Man....this sure is weird. I really don't have any explanations for it.
Man....this sure is weird. I really don't have any explanations for it
finally a true stat showing that women today can't even be celibate if they wanted to
Its explained by basic math. Women are to smart to be celibate, whilsts men have become retarded because of video games
Aaaaand the real, nontroll graph:
The explanation is that the graph is fake and gay.
This feels extremely fake. Primarily because "celibacy" isn't really a term that you'd expect to see in an actual study.
Could be wrong though, I'd need a citation to know for sure.
>muh videogames
based boomer retard
The video gamer genetics have destroyed most of your generation
Based trips confirming that this is weak bait
>standard MS Excel graph formating
I can't take these seriously
>to smart
I need citation on all this shit
It's OP's ass.
Estimated using what data?
Even your "nontroll" graph is still pretty damning for the whores known as women in current year. If it is true of course.
>est 0% of women are celibate
>for multiple years even
yeah, sounds fucking legit
Reminder that the collapse of marriage has had a severe negative effect on the reproductive success of introverted men
This is why most white guys are going gay now. Nobody likes whores.
Fortunately, weak introverted men will be eliminated from the gene pool and society will improve.
What collapse of marriage? When did that happen?
You don't understand user. Stacey clearly isn't a virgin, so by induction one can infer that there are no virgin women left.
>marriage is bad, don't get married
>the collapse of marriage is bad, let's cry about that
I just don't get you people.
Basically lines up with poverty. The higher it goes, the fewer men can purchase sex; and the more women literally whore.
Strong introverted men are also suffering because of this
By many different metrics the rate of marriage participation and children born in wedlock have deminished to about half of what was typical in the 50s for America
Don't put words in my mouth
Marriage is maybe the most important institution in western society
Or atleast it was for an extremely long time
Your post is funny because it accepts the blackpill (genetic determinism) but at the same time tries to blame men by claiming their celibacy is the result of their behavior which they have control over ("introverted")
Which one is it?
Or are you claiming personality is genetic?
Seems like everything is how it's supposed to be. Males are providers, they are supposed to compete against other males for females, territory, resources. Where there is a winner there is a loser. Females are comforters, they try their best to find the best males and have to share them among themselves since males have the actual power. This is why every females gets a male, while only the top males get females. This moves the species forward, the evolution of the Y chromosome, battle hardened, smarter, etc.
It's just that current society allows bottom feeding (mainly white) males to prosper, since their Daddy State will give them security, a job, etc.
At least now, with the female sexual revolution, and video game toys keeping them in a life long child lifestyle, they are dropping out of the actual society and again alpha males are one again relevant.
All there is left is for the bottom feeders cry on the internet because of "muh whores won't give me sex" while they go extinct and the gene pool becomes stronger.
Marriage was important back when marriage was the primary way of gaining wealth and titles. Now that people marry mostly for love, it's become far less important. Sure, it's probably still important to some religions, but that's just religion for you - anything can be their "sacred event".
>no sex in prior year
>prior year
Doesn't mean anything unless it's "no sex, ever", dumbfuck.
Lol at battle hardened. This argument fails because women with garbage genetics can reproduce just as easily as men with top quality genetics, since men will fuck absolutely anything. The gene pool remains polluted.
No, it means exactly what it says. No sex in prior year. Dumbfuck.
I know what it means retard. I'm saying that "no sex in prior year" is meaningless if you're a whore who had sex at any other point.
Stable pair bonding and child rearing will always be important for any advanced society
We can clearly see the consequences of children raised in unconventional family structures and those raised within the nuclear family
This new-age idea that marriage is outdated is extremely damaging to our society
I mean, it's all new age, I don't believe that what you're seeing is a clean experiment where you can clearly state what exactly is causing what. Besides, believe what you want, but the world will move on without you, so you can either get with the times or get left behind.
The prime females will birth and raise prime males. The bottom females will birth and raise bottom feeders who will not reproduce, which is happening right now.
>society literally organizing to eliminate white people en masse
>white males are allowed to succeed so easily!
Back to jidf where you came from kike
>states his own opinion
>tries to pass it off as a fact
Your messages are too stupid to ever be perceived as true, user. Step your game up.
>Too pure to pay a hooker
>The bottom females will birth and raise
Exactly. The natural selection argument fails because ugly women continue to breed
1) Don't believe things just because they're presented to you in an easily digestible infographic and align with your views. This chart has basically no information.
2) A 5 second google search shows the guy actually published a correction to these 'highly reliable' stats
>5 second google
Why would I question my own world view when I could instead spend that time feeling angry and righteous?
basically the only two traits associated with above replacement level reproduction is low IQ and religiosity (the religious people are not associated with low IQ here)
We live in a social structure that will become highly stratified and polarized between these two groups and I know what horse I'm gonna support in this
How does the gene pool improve by becoming less introverted? Be specific
Yeah, it's always about weak introverted videogame addicts instead of just, like, not wanting a gf. Do you guys seriously think you are superior or something for following what you call "human nature"?
Everything is, in the end.
There are little to no celibate women because men would fuck anything, lol
Even if a literal female retard with a propeller hat on came up to a dude and went "DURRR, WANNA DO SEX??" while drooling they probably wouldn't say no
it's a learned behaviour you facile retard
Introversion is mostly heritable. It has a strong genetic component
Most inventors were introverts though. That person is just trolling.
Hypergamy != eugenics
baby boomers created good times,
good times create weak men,
we can all agree that there are lots of distractions for modern men now that previous generations did not have,
videogames and the internet porn for example,
we can all see that jump in 2010 which is around the time porn video streaming sites really took off.
