Non asian's obsession with asians

>non asian's obsession with asians
is a little weird

Attached: 0476F049-53DD-4B38-AE00-A0F17518C201.jpg (1000x1000, 66K)

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Keep seething bitch

Why is it weird though?

lol whos seething? theres always hundreds of threads about this. and the "emotional capacity" thread? yea all that is a fine example of the fine character caveskins are trying to present themselves as. keep going pls

because i dont think about IR couples. i know they exist, but some people are so threatened by the fact that i simply exist. me being asian and a guy

like these dudes obssessed with asians, sex and cucking are the ones pushing themselves onto asian women. its just hilarious that caveskins think they hold any moral highground

>because i dont think about IR couples
Frankly that makes you the weirdo.
Why don't you think about them? Is there something wrong with you?

>Asian (((guy)))
Kek nice one

i dont until its brought up in my face. its because i dont mind it. looking at these threads, im just worried Jow Forums is trying to send their special education group instead of their best.


So you see yourself as a guy?

>Asians spam blacked thread all day every day
>some user posts thread about asian girls
>y-you guys are obsessed!

Nothing is creepier than indians complaining about white girls not liking them

oh shut up yew probably post all of it

a dude, a bro, a guy, etc

How tall are you? How much do you bench? How do you look?

5'2. 90 lbs. i rate myself a solid 8/10

You're not OP, R-right?

i am op. tryna fite?

It's only white guys ffs
I love Asian women too but you don't me spamming 10 threads a day lol

nah bro you make the occassional "im black and like asian women, they raciss" thread ha ha

Isn't it only whites who obsess over asians

no. its not. funny that

You realize that your average highschooller will beat the fuck outta you?

Anti-asian racism is pretty cringe because they're such an easy target, but you chinks do ask for it.

Attached: what rAznIdentity does in their free time.png (1458x346, 49K)

i would destroy yew

i didnt ask for nothin, asshole. "newredguard" thats a black

Changed my mind. A middle schooler will fuck you up

thats a "white worship" hating nigga. asians dont hate whites, blacks do

naw i would destroy yew. simple as

he's asian, this post was on AznIdentity

thats a black on aznidentity. "newredguard" thats a steve urkel hatin on "white worship".

redguards are mulattos in the elder scrolls world

>158 cm
Weaker than most girls

yew would get stomped.

dude claims to be a chink and posts on nothing but chink subs, stop denying it.

named after blacks in TES. thats a nigga but if you find further proof pls share

you're retarded. stop posting

this is my thread. fine ill go undercover and see if they really do that

Why do Asians want to see black guys on white girls?

nope, all i see is people bitchin about racism. nothing about spreading cuck porn. yew lose

thats yew nigga, aint nobody watch that shit

If this is op, Im asian too but I dont care about white girls, I was just replying to some dude saying we watch that shit.

they really think its asians on reddit posting blacked. theyre shook retards.

redditors are too busy keeping tabs on fucked up caveskins to care about posting PORN.

Fuck off Asians are obsessed with America and white culture. Is that okay?? But not for non-asians?
If you really think about it Japan is racist because in most anime foreigners have blonde hair all the time.

not to the extent yew caveskins are. asians want to admire white culture, caveskins are just generally sick in the head. anime is to be enjoyed and nothing beyond that, caveskins are utterly obsessed with asians in a sick way.

I have to admit I'm a little jealous of their intelligence and economic status. They win almost all of our math competitions and spelling bees and dominate the admissions to elite high schools and universities. Some of the elite high schools in NYC are over 60% Asian.

why do yew lump asians together? math competitions who cares. elite high schools? theyre ultra normies. lay off on the obsession on race

I do not have anything against em. I like them more than blacks.

In multiracial societies, it's impossible to to ignore disparities in outcomes between groups. It's the biggest political and social issue in the US right now.

Attached: Harvard_math_seminar.jpg (1660x1120, 1.25M)

low iq

Judaism is weird. They dont let you shave or take your hat off.

Cause Asian obsession with Asians you don't notice

only orthadox judaism

I wonder if many Asians are aware of the Jews.
I hear China acknowledges their control of the US government and shitty business practices, but admire these things.

Want to know how I know you aren't Asian? Every Asian guys thinks about IR.

Why? because Asian women force us to.

Attached: azn_girls.jpg (613x619, 91K)

The world would be better off if we all stuck with our race, and this is coming from a shitskin.

im asian and i cant give less of a shit. yew must be that black bot tryna get a piece and dismantle "white worship".

no. thats just wanting mate security. i dont care about mixing or not, its non asians that are obsessed with me

that caveskin who spams "white women are obsolete" is a fuckin idiot. if he wants a white woman go get her, but he chooses to seethe instead. pure subhuman

>>I wonder if many Asians are aware of the Jews.

They probably know they're like white people but smarter than the regular ones.

Overheard a conversation between some Asian guys at my gym. They were talking about this hot Asian girl they knew. One of them spoke up and lamented that she "only dates white guys", and the others got really quiet and sort of cringed.

>getting dinner at chitpotle
>see wmaf couple
>think "do they hate me?" cus im an asian guy
>get my food, leaving
>see same couple still eating
>girl littreally ducks into her food as i walk past them

lol. wtf i dont care