Be in elementary school

>be in elementary school
>do good on a test and be identified as gifted
>to poor to go to special gifted school
>stay at regular school but get to have my own Individual Education Plan
>supposed to do regular school shit like science projects and essays on classic literature
>don't do any of that shit because IEP
>allowed to make all my work about video games and cartoons
>only graded work were speeches to the class about my favorite video games and cartoons
>they let me grade myself and I gave myself an A every time
>even let me stay inside every recess to play computer games
>this is how they let me educate myself
>don't know if this is all even allowed (by the school board's rules or whatever) but this is what they did anyway
>fast forward
>drop out of high school because work is to hard
>don't know math or how to read and stuff
>fast forward again
>am 25 year old virgin NEET who can't hold a conversation in anything other than video games or cartoons
>mfw not even gifted, score under 80 on every IQ test I take

People say you have only yourself to blame but I directly think it's the school's fault I turned out this way. I was just a child. They shouldn't have given me this much control.

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Brush you were just a special ed kid they lied to. The school and your parents knew that you weren't gifted lmao

>Individual Education Plan
>allowed to make all my work about video games and cartoons
>Score under 80 on every IQ test i take
op, how couldnt it be more obvious

Actual teacher here. Sounds like you fell prey to BOOMERS.
>user sure is smart
>but he can't afford big brain school
>he sure loves computers and his TV
>computers and media, that's big money work of the future!
>computers are too newfangled for me, so I'll let him pull himself up by his bootstraps
And thus you were abandoned. Children need structure and without it you were consumed by your impulses. Your potential has been wasted and the educational system claims another victim.
Or, far more likely, you've been a drooling retard this entire time and just figured it out.
I've seen both of these scenarios play out and I've only been in this shitheap of a profession a few years.

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I hope this is bait. You've been in a special education class for retarded kids and hadn't realised it. Guess you really are a retard.

I'm pretty sure I'm not literally retarded. I just don't see me being retarded. I did a good job on the actual work I did do.
Step 1. Child is identified as possibly needing special education and related services.
"Child Find." The state must identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state who need special education and related services.
I'm so sorry OP, you got played hard

>The purpose of this guidance is to assist educators, parents, and state and local educational agencies in implementing the requirements of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regarding Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for children with disabilities, including preschool-aged children. (This guide does not address the development of Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) for infants and toddlers.)
It's alright, user, you're too dumb to realise you were dumb.

"Disability" doesn't mean literally retarded. They explained it to me when I pointed it out on my files. I was just someone who "needed" special treatment. I'm not retarded.

what I mean is, IEP is a special ed program for kids determined to have learning disabilities

the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA.

The IDEA requires certain information to be included in each child's IEP. It is useful to know, however, that states and local school systems often include additional information in IEPs in order to document that they have met certain aspects of federal or state law. The flexibility that states and school systems have to design their own IEP forms is one reason why IEP forms may look different from school system to school system or state to state. Yet each IEP is critical in the education of a child with a disability.

>"Disability" doesn't mean literally retarded. They explained it to me when I pointed it out on my files.
>They explained it to me
They wouldn't want to make you feel bad

You got a typical retard treatment. If you aren't mentally handicapped, you're an autist with cognitive impairment or something of that sort. Only vidya and cartoons, and grading yourself, lmao.
Talented kids usually get loaded as shit, at least where I live, get harder assignments, and are encouraged to take additional lessons.

Or I'm not retarded. Even if I were retarded, wouldn't mommy or daddy set me up for disability or something? I'm having trouble getting a job. Should I talk to this about this? I'm seriously scared.

>you're an autist with cognitive impairment or something of that sort

I just don't relate to 90% of autism symptoms. I may be socially retarded, but I can read people well and I've never engaged in self-harm. I may have "autistic" interests, but I don't have the autist focus if you know what I mean. Maybe if they really did think I was autistic I was misdiagnosed. I wish I had enough money to see a psychiatrist. I'll ask my parents about this later.

Just because it's covered under IDEA doesn't mean it's always about disabilities.

IEPs are for students with "special needs". Usually that does mean some sort of mental disability, however highly gifted students also have special needs, if the normal curriculum is not appropriate for them.

You should talk to your parents about this, they agreed with the school
gifted students usually get more coursework atleast thats how it works in the US, usually it is implied that the standard learning curriculum moves too slow for them

Well, do see a psychiatrist, he'll resolve it for you.
>Talented kids usually get loaded as shit, at least where I live, get harder assignments, and are encouraged to take additional lessons.
I say this as a kid who got identified as gifted and went to a normal school, btw. Teachers would pester me with work all the time, give me harder tasks than my peers, ask me to participate in competitions, and berate me for slacking off. It's the kiddos who teachers think are dumb that get left to their own devices, since they're considered hopeless.
Maybe in Murrica smart kids get the European retard treatment, that'd be funny as fuck.

Maybe they're in denial. My parents refused to believe my brother was retarded for the longest time, even when that was obvious.

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OP here again

>try to talk with mom
>"you're not retarded user stop worrying"
>tell her I want to see a psychiatrist
>"You don't need to see one you're fine"

that's it

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You should've never made this OP, user. This ones goes into a thread compilation, for sure.

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>this one
Quick fix.

you're 100% right, those teachers were fucking retarded. no amount of intelligence can make up for having no discipline, no discipline means you can't use any of that intelligence.

but now your life is in your hands. it's hard to do but you can train yourself and become a little more conscientious every day.

it's not too late, user.

well why the fuck do you care about what your mom thinks about it? she obviously doesn't care for your well being