Video games actually make you smarter because they contain logic puzzles.
>I really don't have any explanations for it.
women are naturally inclined towards harems, as our past dictated that females would gather around the strongest male in the hopes of having a good pussy so that there would be a chance that said male would protect them
its the same as to how women can be "lesbian" - 1 male with x amount of females means that the females would naturally start copulating with eachother when not being favoured by their "alpha" male
this changed with civilisation. "beta" males were given the chance to continue their lineage with societal enforced rules of monogamy. men chased women as women could only have / choose 1 partner for life.
sexual "revolution" happened, and internet dating appeared
women could revert to their genetic predisposition of harems while "beta" males were excluded - yet civilisation still exists. the collapse is imminent
>the collapse is imminent
Yeah, keep dreaming. No amount of your anger or resentment is going to have any effect on civilization at large.
>keep dreaming
i dont need to - all i have to do is use my work experience (finance) coupled with a look into current technological advancement and societal zeitgest to see that moral civilisation is collapsing, and being replaced by anarcho-capitalist, slanneshi-esque globalism
Who are they in a relationship with, if women/men are pretty much 1:1, even with a slight favor for women? You mentally impaired autists are always hiding behind meme graphs. Enjoy being genetic dead ends
>Who are they in a relationship with
no-one - the graph points out celibacy not relationship status
keep shitposting roastie shill
>Hypergamy != eugenics
It can be, though. Pic related is probably one of the reasons we can use computers.
There will be no place for you to learn it from soon, incel. Rejoice!
Two different people said that. Also, not an argument. The problem is you.
>more successful
kek its as if civilisation and monogamy just didnt exist!
>It can be, though. Pic related is probably one of the reasons we can use computers.
Yes theoretically it can be
but it actually isn't today because of the welfare state.
Also intelligence & brain size have dropped since the stone age, so your pic actually doesn't support your position. further, IQ is dropping throughout the west
IQ is dropping throughout the west because we're being invaded by sub 100 IQ nogs
1 + 1 = 2 user
Not just the West, it's dropping in China as well due to high IQ women focusing on their education and careers.
so basically fuck the extroverted guys who got fucked over hard and are now introverted to all hell
no wonder there are so many incels
2012 is the year tinder appeared and exploded taking over other dating apps.
If only that were true. It's not that simple unfortunately. Drops have been shown in countries that have undergone little to no third world migration such as Finland and Estonia, and the extent of the declines in other countries cannot be explained by solely by low IQ migration. There have also been genetic studies on native ethnic Europeans that have shown a decline in the frequency of alleles associated with high educational attainment (a proxy for genetic intelligence) and other cognitive abilities.
>IQ is dropping because people are getting more educated
Jesus Christ user, do you have a single-digit IQ or something?
Source: trust me these studies exist and are real
Why do you have to turn this into a personal attack?
>muh weak introvert men should be flushed from the gene pool
>look at black ghetto
>women have at least 3 kids
Right. Gene pool preservation.
If high IQ people dont reproduce it lowers IQ. Like if only short people reproduced, and tall people instead got educated and careers, then future generations would be shorter
nonsense, it all depends on environment and education.
>intelligence & brain size have dropped since the stone age
interesting video about this from the recent London Conference on Intelligence:
Quit trolling
Heritability of adult IQ is 70-90%
There is no environment/education that would have allowed you to score 160 on an IQ test. Accept reality
>A 1954 study found that 24 of the 28 (86%) children in the New York public school system who had an IQ of 170 or higher were Jewish.[7]
Not surpising that a group that is heavily inbred and also had strong selective pressures for intelligence scored high.
That study is over a half century old though, but i do acknowledge a high median IQ for ashkenazi jews due to genes
Women were raised to embrace their sex and become full on whores and sluts whole men were taught to keep their dicks in their pants and not risk offending or harassing women. Our culture literally taught men to be cucks and everyone is fine with it
>Aaaaand the real, nontroll graph:
What's funny is that the real graph is bad enough if you think about it, no need for completely moronic fakes.
The fake dick size graphs are still funny.
>the guy actually published a correction to these 'highly reliable' stats
And the correction was?
90% of the cheese gets eaten by the top 10% of the fattest Americans
>what is multiple women being shared by one guy
>what is lesbianism
>what is bestiality
>this confuses the normie
>baby boomers created good times
although this addresses all sex, how can i be expected to maintain a monogamous pairing (which empirically leads to more sex) when, no matter how good i may be, a replacement is a few clicks and a date away?
Ahhh, that's a retarded fucking quote. Blaming men, yet again, for women being fucking whores. How about the world fucking step up for a change, huh? There never were any good times, men just realized the world hated them and stopped giving a shit about it.
The attached screenshot you brainlet
>Graph still shows a huge gap between males and females
Wow, incels truly btfo. Guess I have no choice but to be a feminist now.
Which have no application in real life. Whereas leaving your house to communicate with other people would
How many people were surveyed to get those results?
What kind of mental gymnastics are these, I cheat because Tinder exists? If you don't trust your partner you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place.
NIce to know this is just a incel bait tread
Its says Population so Im guessing he just compile diferent data from public records and made the graph
The effects of playing video games have been shown in studies to have positive applications in real life.
>every femoid has quick and easy access to Chad's dick through her phone
>society has been pushing degeneracy for decades
>females as a general thing, don't really plan ahead
How strange!
Women are picking men based on dick size and height. Not iq
kek, to be honest, degradation is the other half in cucks fetishists
2014 was a great year. That's when the mandatory raping of celibate women was established.
Its almost impossible to die of natural selection anymore, women pick men who are the best at peacocking not surviving. One requires a high iq, the other does not.