone draw a polish man as a soviet officer. Something doesn't add up, comrade.

That's not a polish man, polish men have round pudgy faces. This officer has typical slav-like face that can be found in any slav country, incuding Poland.

t. polish man

Seriously, i dont care right or left anymore, each side is right and wrong on many things, radical centrism will halt progress, but extremism fucks an entire country. Ive found myself sympathizing more and more with the right recently because they arent even that different than me if they're moderate. Im tired of this extremist slapfighting, its only gonna tear this country apart.

there is no hitler order to exterminate jews. I speak german fine. the image ONLY explains what "deniers" think

I think free and open debate on the holocaust is ok. Either jews were gassed or they werent. Either 6 million died or fewer did.

This should be allowed to be debated. It's the ones who dont want debate on this topic that are ideologically motivated

Which book did you read? Find 1 of the many books, and read it until you find a racism or a lie
Then tell me which book and page

>We'll never get a perfect system
We already got one. It's called national socialism.

>national socialism
Yeah uh nah ill keep my freedom thank you

"Extreme Views" basically boils down to moderate conservatism. It was only a matter of time to be honest, the company is owned by Google for fuck sakes.

Your opinions mean nothing to me, piotr.

They just tired of you wild crackas

This, Rogan was talking about this on his last podcast

When extreme liberals are normal, normal conservatives become extreme. Dark days ahead, fren.

this is just Jow Forumstards chimping out over the removal of holohoax videos and not something that affects sane, rational human beings, correct?

>extreme liberals
Those are socialists and commies trying to get the liberals on their side. Liberals are a fucking BLESSING compared to socialists and commies. Thr obvious solution is to kill every socialist and commie alive

dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed, faggot

I can't imagine why google would want to ban a person like you user

Not even right leaning cucknon, eat shit and fall off your horse. Just because i hate commies and socialists doesnt mean im a fascist, it means i have a brain, but seethe harder.

>a privately owned company is going to remove some videos they don't agree with
Wow companies not letting people say things? Since when? This is an entirely new development and not a return to normalcy since the internet has allowed free speech unlike we've ever had before!
What's next, are TV stations and radios not let people say or do certain things on their programming?

Didn't say you were anything, and it's pretty clear who's seething here dude. Thanks for the (You) anyways

i hope you enjoy your monopoly corporation internet searches when you try to find something but all the results are filled with shit

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I don't think that's gonna happen because Youtube bans racist people desu user

no it doesnt
it only bans white people
anything is fine as long as its against white people

>hurr durr you dont lean my political direction so i hate you but you dont lean any political direction either so ill just call you a centrist hurr durr
Seethe harder

You know you only think that because you only follow right wing accounts
If you follow any of the extreme left wing accounts that advocate for communism and such you'll see that they get banned a lot and complain about them getting banned for x when right wing accounts don't get banned for y
But because you live in an echo chamber you would never think that :)

Is there a good alternative to youtube?
I'm fed up with them, first Mumkey gets terminated and now this?

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>I am very intelligent because I am in the center
>What team am I on? None of them! Haha


Go ahead! You'll come crawling back
They all do!

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>(strawman 2: electric boogaloo)
I never thought about it that way. You've changed me whole world view

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It is happening.
And after many, many years of debate the consensus that has been reached is "the jews were killed using toxic gas, primarily Zyklon B, but also carbon monoxide" and "around 6 million died". These things are accepted as fact and if you do the research properly (and in the German language) and do not cherrypick your information from the people who have ideological motivation to make these claims, you will find that that's the truth.

However, if you are implying that ALL the evidence is not real, you are implying that there has to be a conspiracy that is almost comically powerful. And surely if they can fake something like that, they can also cultivate the arguments of the opposition. Therefore no matter which side you are to take, you are playing into the hands of the conspiracy.

>socialists and commies trying to get the liberals on their side
liberals get the bullet too.

