Falador Massacre edition
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Hello friends. How are you spending your final day before the weekend?
Cola is now /britfeel/'s resident Mark Fowler
I hope they find a cure for you Cola
Does anyone have the original image of that family on the right of the OP image?
As tradition dictates
About to go to the gym lad. Can't wait for the weekend, gonna do fuck all apart from going for an eye test and possibly buying new glasses. You?
A cure for what exactly? The shingles will go away after a while
Host and SP are out there, smiling.
But the HIV won't, which has triggered the shingles.
I ain't got AIDS, I got HIV
are you short or longsighted? get yoursen some proper jam jars lad
Real talk for a second, can herpes be transmitted through sexual contact?
Asking for a friend.
They didn't for Freddie, but they will for Cola don't worry.
I don't have hiv though
The shingles was triggered by stress as was explained
>are you short or longsighted?
tfw always forget the difference. I can't see from a distance, but my eyes are so bad I can't see up close either so I still have to wear glasses to read/use the pc. What's a jam jar
It depends which herpes virus. Herpes zoster is not transmissible through sex unless the blistering is in genital or oral area
Sorry lad, I'll let you get the next one xoxo
Tim's a good lad
SCEA's a good lad
John's a good lad
Ebin's a good lad
I knew a girl from college who got really sick and disappeared then reappeared several times. Apparently she had some autoimmune disease but she probably had hiv that's an immune system thing too. I haven't heard from her for over a year she's probably dead
who the fuck is john mate
i miss my ex's boobs
this is a nicee apu ladd
yea that's a normal reaction to stress, break out in shingles lmao. you got aids
Why yes I do lad
Some guy who lives near me, very similar to Tim, diagnosed schizo, spent a lot of time sectioned. Once threatened me with a knife under the guise of 'I don't want to hurt you, I just need you to report me to the police so I can go to prison'
longsighted means you can see clearer from a distance
jam jars are thick glasses like the bottom of a jam jar
>i miss my ex's boobs
same desu
Degenerate as fuck but i find it hot how she's openly being a slag in front of her family. I want to fuck her senseless while they watch
The one which causes cold sores. Is it transmitted through semen?
tonights pizzas lads
I follow tradition unlike op who seeths and reports threads
It literally is a normal reaction and most likely cause. Go read up on it
I've already been tested for hiv do I don't know why you keep trying to peddle that myth, almost like there's some sort of agenda to paint me in a bad light or something
Not through semen but through contact with the sores/warts idk what they are
What started this whole 'cola has hiv' thing?
One of the sulk anons who likes to chase cola and other trannies on /mftg/ i guess he heard there and thought to spam shite about cola shit hole the obessed spaz
It is a normal reaction. My mother got shingles from the stress of her father passing away.
Thank you for educationing me, so I'm short sighted. Thinking about these
hope its still raining tonight when i go for my walk, thundering too
Mayuri, DM, Shut in, zeus, yasin all desperately scrambling to the nearest GUM clinic tomorrow
8pm, zero calories today
the world is my oyster but I don't feel like eating anything
20 year olds don't get singles like that
people in work keep making fun of me about how weak i am
one of the reasons i got a shitty office job rather than a labour based job was so it didnt fucking matter that im a pussy
>that very average looking irish ginge from "inside the ambulance"
Maybe normal 22 year olds, but I have a more stressful life than people realise
What makes you say that, lad? Anyone can get shingles
You forgot Andrew, edgbaston and bf
i hope so too lad, nothing quite like a storm walk.
for me, it's raining tomorrow. gonna walk down to the park.
>What started this whole 'cola has hiv' thing?
Poley in the Discord.
Originally Poley was going to spread that Cola was pregnant until someone explained basic biology to him.
>but I have a more stressful life than people realise
>Oh no!! Which discord orbiter should I shag this weekend?????!
>Omg i'm not getting enough (you)s and attention on lgbt and britfeel!!!!
>How can I angle this picture so I don't look like the monstrosity I am in it???!?!?!
He knew the dangers so he just watched. He was 10 steps ahead of the game.
Andrew didn't sleep with her he's the only one who turned her away.
Thank you for proving my point to me desu
There's more to life than those things, which aren't even true anyway
how do people even realise you're weak at an office job?
how does it even come up?
This advert does my nut in lads.
Fuck it. I'm done with Dauntless. Subtly being reminded at every corner that it's a F2P game. Boooooourns! I should just play actual Monster Hunter. Ah well, time to start Mario + Rabbids now.
When the fuck did it turn 8. I'm at 1,600, 1,400 left. I know how difficult it is to eat though mate
Oh boy do I have something to tell you
well there are 10 people on my team and everyone laughs when i do a tea run in 2 trips
but a tray with 10 full mugs of tea is fuckin heavy tbf
and there was one time i struggled to staple this massive pile of paper that there was no way a staple was ever going through
do some press ups you fucking embarrassment
hit the gym and start overhead pressing all the girls in your office. wish I could get a chance to show off my limited strength
>tfw no big coin collection
Has Andrew done anything sexual with anyone from britfeel?
he slapped cola's arse when they first met
I've really gone off beans desu
Pizza wizzas are here lods
Is this thing on? Can you hear me now? IS THIS THING ON?? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW???!!!
He dated Brownie Lass but neither of them have spoken about it in the thread and I don't know what happened. Probably nothing.
I've had two cups of tea today and they were both SHIT.
Fucking state of me.
Andrew kissed Crona?
*ears start bleeding*
yes, for fuck's sake
sexy lad. Can i rob a slice? haha xxx
Cola why are you doing this
>he dates personalities
For me, it's anons ;)
>29 quid for 2 pizzas
sort yourself out lid. do you have a job?
do you eat twenty quids worth of pizza every day?
sort YOURself out lad
I spend 30 quid a week on food
yep, and some people spend the same amount for one nights worth of pizzas.
and then cry about how they don't get enough bennies to live on. they should be put down
>do you have a job?
no and its wasnt 29 quid you kneejerk spaz, pizza hut isnt even that expensive
Same, lad. I give my self a 70 quid budget for food every fortnight so 140 per month. Usually don't spend that much anyway and a large portion goes towards Pepsi Max, lmao.
Redpill me on Edgbaston
phwoar tbqhwyl
hahaha, but enjoy your pizza(s) user, hahaha!
Far too pale, mate
>discord normies bow to edgbaston
>in contact with nonce hunters
>rumoured to possess shitposting abilities
>controls britfeel with an iron fist
>will be the first larper on mars
It wasn't 29 quid, lad. It was more. He bought a drink and dip too. What a fucking melt.
Why do my fingers smell funny? I wash my hands and the rest of me regularly but my fingers keep smelling funny, I don't put them anywhere I shouldn't either.
It's coming home this time lads, I can feel it
What do they smell like? Mine sometimes smell like old onions.
I can't really explain it, it's just a kind of musty or stale smell.
They usually have like a buy one get one free deal lad you're the mong
Post the receipt then, ya daft cunt.
June the 6th, 2019
When's it gonna end lads? One day we'll be posting in britfeel and it'll be September the 22nd 2023
it was 14.24 and the dip and drink was free
>he can't afford the odd pizza wizza
Miss Tilde desu
anyone remember anons drunken chinese date in a spoons that he posted a picture of here?
Just had a great steak and chips. Only cost me 6 quid. Imagine getting good food for a fair price.
Surely enough photos have been posted now to make a britfeel collage
id like to see you lift basically 5 litres of water plus 10 mugs plus a tray
I prefer to make my own because I can cook.