Why are these people so pathetic? What makes a guy want to have his wife ravaged by Niggers and Arabs? How is it that the average /robbot can't get a girlfriend but these people do? Why is life so unfair?
Why are cucks so pathetic?
Perhaps it relates to feelings of incompetence and inadequacy so deep that they turned into a fetish.
>that link
has to be fake
Dont make fun of circumsised guys its not like they wanted it to happen. Just like niggers didnt want to be born retarded its just luck if your dad decides to cave into your mom wanting you not to have a penis
Its a part of the circumcision is rape series
Yeah dont give us cutfags shit, we didnt want this, i blame my fucking parents. What we need to do is make this shit illegal. If its not okay to cut a clit off a baby female why is it okay to cut the foreskin off a baby male?
Cause your Jewish masters want to mark you as a slave. All Ashkenazi Jews and their slaves must be circumcised.
we cutfags aren't the only slaves to jews, that includes everyone on the planet, if you're not a slave, you're probably living off of natural resources in a jungle, completely isolated from society.
>tfw my own grandfather advised my mother to get me cut because he had issues with dick cheese and a too tight foreskin.
when I confronted him about it when I got older, he said he was doing me a favor.
Is not his fault, the Jew doctor tricked him. He thinks he was doing everything in your best interest. Confronting him would do you no good, even if you explain everything to him, he won't be able to accept it and will cope harder. To understand that he did something that hurt his grandson will break him.
he's been dead for years anyway but the fact was, my mom was against the procedure until he advised her to go ahead with it.
>cuck for 5 years
>wife would invite men over for orgies
>didn't know I was bi until now gee oh my god
>but the fact was, my mom was against the procedure until he advised her to go ahead with it.
She was still open to it and did it, she's still to blame.
Yes he is a very good goy, Shlomo is pleased.
The absolute state of cutfags
She looked to him for guidance since my own father was a piece of shit who left her as soon as she got knocked up and my grandfather told her to do it.
Part of me thinks he did it because of that fact, he wanted me to suffer because I supposedly ruined my mother's life. (she was 20 and dropped out of college to have me)
>What makes a guy want to have his wife ravaged by Niggers and Arabs?
It's primal as fuck, Arabs are litterally going to France and taking over towns. They're conquering streets and breeding the natives to show their superiority. Based as fuck.
That text is illegible but iirc biomedical products and beauty products that use foreskin take them from South Korea.
Someone who looks to others to decide whether to sexually abuse her son still deserves blame herself.
>since my own father was a piece of shit
Her didn't have you mutilated, unlike her and her father.
>Part of me thinks he did it because of that fact, he wanted me to suffer
There's always an element of this in every man who supports circumcising others. Always.
>Its a part of the circumcision is rape series
post them all
or anything else against circumcision
oh look another foreskin cuck thread
>ridged glans
You mean worn, desensitized glans.
>ready to be sucked on
Good luck feeling oral.
>muh tradishun
Stupid jewed Jow Forumstard.
>"male clitoris"
G-d forbid a man should have anything like the female orgasm!
tl;dr please be trolling
>Good luck feeling oral.
at least woman want to give oral to a cut one.
Enjoy your dick cheese
You dont have a shower at home or do you just never use it?
Muh dickcheese is irrelevant if you shower often dumbfuck. Keep coping mutilated loser
Whoops meant for the other guy
I'm curious, how did you find this link, OP?
>mom was the reason I got circumcised
Fuck you mom
>Stupid jewed Jow Forumstard.
You'd be surprised, most of Jow Forums hates it too and thinks it's a degenerate semitic cult currently involved in making money in the biomedicine sector selling mutialted baby skin.
t.Jow Forums
Every now and then there are these few retarts like the one you replied to. I almost refuse to believe it's anything else than a jew or a troll, a person can't be that dumb.
Nice of you to advertise your bait here, Portalpro.
I r8 it 8/10, no h8.
>>mom was the reason I got circumcised
Your picture is nice.
>most of Jow Forums hates it too and thinks it's a degenerate semitic cult
Christian puritans initiated it to stop male masturbation. That's exactly the same perspective from which Jow Forums hates LGBT people.
Sex-negativity, okay when I do it, wrong when anybody else does?
I find it weird how people in the thread and his wife are acting like he should have jumped in to help her when clearly his cuckold fetish means he doesn't value her to begin with. I wouldn't jump to the defense of a porn actress.
This one is the last one I have, but their should be 30 of them made by a guy that went by the name mr.Nosenberg. He was quite active here, on /pol and in /biz.
You are showing the pictures of unhealthy dicks. You should compare the circumcised dicks to healthy normal (Uncircumcised) dicks. Otherwise I can show you a picture of a unhealthy circumcised dick and it would look just as bad.
Even if it comes from Korea, its still evil.
>I find it weird how people in the thread and his wife are acting like he should have jumped in to help her when clearly his cuckold fetish means he doesn't value her to begin with. I wouldn't jump to the defense of a porn actress.
I truly think he was doing what he thought was in your best interest. He was a brainwashed man. To him, he was doing you a favor, he couldn't understand it any other way. If he was forced to than he would have a mental break down ("How did I betray my grandson?"). At least you can be happy that he died not knowing that he did something wrong, as for your mother, since she has already done it, she will forever cope that its a good thing.
>At least you can be happy that he died not knowing that he did something wrong,
So he got away with it.
I wouldn't blame someone for doing something he thought was right.
Pic related is uncircumcised
Then you wouldn't blame anyone for anything.
This. The road to hell is paved with good intentions