Whats the craziest thing that happened in your school
Whats the craziest thing that happened in your school
I didn't pay attention to what other people were doing
A kid was being bullied, he made a kill list as a joke, then one of the bullies found it and tattled to his mom, then it became a whole thing. It even got on the news.
I think the kill list kid left for a few years and then came back. I became friends with him, he was pretty cool except he was kind of mean.
please go back to le reddit or instagram or what ever shitty zoomer social media site you came from.
a [race omitted] kid hit a teacher
wtf?!?!?! white people really are the worst!!!
yeah, fuck that teacher thinkin she could talk back to a KANG
Someone was stabbed in the ass since, it happened as they were trying to run away and the guy missed
Guy brought a gun to be edgy
It was loaded, he didn't know
He accidentally shot a guy, left him on a wheelchair
Robot/loser kid got beatup. Bully was friends (pretty sure she wanted his dick) with literature teacher who saw and went to break it up but instead of grabbing bully she grabbed and pinned loser kid while yelling at him. While loser kid is unable to defend himself, Bully kid runs up and wops him really hard knocking loser kid out of teachers arms. Loser kids head bounces off tile floor and he immediately makes this gargling noise goes into seizure. Teacher, while yelling at him to stop "throwing a fit", picks him up again while he is having full grand mal seizure, and of course, he pees on her. She yells "ew" and drops him AGAIN on his head, now his nose is violently bleeding and this time even bully realizes something bad has happened. Loser kid becomes paraplegic, family too poor to afford good wheelchair, so he has to use obese people hand-me-down chair that is too big to wheel up to cafeteria tables; so he has to eat alone in vice principles office. Bully goes to a group home for a week and is let off. Loser kid loses rest of friend group and today works at a drive through convenience store back where I used to live. Bully kid is a big dick tattoo artist on south beach now.
Thank you user. I've been doing my final lurking session before I killed myself and you convinced me to fucking pull the trigger. Thanks for the shitposts lads.
Loser kid actually lives an okay life now. He seems content with how things turned out.
Some black kid evaded the school security guards and left the grounds. He got ran over while jaywalking across the street (it's never busy during school hours, only in the morning and when school lets out, so I'm guessing he walked out in front of a car like an idiot).
Someone spread a rumor that he died in the hospital and it got reported on the local news. His parents got pissed and they had to tell everyone he wasn't dead.
The black kids were the ones doing all the dumb shit, I remember on my first day there some blacks were fighting in the courtyard and security got involved. They also generally just disobeyed teachers and would walk out of class sometimes instead of getting off their phones, and chased each other in the halls shoving other people into walls and shit.
They did some cool stuff sometimes though, one guy brought a USB with Halo 1 on it and everyone in class downloaded it to their school laptops and played each other.
On two separate occasions involving different people. Someone pulled a gun on someone else.
Guy got a girl pregnant and then pushed her down the stairs so she had a miscarriage.
My fatass broke a chair once
Some dude shat in another dude's bag.
Someone burned it to the ground; the fire started near a storeroom full of the solvents, and it went up like a torch.
a gurl jumped off the roof and died
two sheboons started a fight at lunch one day, i was standing in line at the vending machine when it happened and there was this 5'1 black kid in the front. i turned around to look at the fight for a couple seconds, then i turned back around and somehow that 5'1 black kid climbed on top of the vending machine. to this day i do not know how he did it, maybe it was his blackness hops idk
this girl that got expelled from another school transferred and within a week got expelled from my school too. she grabbed some boy and shoved him into a glass display case. this shit happened directly over my head because I was sitting on the floor talking to someone else, I didn't get hurt but it was loud as hell and glass flew everywhere. she told me & the other witnesses that she would stab us if we ratted out to her. once the principal called me in to ask me questions I wrote in as much detail as possible how she did it and also what she said to us. I was grumpy that this shit interrupted my day
There was some psycho girl in my class, always throwing tantrums, and during a school concert, her mom's chair broke and the mom yelled "OOOF". A bunch of people got up to help and she was completely fine, but the psycho girl started screaming "MOM" and ran down from the stage and it took several minutes to get her to come back so the concert could continue.
This was in ~10th grade by the way, not elementary school or something.
Did the bitch got at least fired (in your imaginary story ofcourse) ?
A group of prefects in the boarding house held down a year 8 kid and shat on his face. The kid left the school and had to go for extensive therapy apparently. The main prefect responsible was a fucking retard and always made weird homosexual comments towards me.
The only acceptable answer on this board
The whole school got evacuated because there was a "bomb" in the closet with a timer.
A special force came and investigated the problem.
Turned out it was a fake dynamite bomb exclusively made for a theatre show.
Some loser with no friends kept on being bullied so much so that he ended up skipping classes and abusing a wide variety of legal and non-legal substances. The substance abuse lead to the kid loosing all fear, anxiety and self-doubts about himself which he used to piss people off for no reason whatsoever.
God do I love doing this.
In Middle school, there was an autist who was obsessed with his religion. When asked a question, he would was answer back in Church propaganda and he would constantly mutter bible quotes under his breath. One day, during 8th grade math, when some nigger kid wouldn't leave him alone, he stood up and started screaming "You're going to Hell!" over and over any again while standing completely still. This went on for like a minute and retard showed no signs of stopping until the teacher called down a wrangler. He had to be practically dragged out of the room, kicking and screaming. His face was blood red and he looked like he was infested with rabies or something. Creepy has hell.
Did he get a broken spine too for what he did?
I almost thought this was me until the screaming part, I was pretty quiet and kept to myself. Maybe I'd bug the odd person about it, but never yelling.
I'm pretty sure I never parroted propaganda or memorized bible quotes, but I did autistically copy some select bible verses into my phone's notes. Dunno why, I guess it was comforting to have some on hand.
Chemistry teacher used to shoot bottle rockets down hallways to scare people and set fire to stuff when he got bored. Learned very little from his lessons.
Nothing wrong with that. He wasn't really bothering anyone with it, he was just a weird kid who was a made target sometimes. He was extremely autistic too, could barely read/write or do more than basic addition, but he memorized the bible rhetoric extremely well. Like a savant I think.
I was not there at the time, but one of my younger brothers classmates brought tint and wore a Klansman robe.