Suicide methods with household/ easily accessible items thread

Suicide methods with household/ easily accessible items thread.
>Concernfags NOT welcome.

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Bathtub plus toaster

pics timestamp or stream my dude. Otherwise rope yourself, blow your brain, put a knife in your throat you can get creative.

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The breaker will flip before any damage is done. Or the fuse will burn.

Just get a steak knife from the drawer and start cutting pussy

Cut what? rtcrtea545tgcxeaR

You want to escape huh?

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Get this shit, tie a hinch on one side and throw the other, the one with the adaptors, over the door. Note you will have to be standing on the side where you need to push and not pull to open the door. Close the door by pulling it, trapping the wire betwwen the upper side of the door and its frame. Now get on a stool, pull the hinch over your head, zip tie your hands behind your back. Now be careful, you thought i was gonna kick the stool away right? No. Try carefully to unzip yourself and pull the hinch off your neck and get down safely. Chances are, you will probably slip while doing and will die without going through the struggle of second thoughts. Enjoy safely

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that wire will just break off they arent that well secured inside.

Look up exit bag

no escape. life was the easy part

Find a small room like a bathroom and put a wet towel at the bathroom jam and light a charcoal grill inside. Sit on the floor with your back on the wall - you will avoid most of the smoke while still getting the carbon monoxide. Leave a note on the door, as the monoxide can kill the person finding you.

Is this right, robots?

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step on lego

fukin epic

I had a plan to collect apple seeds and then crush them up and eat them when I had 250. It would give me a while to think about if I wanted to go through with it or not.

Nur9k is gonna get that thread deleted robot.

Salt if you can keep it down if you do like an entire liter will make your blood coagulate to the point of being congealed.

They put oxygen in it.
>there's helium shortage
My ass.


Also, the only real way is slashing the wrists in the bathtub or hanging self from a sturdy door by a belt. You can hang yourself just sitting with your ass hovering enough that your legs won't save you when you thrash involuntarily.

Honestly hanging is the best way to do it.
t. work in a morgue.

Ethanol + Painkillers

Just dive off your house head first

hot tub + cut yourself down the length of your forearm. Also there were some pills but I forgot their name that made you bleed even more but i cbb to google them.

A lot of vodka and a very high place?

What makes you say this? Apparently it's quite easy to fuck up.

Jumping is usually the easiest but people avoid it because it's pretty fucking permanent. Overdosing seldom works but people try it a lot because some part of them hopes they'll be found and saved. I'm going to jump soon. Even picked a nice location near me.

Paperclip + wet fingers (Spit, water etc) + Socket

There you go, ypu just have to put the paerclip with one hand into the socket and with the other you grab something groundet (ground of the sockte)

thats it

Based bots

Good luck lad on your last trip

breaker will trip brainlet

get a short but very sharp knife, one meant for stabbing not cutting, and locate cartoid artery
its under your ear and by the crook of your jawline
then when ready give it a nice stab and hopefully a bit of sideways motion to fully rupture it
key here is that it has to be your cartoid, as opposed to your jugular, otherwise you will spent 10 minutes bleeding out rather than 10 seconds

Theres a method that works and requires nothing literally.. just stop fucking eating and watch it happen 100% success rate my man.

no way i could fuck that up thanks!

>Attentionwhoring with "I wanna kill myself shit"
>While there are millions of guides for household suicide methods
Fucking google it

Has anyone got the website with random tidbits? Something something / (really vaguely remember, didn't chronicle it)?

Attached: they dont think it be like it is.jpg (523x720, 127K)

>stop eating
>get hungry
There literally are not faggot. Most of it is stealh suicide prevention shit designed to dissuade you.. Most shit you'll find in search engines will be that.

sleep under the sun for a few hours
doesn't matter if it's on grass or concrete just fucking do it

the one in pic looks fairly thick, and in my experience they tend to be pretty robust if you get ones rated for a high wattage = thicker gauge wire. you could always just double up if you have one long enough

Just get a tie put it around your neck and pass the rest of the tie over the door then use your weight to hang yourself

I did a little illustration just for you

Attached: fag.jpg (626x474, 16K)

put a belt around your neck and throw the other side over a sturdy door, close it, lock it, jump from stool. Or just tie the belt around the knob and sit down until everything fades to black. i tried the latest but woke up, so I wouldn't recommend it if you want to make sure you're gonna leave

I think thats the best way to do it. You supposedly go unconscious really quickly if you empty out your lungs before putting the bag on and then inhaling deeply once its on. Plus, you don't feel like youre out of breath if you do stay conscious long enough to experience having the bag on

I dont know how true this stuff is since I cant ask people who actually went through with it. Seems legit tho

If you end up eating then your resolve to die was not strong enough.

how did it feel. And why did it fail?

literally your closest bridge... I dont get why suicide fags have to ask how to kill themselves. You know how, now go do it.

Bridges above roads? I can just do that from the top of my building. But its scary.

lost a buddy this way...

I didn't feel anything, one moment I was listening to jesus christ by brand new and suddenly everything went dark, no pain, no nothing, then I woke up back here again, belt was still around my neck and the door knob, so I'm not sure what happened.

Not a concernfag, just letting all of you know that you shouldn't ever use paracetamol overdose as a suicide method, your death will take many days and will be excruciatingly painful.

how exactly did you secure the belt from both ends? (your neck and doorknob)

The internal jugular vein. If you cut it right you're pretty much doomed in a matter of minutes.

i used a military belt, tightened it around my neck just a bit so that when I sat down on the floor it would fully tighten and tied the other end on the knob using a bowline knot