Why isn't there a white pride month?
Why isn't there a white pride month?
because whites havent been in control for a long time now
Pride events are for minorities to feel better about themselves. When the dominant majority expresses pride in who they are the minority take it as an insult to them.
Every month is white pride month
>being proud of being white
Imagine being so pathetic that you take pride in your skin color instead of your ancestry/lineage.
It's usually any month that isn't February.
Pretty sure I've never heard of a black pride month either, unless you count black history month which is literally just about black history and culture.
In my opiniom, it makes more sense to be proud of being Italian, Irish, Scottish, Czechoslovakian or something. American niggers don't know what part of Africa their slave ancestors came from. That's why they have "black pride" instead of Nigerian pride or whatever. As for Hispanic/Latino pride, that's more of an ethnicity thing than a race thing.
Also, fuck this nu-Captcha. I had to do 6 fucking pages of it. I miss legacy Captcha.
celebrating pride while also being on top of the social hierarchy is just gloating.
>unless you count black history month which is literally just about black history and culture.
black history month is such bullshit. why segregate history and black history? why can't it all just be history? fuck.
>Also, fuck this nu-Captcha. I had to do 6 fucking pages of it. I miss legacy Captcha.
fucking SAME.
write post > press tab > type in a six-digit code > press enter. was that really so hard? goddamnit the internet just gets worse and worse. I mean, on the bright side, you don't have to solve nu-captcha every single time, both because it ghosts out for a limited period of time and because sometimes the green check appears automatically, but still, that's unreliable and all it does it get in the way
>be CEO of massive tech company
>have your designated driver float you around a poor city in a bugatti
>shouting "1 PERCENT REPRESENT" the whole way through
>money constantly shooting out of your exhaust pipe, leaving a trail of $1 bills in your path
>people get mad at you
>"dude why can't I also be proud of who I am?"
Because thats fucking stupid
Be proud of your specific heritage, not some shitty blanket term
That's a retarded analogy you dumb nigger.
Because having tiny dicks ain't nothing to be proud of
Because I report the fuck outta you Nazis.
yeah true. fucking had to write this a billion times due to r9gay's whole "lol not original" filter
Yep, you're entirely correct. Black pride, white pride, who gives a fuck? There's nothing to be proud of. "Hey guys my skin is a certain shade, I'm so proud of myself!"
Yeah, I agree. There's no need to be proud over the color of your skin, it's literally just pigmentation of the skin, like whupteedoo who cares?
Black pride month exists because unironically people feel bad for them so they make shit like this so it makes them feel a bit better
>be you
>be faggot
>frequent >>/lgbt/
>shoot SJW talk out of ass about why "le money = bad"
>be hypocritical retard that thinks whites being racist against blacks is bad but is racist towards whites
>decide to post on r9gay like a retard about it when you realize no one gives a fuck
You can't be racist towards whites, baby
>Implying being white is better/whites get any benefit out of being white
There is, it's the other 11
I hate how I cant pick up signals when people are being ironic on here. Like your probably joking but for the life of me I cant tell