Anyone else crack a beer open first thing in the morning?

Anyone else crack a beer open first thing in the morning?

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Yes, if it's a weekend and I'm home.

I wish I could user.
Off to wagecucking I guess.

I feel like shit after drinking early in the day. Can't drink on the night because I don't have the stomach to drink the next day.
I wish I had your metabolism, drinking might be fun.

yea, its 10 in the morning, and im down to my last high life. hopefully this job calls me back, cause i have cash for maybe 2 more, then the withdrawals start

No. Beer doesn't taste good and alcohol is a very shit drug, i don't like how it feels

I crack open a sodypop

No, I drink sensibly and responsibly.

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Well, I tried some bourbon for breakfast but it tasted like fucking listerine, so I gave up and just got my last can of Bang Pina Colada instead.

I'm having a spur of the moment Mang-O-Rita for breakfast. I figured I'd treat myself today after running some errands this morning. Life sure is good being a 28 year old boomer!

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I don't think you have bourbon nor bang pina coloda

It's Buffalo Trace Bourbon. I didn't really like it much, wine I can deal with because the bitterness isn't unbearable, but that stuff tastes like shoeshine and mouthwash. It was my first time trying it, so maybe I just haven't acquired the taste yet and I'm a pussy. Oh well, too early to drink anyways.
Pina Colada is my favorite so far, mango, sour heads, and blue razz didn't quite do it for me.

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Just be honest about how much your are drinking. Drinking first thing in the morning is a red flag for alcoholism. It's a shitty, slow, and painful way to die.

>Beer doesn't taste good

To you. It's an acquired taste. I drank a floral IPA last night that tasted like a fresh spring meadow.

No. I don't really like the effects of alcohol unless I have a lot of it and I can't drink a lot of alcohol in the morning.

It's not morning where I live, but I'm currently drinking, hoping it would make me feel better.

It's thursday evening for me, so I'm having a couple beers rn since my shift starts at 7pm tomorrow

Cheers. I should be going to uni tomorrow morning, but I really don't feel like it

Are you drinking tonight?

I'm drinking right now. Probably will get wasted tonight

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It's nice you're drinking in a bar though and not alone
I'm a bartender ironically, so I'll be doing the same tomorrow ha

I'm drinking in a bar, but actualy I'm drinking alone here. Just texted a friend of mine, he should be here in a few minutes. Doesn't it suck to be a bartender? Low income and having to deal with drunk people. Do you like it?

>if you eat shit long enough you'll learn to love it