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Im no longer a robot. Ask your questions
send help user i cant get out
Can you converse with people like a normal human adult?
What was your normiedom pass?
How do you talk to people? I always get so nervous I can barely speak.
OP became tranny fag
Sorry my English isnt very good
NoFap+No Internet+Bodyweight workout every other day is what helps me to achieve inner confidence (assuming you already have hobbies and some personality. If not work on that too)
Talking to people was easier to me after I started practice mindfulness and building confidence (read above). And a lot of practice being around different groups of people. It took me about 2 years of putting myself out there to become comfortable around people and another one year to stop giving a fuck completely and speak whatever and whenever I want to.
Yet youre still out here
Any fag that would see me in the street wouldnt think i come here
Doesnt matter. Im very adaptable and can talk to all different kinds of people. From street niggers to artistic people to tradesmen. Although the richness of.our conversations is not always the same
But none of.this is satisfying enough. It's almost nothing but a cerebral activity.
I have been working on my social anxiety for a few years and I have gotten much better but still not there yet. I work as a cashier and can do that just fine. I am also able to give presentations in front of a crowd now. But both of those things allow me to have a "script" where I already know what I am going to say and have practiced it many times. You cant do that when talking to people, you have to think fast and deliver your line with certainty. I am always slow to answer, stutter, and only able to think of a few words to say. I guess I need more practice but I am really dreading the idea of having to go talk to randoms.
If you were a robot you would know this post is breaking the rules.
Is this how Chad dresses now to attract women? What in the actual fuck.
Talking to randoms for no reason is retarded. Use common sense. Only say/ask something if you have something to say/ask.
Did you transition or find a boiwife?
They look like completelu normal random boogers. To call these.people chads, really says alot about you.
he thinks everyone who ever has sex is a chad.
No internet is so fucking legit.
All my tiredness and boringness came from beeing on the internet all day.
Robothood can be avoided, one year of self improvement got me out of it.
If you want to start good habits, its the opposite of bad habits, its not fun in the beginning and you have to push yourself to do it, but in the end you will find joy in it and it will benefit you.
All you need to do is not beeing busy with unimportant stuff all day. If you don't do anything all day, you will literally go out and talk with people if you don't allow yourself to do anything else.
Start small, 1 minute, then 2 minutes, form good habits.
Im in montreal rn and you cant afford to look retarded. gotta look slick. Easy theres a lot of shops
But I never have anything to say or ask. What exactly would you normally say or ask people?
Depends where you live too. Moving out your moms the middle.of.nowherr
Dunno. A guy on welfare wanted a cigarette. Bought one from him. Asked him about life in montreal. Talked for an hour about montreal stuff.
I mean i gave him one for free.
This shit happened in some Russian city school.
did you stick your dick in crazy?
Also ex-robot here
You'll be back. They almost always are. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.