What stops you from just paying for sex? Is it just the lack of funds or are you just afraid to take the step?
To the virgins
All the whores nearby are disease ridden tweakers.
Sauce? OC? Pretty hot.
prostitutes are not exempt from the tools feminist gave women to destroy your life. also a staff at my school is the laugh stock of society because he was jailed for soliciting prostitution.
My pride. I dont want to give in just yet.
Just..give me more time. I can feel the gf getting closer and closer each day.
Because its fucked up.
Get a clue.
Its Almost like rape. In some countries its basically rape because them women get a small cut.
>What stops you from just paying for sex?
I'd get locked in jail and have my picture published in the newspaper. Sucks being an Amerifag sometimes.
>blowjob with condom
I don't enable whores.
50bucks for 5min of fun can't be worth it.
FBI shut down backpage and craigslist so that was pretty much the end of it for me, though i only used them to get blowjobs in my car from whores it was better than just faping whenever i got real horny
Escorts don't count. You're still a virgin if you only fuck escorts.
I want to obtain wizard powers, and the mere idea of having sex seems so foreign to me that I believe that it will never happen.
Oh god you're right, who the fuck does this
Maybe in burger clap land.
Don't have to worry about it in Europe where it's regulated, and whores are tested
Whores are gross.
>tfw finally get a job
>tons of disposable income now
>no more backpages
Fucking sucks...my bank account is so full that peeling off a hundred would be no thing, but I don't know where to go now w/o backpages and I don't see any good alternatives.
No way, I'm going to go street cruising either. All those spots where street walkers are in the fucking ghetto, and I'm unlucky enough where the one time I go I'd just ruin my perfect crime free ring and end up getting cop stinged
I have the money but I'm too lazy to get there
tfw no car
Is a BJ with a condom on even worth it?
I mean there's literally plastic blocking her tongue/cheeks and that sweet sticky saliva from covering your glans...
This is too fucking true. Who wants a slag if they hate slags
use listcrawler
This is not what i need, i can satisfy myself just right, what i need is a woman who cares and loves me and i care and love her back, i need this relationship, not the sex, and money cant buy that
I don't care about sex, I want love. Being a virgin is just the most obvious expression of never having been loved.
blowjob with a condom what is even the point just fap
Have you used it before?
Seems fine, now to just get over the nervousness of texting them...
You can buy sex but not intimacy
Dignity & self worth
i dont know where to get a prostitute in Massachusetts. if i did i would.
Nothing, I have hired a hooker or two. It can be fun, however it doesn't change anything, in fact I still consider myself a virgin, because simply penis in vagina isn't the point.
Your opinion is what's fucked up here. How can you equate a consequential business transaction with the vile crime that is rape?
Switter, harlot hub, and one other I can't think of.
consensual. Fucken auto-complete
I have to agree what a massive waste of time
I dont want sex
I want a gf
I'd far rather hold hands and kiss a girl than have sex with her
Do you really think she wants to fuck you? Nope.
She's desperate for money.
Its Unwanted sex.
yet she does it willingly
fuck off white knight retard
You think I want to do my job every day? No, but I do it because I get paid. Doesn't mean that I am getting raped. That's just how life works.
I have phimosis so I can't have sex even if I pay for it
does your mom help you loosen it up
Why would I pay roasty for having a vagina? Apart from that stinking hole she is of no worth whatsoever to me. Why would I pay a hoe who doesn't care about me and vice versa money to denegrade her and myself when I can just fap and achieve the same result. Money can buy me a cunt but not intimacy.
I'm pretty sure she knows about it, cause I have a vague memory of seeing doctor as a child for check up and him recognising it.
you just pay for deluxe wanking, in the end masturbating or fucking a whore ends the same way.
Just fuck a bottomboi on Grindr why pay and use a condom?
It's equal
I want to use her holes as a cumdump, and she gets money. win/win
I don't want to actually lose my money, so does that means she's robbing me too retard?
It stop the aids. You don't typically get aids from getting a bj so i usually take it as an insult that she thinks I'm gonna give her aids and tell her to do it without. If she refuses promptly tell her to get the fuck out then stab her with a needle that definitely has aids on it. Gotta clean the streets somehow
Skipthegames is ok,
Switter requires i make an account and harlot hub uhhhhhh only has niggers it seems
Every prostitute represents one lost potential gf/wife. To support their trade would be to support my own lovelessness.
too anxious for it, i'd have done it years ago if it wasn't for the fact i feel absolutely anxious even at the thought of being in physical contact with a female
i don't want AIDS. sue me.
Being a virgin is the least of my problems. I'm an unemployable schizo, with a million physical ailments to boot
That's not how consent works you dumb nigger.
What's the point even? If it's just sex Ill just use onaholes instead. I'm a 28 khv and the prospect of being alone the rest of my life is the worst part about it.
dick cancer
I've actually got some money saved up and I've considered going to Nevada for a long weekend and taking advantage of their loose prostitution laws. I'd willingly pay up to 1500 bucks for an hour of initiation. I've seen HBO's Cathouse and it seems like something I can be apart of.
Eros.com if you want a high end girl.
Do you think I want to go to work and not just play Vidya all day? No, but I do it anyways does that make me a slave? No then fucking prostitutes is not rape.
I look more like a bottomboi though
Keep telling yourself that buddy. Unless you're doing the self improvement shtick you ain't getting shit.
I have paid for high grade escorts before. It's certainly worth it if you can last for 30-40 minutes. If you are a weakling that cums after 3 minutes then it's a waste.
I'm my country is cheap as fuck. It's actually nice but it doesn't make you feel less lonely
had to go through like 6 ugly/disaster hooker experiences to finally find one I can feel good with
I woud say it's totally worth it past a certain age if you aren't getting any
if you aren't sperg and don't act like a cunt it can be just a nice way between adults to get what they want
I'm starting to wonder why I don't settle for a gay hookup. It's just flesh, right? That's where I am at this point. And maybe I just receive a blowjob and nothing else. I'm sure there are a ton of guys out there who want to suck it and don't want anything in return. It seems like that might in a weird way be a good initiation into sex.
why do they all look the same?