>stop drinking soda
>heavily cut back on beer
>stop eating snacks entirely
>only eating two meals a day, if that
>stop drinking soda
>heavily cut back on beer
>stop eating snacks entirely
>only eating two meals a day, if that
I'm 205 pounds and skinny as fuck. How short are you that you want to lose weight lol
Start exercising.
Also for long have you cut the soda, beer and shit food? It takes time, it doesn't work in 2 weeks.
6 foot 1 and I'm chunky as fuck
>91 kilograms
Are you a midget?
Cut the soda years ago. Snacks and beer about a month ago
Also I have been making sure I burn about 300 calories a day at least. I know it's not a lot but I'm making sure I at least stay active.
>1.85 m
>91 kg
If you think you're fat you must be wrong on those measurements.
Overweight at least
eat 3000 calories a day and lift easy monday and tuesday wednesday thursday lift HARD
youll get swole in a couple months
BMI is bullshit for men because it doesn't take into account muscles.
I can also visibly see in the mirror that I'm heavy, user
How long have you been doing this? It's going to take some time to see results from unfocused "cutting back". There will be results, but it will take weeks.
I'm not even fat but heard about intermittent fasting health benefits. The people said it had barely any downsides and you feel fine. So Day 1 at around afternoon I am hungry AS FUCK. Stomach is constantly growling, im unconciously googling pictures of food, I am salivating. Every like 20 minutes I think about how hungry I am and by nighttime my mood sinks. Next day I can't make it and eat some toast and bacon, I don't know how people fast. Luckily I'm not a glutton who needs to eat all the time but I need at least 1000 calories a day or I become fatigued, depressed and mind wandering to food at all times
try intermittent fasting
I was at 185lbs 2 weeks ago, I'm at 180 now
additionally instead of going through 2.25L of coke a day + 5 cups of tea with 2 soup spoons of sugar (I counted I ate over 70kg of sugar not counting foods, every year for the last 6 years) I went to only drinking coke with meals and tea during work, rest is just water
don't go overboard with the water, you can overhydrate yourself and then you'll be shitting literal water
I'll be patient. Maybe in another month I'll hopefully be seeing results
Stop eating for a 2 weeks, only drink water/tea.
Look up fasting. it gets easier the longer you go without food.
How much water is enough to hydrate properly?
Calories in, calories out is the law of nature here. If you're not losing weight, that's the reason. Try counting calories on an average day; keep a food diary. You'll find the problem.
Don't you imediately go back to eating like shit after you are done though? How do you keep the weight off?
This is generally why keto is seeing so much popularity and success: it greatly mitigates HUNGER. The constant saturation of fat in your digestive tract prevents the brain from craving more nutrition. You won't be constantly tortured by desire for snacks, and be able to leave food on your plate because you feel full. You just have to be very careful about what you eat. I've seen many people lose weight on keto without counting calories, just because their hunger levels are way more manageable.
depression, i rarely feel hungry
additionally i don't have this thing a lot of people have supposedly where they get angry/easily frustrated/feel generally bad when they're hungry
i feel the discomfort but i can take my mind off of it through a million ways
I've never crossed 183lbs, probably thanks to a decent metabolism so this is my first time dieting
honestly from the research i've done, you can eat like shit if you want to - you just have to balance it out, at the end of the day it's energy in and energy out - find out how much you burn just by existing, in my case since it's a sedimentary life it's around 2100 calories
you can devour a huge, fat fuckin burger on monday - just eat a bit less on the next day or even better, exercise
the meme with exercise though is that it really doesn't feel like it's worth it, running for 30 fucking minutes is the equivalent to burning 2 cups of tea with shitton of sugar
i'd much rather kill my hunger with water than exercise at that rate
Get to target weight, then exercise self control.
If you find yourself gaining weight fast again. Or just fast regularly. Only the first 3 days are hard.
youtube - what I've learned
I tried fasting for 2 weeks last year. After the first few days you don't really get hungry anymore. You don't feel cranky or for food. What is weird is you find yourself bored a lot. A lot of time is spent either getting or preparing food and eating it, now you have those extra hours left in your day and not much to fill them with.
They shouldnt advertise exercise as weight loss unless your interested in running a few miles every day.
But its still great for muscle tone.
user I am 6'5 and 295, im fat but I look like im 230 fat
unless you have saggy tits, you are fine
iv worn an xl since 8th grade and im 22 now.
>unless you have saggy tits, you are fine
But I do and that's the whole problem
Maybe I'll give it a shot. What's the target amount of time to fast for? Just until I'm my target weight?
So, say I'm in the same situation as this user (6'5' 287) but I have saggy tits. What I do?
fasting is a meme
just eat at a calorie deficit and more of it should be protein like chicken cause it makes you feel more full
I've done a two week fast twice, and a few one week fasts.
But if you were just going hardcore lose all the weight you can, they say your body will start get hungry again and then you eat.
Looks like the average is around 20 days.
But you really do not 'miss' food. You miss the act of cooking or going out to eat, but I didn't feel hungry like I thought I would.
>stop eating for two days
>walk around the block once for 39 minutes those two days
>lose 4 lbs
It's not hard.
Go get some uppers and feel amazing
you'll lose pounds faster than you would think
I don't have trouble losing weight. I think you should weigh your food so you know how much you're having. Some peoples portions are huge and others are tiny. You might only eat twice but your portions might be 5 meals for me a day.
If you get a george foreman from target they cook food really well and fast. chicken, fish, steak, burger all in under 10 minutes. You can also put in vegetables like asparagus. I'm assuming your issue is you're eating crap food. Especially if it's a ready store bought item.
Either you haven't been on your diet long enough or your lying to yourself about you food intake.
Jej. Next you will be saying that it's because of your genetics
I can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find a reasonable fucking answer in this thread.
OP, the simple reason for why you are a fatass is because you are consuming more calories than you are burning. It's that simple.
I'll even bet you're one of those retard fatasses that think not drinking coke will make them skinny while you're eating 3000kcal worth of peanuts and chocolates on the side every day.
Count the calories of every fucking thing you put in your mouth, and then stay below 1500kcal/day until you hit your optimal weight, then increase your daily intake to 2000kcal/day.
Starvation mode is real dumbass. Eat healthy and exercise.