Why do normies get so triggered when you mention you find teenagers (16+) attractive...

Why do normies get so triggered when you mention you find teenagers (16+) attractive? It's not like they're not having sex left and right or that they're pure and innocent. Sure it's illegal to have sex with them because of laws, but it's not inherently immoral or wrong as long as there's no abuse. Also be aware that they're perfectly OK with admiring them as sex symbols in secret, but once you vocalize it it's suddenly wrong.

For reference Billie Eilish is 17.

How deep does society's brainwashing goes?

Attached: Billie-Eilish-in-a-selfie-in-November-2017.jpg (500x700, 40K)

Billie Eilish is not attractive

Yes she is, you just have a bitter perception.

Not that guy but no.
No she is not. Not even slightly.
Only thing I even vaguely like about her is that she managed to get so successful without being photogenic.

she's a trashy burner

Attached: 15506382861.png (586x562, 550K)

This is completely true

But also, in Europe the age of consent is usually 16 or 14 but it's still weird and creepy if you're any older than 3 years than that age

>industry plant
>coal burner
Really makes you think

Explain without memes or Jow Forums racism why she is not attractive.

Am*rica is truly cucked beyond repair. Here in beautiful Germany it's legal to have sex with 16yo qt's

Dude how is this coal burner attractive to you?

Yeah, he needs to get some taste and find a pure /mu/fu

Attached: 1492161138343.jpg (727x1024, 236K)

Its not even illegal in all countries or states. They are just virtue signalling by pretending to be upset.

No can do, boss.

Because normies are slaves to man-made concepts of what is right and whats wrong.
Only the enlightened does what he desires because he worships nature

Well I find 12 attractive so...

This post right here, officer. God save the Queen!

Attached: 1556568698413.jpg (320x180, 12K)

that looks like a manly trap

fully agree m8, before i'd split her like a log but once I found out she was into nigs she instantly became unattractive to me. the dyed gray hair is also ugly as hell.

x was truth my man

>How deep does society's brainwashing goes?
You don't even know the half of it. Infidels forbid women from going shirtless in public, but if they willingly add more clothes (e.g. a headscarf) suddenly it's oppression. What's the difference between covering your hair and covering your tits? Neither are sexual organs. Absolute hypocrites. Can't wait to watch them all burn in hell for all eternity.

Pic unrelated i presume in an original way

white pipo were a mistake

She is pretty much in a relationship with one random nigga named Q, she dont tell because she is underage and he is 22, another blacked slut.

I like her nose but everything else about her is rather pedestrian, style doesn't do her any favours either.

Biased maybe because I have a poor opinion of her as an artist too, after seeing her Coachella

>I like her nose
Her nose here looks pretty niggerish imhoreganotep.

tired thot face

>You: I'm a pedo looka me looka me! :D