You can't be a robot if you have a clean keyboard
You can't be a robot if you have a clean keyboard
Oy vey, do you smoke on your keyboard or something?
life isn't worth it anymore
slightly better quality
close up of your bookmarks bar?
sorry your tabs
>you can't be a robot unless you damage your technology
How about no. Being messy is one thing, fuck the room, fuck your teeth, but you NEED you computer if you live online, leaving your body and room behind.
This is literally my entire existence
>dude only REAL outcasts smear shit all over their keyboards
fuck off slob
Literally this,
This is the only thing OCD is good for.
>Hebrew keyboard
OY VEY! A FELLOW JEW! Shalom, fellow Jew.
NNNNGGGGGGHHHH gas that fucker
damn fag I thought I'd filtered you
i go through a keyboard every few weeks so mine dont have the chance to get dirty
Telling someone things like that makes them want to change their trip code more often you know.
Filter me if you want but don't tempt me into thinking that deep down you really wanted to talk to me fag.
How does your logic make sense? If you're a robot, and thus, your whole life is a mess, and your computer is your life, then your computer should be a mess too.
Maybe you're just a normie, you virgin? And yes, normies can be virgins. Up to a certain age anyway.
Normalfaggots are lucky in life. Lucky people have technology due to not being neets and faggot enabling by achieving money, things like facebook and myspace and mmos that give them happiness from taking technology for grnated. Not all robots are both ugly and autistic. I've no respect for spoiled richfags that don't care about their computers because as a non faggot enabling robot of society you'll odds are be a neet and want to actually take care of your shit as you can't buy another one.
How do you not infer such things? Oh yeah, because you're mildy retarded aka autistic and think it's as simple as "I'm ugerly :((((".
Sex is not what matters most I concur:
>job history (none? how damaged a man)
>number of friends (none? how etc a man)
>not austistic (other mental illnesses can be worse)
>le virginity (number plus age is more relevant unless female and lost hymen)
I'm not a virgin but I only had sex with one girl before back in HS. "oh noes he's a normalfaggot". Nope, I'm 30 and that was the only time it happened and she asked me out not he other way around that a normalfaggot would have done. I've never worked. I'm obviously what normalfaggots would call mentally ill and grew up poor, and have no friends. I'm so poor I have to make my own booze. Also I aged out of foster care just to move back in with parents of whom to double irony I don't give a shit about.
Then there's the statistical likelihood that your life is less normal than that, of which needless to say is low.
What doth make you odd supposed hermit?
Fucking Jews can't be arsed to get a new keyboard when they need one.
>i go through a keyboard every few weeks
Get a load of this virgin. A used thinkpad costs under $200 on Ebay, very affordable even on Neetbux.
doriginal i pass?
i've had my mechanical one for 5 years and i spend the entire day typing
only a nigger doesn't take care of their belongings
Did you pull that out of a dumpster? Jesus christ dude.
i get mad and snap them in half
already missing some keys from the right side
>being an unclean subhuman
how about no
Someone took a shit on it
just like everything else in life
>Not taking care of your sole belongings thereby shitting in the face of normies that treat everything like shit with no consideration because they can't handle layered and responsible thinking
do you know who else leaves a mess everywhere they go?
>Jews and Arabs have dirty keyboards
Tell me something new.
>comfy phone posting