Just came back from visiting Sweden and Qatar

Just came back from visiting Sweden and Qatar.

The 'travel and do things' meme is a lie. Life is still pointless and I still want to kill myself.

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Get yourself a girlfriend

normies like to travel because its just a humble brag. thats pretty much it

Poorfag cope. I don't know why OP would go to those places though. Especially Qatar, wtf? I love visiting tropical places and getting drunk and eating seafood on the beach.

you went to qatar, that is enough for anyone even chad to kill himself

What made you believe it would change anything?

Maybe you should try visiting Guangzhou (a city in China)

Not a fan of cities or beaches. I wanted something different.

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Did you go alone you loser lol that's not how you do it

Travel is just escapism. Something fun to do once in a while when you're bored.

If you think it's going to provide a foundation for your mental health you're just retarded. True happiness doesn't require much more than a sense of freedom and community. That's it.

You just went to the same place twice, no wonder you didn't find it different.

fucking baste

You can't just travel, you need to use to new environment and opportunities along with the freedom you suddenly have from your usual environment to reflect and change. It's not a meme, you just have to put the effort in.

That church is pretty, though

99% of normies will never travel is they couldn't then post pictures on social media and brag to their friends/coworkers.
If you want to do or see something specific, then travel. If you're interested in art and history there's nothing greater than going for a week in Paris to look at all the museums, galleries and architecture.

something tells me that is a mosque not a church

it is a church

t. sweden pro

you are right user, i was referring to


fuck the bot filter

>mfw i see my citys church on r9k

Uppsala much

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Your city is beautiful

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At least you saw 'things that you can't see in usual day' don't you? I Visited many country as wwll.. Still remember exotic cars and little girl i saw in france she was most beautiful girl that i saw

I bet you didn't even talk to people or attend festivals or get involved in any way. You probably just walked around and looked at things. When you travel, you're meant to travel and explore and do things.

That's such an amateurish attempt at a mansion and gardens. Pathetic.

it's because you weren't looking for adventures, travel by foot from Turkey to bangladesh or something and make friends with Alqaida