He only goes to work for the paycheck

>he only goes to work for the paycheck

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>his penis isn't locked in chastity

>unironically liking your job

Jokes on you I actually love my job.

>he doesnt enjoy selling his labor

This is why you're a virgin incel

I see no problem with this so long as the paycheck is HUGE and shared with me

>not having chosen a career that gives you joy
it's like you're a passionless slob with no ambition
glad to hear user

>a career that gives you joy
Any tips on how to find a career that doesnt make me miserable every day?

>it's like you're a passionless slob with no ambition
I have passion and ambition, but following them won't make me any money. None of my hobbies or interests would make me a dollar.

Currently i am a programmer. I used to love programming but after getting paid to do it for a few years i honestly hate it

>Any tips on how to find a career that doesnt make me miserable every day
>None of my hobbies or interests would make me a dollar.
Then get some that would. There is some advice.

>Any tips on how to find a career that doesnt make me miserable every day?
>None of my hobbies or interests would make me a dollar.
You have to bite your lip and step out of the risk free comfort zone. I chose grad school in physics instead of working in the industry, which while I took a hit to the money, I really love it and it's really great to have work out there that like 50-100 people really care about.

>spending 25% of your week doing something you unironically dislike

I don't know how to just become interested in things i don't like

>comfort zone
I am not in my comfort zone. NEET is my comfort zone. i am employed, i just wish i knew how to not hate my life when i am not NEET beyond
>"lol just enjoy it dude"

Like i said i am a programmer. I used to enjoy this activity, but now i hate it.

>having such a boring life that wageslaving is an improvement

Double yikes

I double majored in math and CS in university, so yes, I understand what programming responsibilities entail. I focused on theory though.

Like I said, you have to bite your lip and pursue it. Surely somebody out there is making money off of it. What is it exactly that you can't make money off of?

>not being born rich and interesting
into the trash dot jpeg

>all jobs are wageslaving
joke's on your user, I get paid to study and write my stupid thoughts down on paper

>What is it exactly that you can't make money off of?
I like fitness. I am pretty fat and weak (bad muscle building genes) so nobody would listen to me just looking at me.

Also i am interested in science and history but i only care about writing about controversial subjects since those are the only ones you can't just go on wikipedia and get all the most accurate answers to

>bite your lip and pursue it
I do, in my free time. It's just not something that i could make money from

Hence, i work (sell my labor) which generally makes me miserable. Not sure what alternative there is except trade my youth away and just retire early then pursue my passions.

I gave up trying to get a gf. There's no point for me, i will never be happy unless i am NEET and i can't get a gf that way since i'd only ever be good as a beta provider

>enjoying making some kike more rich
this is how I know you're a sheep stupid and a bitch

I know right. They should pay in gf but hookers are illegal. Just another reason I don't werk.

train hard until you find yourself a body you like, and then make a living as personal trainer by telling people what you did. Do fundraising events. Invest in a gym
>science and history
What controversial topics?
You still haven't told me what it is that your hobby is

>enjoying making some kike more rich
I work in a co-op and also as a unionized worker. Feels good man.

yea because there's someone out there who loves their work so much that they're willing to do it for free.

If my employer paid for my room and board I would do my job for free.

>choosing passion over money
this is why you are poor and why you will stay poor.

Do females actually have a daddy fetish?

>train hard until you find yourself a body you like, and then make a living as personal trainer by telling people what you did. Do fundraising events. Invest in a gym
I have low test from drug enduced hypogonadism

I lifted for a year straight and was still basically dyel

I had to quit going to the gym since it was causing me sleep issues, making me too exhausted for work. Employment is incompatible with health for me

>What controversial topics?
Holocaust and race. I've been interested in these subjects for over 10 years, before Jow Forums ever existed

>You still haven't told me what it is that your hobby is
Pursuit of truth and positively influencing the world

I want to stay healthy while i do this, but... this employment thing is slowly destroying my health

I was NEET for a year and it was great. If i could go back to that i'd be happy. that's why i want to retire early

Has anyone got the male equivalent of this wojak meme? Preferably a chad one.

youre a loser at heart and will always be one.

If you're not the owner of your organization then they profit off of you. Profit is slavery for the gullible. It'd be worth it if we had anarchist capitalism but that devolved into neofeudalism where in you have the same old ethics imposed to only the poor as it was with actual feudalism. After all money was invented for kings to take advantage of peasants.

It should not feel good that kings get escorts today and yesterday had mistresses yet backpage gets taken down. You don't know what you're even doing do you?

Also, your attempt at humble bragging, consider it negated.

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>he doesn't understand what the word slavery means

>he thinks he knows what slavery is
Enjoy your illusion of actual freedom. Even slaves had options. Or rather, HAVE options.

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I'm sorry, I know you deserve better

I hope you can find someone who works in what he's passionate of.

enjoy your illusion of seeing through the illusion when in reality you just don't understand the meaning of basic words, due to poor education

Ok. Thanks for the opinion then

>juvenile retards saying just pick a job you love, other nonsense
>boomers acting like it's lovely to be a slave

>this closed minded drivel

>>The tool is happy thefefore it cannot be a slave.

Ok kid.

I mean, that's part of it, as well as it being low labor and just a cool thing to do.
Plus, I'm basically self employed, so I can work whenever I want or need to.

Wow, I just realized that I am a slob with no fire in my belly. I'm attractive physically, but man...

Not him, but does it make a difference if the tool is happy?

lol imagine having a job

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there is no job that i could get ever that i would find enjoyable
so i just do well paying trade work while wandering around homeless

>tfw don't even care about the money I just go so people stop complaining at me