Based and catgirlpilled

atleast we have eachother anons

>What's next, are TV stations and radios not let people say or do certain things on their programming?
How about we just let hotels, restaurants, grocery stores deny service for any reason: political ideology, religion, ethnicity, belief in the holocaust.

That's the natural extension of this

>And after many, many years of debate the consensus

1. the "consensus" is legally enforced. It's a crime to say "nazis did not gas jews" in like a dozen countries
2. There was no debate. Show me the debate
3. Name 1 jew, with undeniable proof, killed in a nazi gas chamber

Only LIES need to be shielded from debate. Truth welcomes it!

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>you are implying that ALL the evidence is not real, you are implying that there has to be a conspiracy that is almost comically powerful.

1. No. The totality of evidence suggests the jews suffered and nazis were evil
But they didnt gas them

2. The "conspiracy theory" is the holocaust narrative itself

A conspiracy that nazis had a secret plan to kill every jew (in all documents referring to this plan as "resettlement" or "deportation" as a secret code word) and implemented it, killing 6m jews + 5m other and mostly destroyed all evidence with mere layers or soil

ANYTHING should be up for debate. "Holocaust denial" does not inherently claim jews are evil. many holocaust believers think "i wish hitler finished the job"
It should be allowed to be debated. It is not "hate speech" to question 6m + gas chambers. It simply is not, even if it happened, it's not "hate" to think it didn't

TRUTH is HATE to those that hate the truth

Why not? What's wrong with that? Why should you be forced to provide a service for someone you don't like? If you don't want to serve them, don't. Just don't expect to get your grubby arthritic jew hands on their money.

Truth does not welcome debate, for there is nothing to debate. The truth is absolute. Lies hide behind debate, twist debate to convince people of their lies.

Just out of curiosity, why do you think the Nazis were evil if you don't believe the holocaust?

I have nothing against re legalizing segregation. But now, discrimination is illegal except against people who are white and think whites have interests

Either allow it all or ban it all. Dont allow it only when it is bad for whites and good for jews

Youtube is private company they can allow or ban whatever they want. If you care so much about flat earther, anti-vaxxers and Jow Forumstards' rights you'te free to use bitchute or any other service to spread your views.

Jews gonna Jew. What else is new?

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>Anything socialism
Die in a fire, pinko faggot.

You legitimately sound like this:

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>youtube is a private company, you don't have a right to anything shitlord!
>everyone has a right to healthcare, the government needs to bring private hospitals and practices in line!
? ? ?
just fyi basically everything that is now a government entity used to be a private enterprise, roads, bridges, agriculture, etc

Not him, but isn't that the entire justification you turds give for the absurd gay cake and chicken burgers place things? Namely, that private businesses can support whatever beliefs they want.

He is not wrong in that pic. If there is demand for a completely free twitter then make your own. The demand will keep it afloat. If enough people do not like the government then they can rise up or in a democracy, vote for change. The problem is that the extremists are hardly a fraction of the majority so no one cares.

1 cake maker isn't the entire market, user. It's meaningless to compare when things like google or youtube are so ubiquitous. You can reasonably find a different cake maker, there are no reasonable alternatives for google or youtube.

But that's not wrong. You're not entitled to jack shit. Are you really so much of a brainlet you assume anyone who doesn't share your ideology HAS to be a sjw tranny caricature?

The internet is a human right, you're absolutely entitled to it, and youtube/twitter are a huge portion of the internet. Deal with it faggot.

But they're the exaxt same thing under US law. That is, unless you want the governmet to declare the internet a public utility, but that idea didn't really gain traction, did it?

This is only because the internet is relatively new, legal policy hasn't caught up to it yet, it's very obvious that the internet needs to be a public utility to some degree, sort of like what Japan does would be good.

Fyi, the federal govt has already given billions to ISPs to lay down cable, it's at the very least subsidized.

No, you deal with it, you disingenious cunt. I guess the "socialism" part of your creed is the most important after all.

Fuckers need to realize that NAZBOL is where its at