So in my infinite autism, I have my own personal story I write and escape into. However, I want some new characters and since I don't see people, it's hard to imagine new people. Any robots want to be part of my fantasy world? If you want a self-insert, just give me a name for your character, basic description (or draw up a pic in paint, who cares), and a description of what you are. Billionaire, spy, gang member, vigilante, gun slinger. For example of the stupid shit involved, I have a character that has a hand-mounted paintball gun looking thing except instead of paintballs, it's little delayed explosives that he shoots. Or just call me a faggot, whichever works for you.
So in my infinite autism, I have my own personal story I write and escape into. However...
I do a similar thing. I have my own world where I can imagine to be somebody else. It's a fantasy world so there's magic involved, it's pretty fun and I spend 2 or 3 hours walking around the house with music to imagine. It relaxes me so much, it makes me feel like I'm worth something. I've been doing it for years and I found out it's called maladaptive daydreaming, it was incredible to found out that I'm not the only one. Pic related it's one of the main character in my world, she lost her soul and she lives a lot of adventures.
If you want you can use her, or I can describe other characters, I'm pretty good at creating them I guess.
What's her story? How did she lose her soul?
Also I didn't know there was such a thing as maladaptive daydreaming. I'm reading the criteria right now. While I may hit some points, I don't think it impairs me to the point of being malevolent. But I'll keep this in mind so I don't go off the deep end. Or if I end up being imprisoned in a 1x1 box, then maybe I'll let myself go off the deep end.
that's actually so cool
You can use my character if you think you'll like it. He's called Bunny, it's a chubby kid with a tail and long rabbit ears, soft and fluffy. He has a ruby on his forehead, like carbuncles do.
His thing is that he likes to chill out, and can turn into clouds at the first sign of danger.
He also can summon impenetrable light barriers, but he would most likely just flee from enemies He can also walk on clouds, and summon them at will.
He has a warm personality, loves to cuddle, and cheer on people when they play vidya.
I do the same desu, its been going on for years.
() cont.
also, keep it up man. I do exactly the same thing. It's the only thing that makes my life worth living; outside it's shitty, but the prospect of coming back home and back to my world is what keeps me going through the day.
She was once a princess, but then she discovered that her mother was replaced by some evil witch that took her mother's body with magic, and her soul was taken by her. She lost all her memories because she lost her soul, and her adventure began.
Sometimes I conclude the story when I feel like it (she founds out who she is by someone remembering her true name, or similar) but I don't act like that happened the next time I'm in that world, I don't want the story to end.
I had other stories, and this is my current one. Pic related are characters from another story
I'm a semi-professional baseball player who has dbz/baseball powers and fights these bugdragons from space to protect Earth
he sounds really cute
this comment is original, really
How about a leader or a king who genuinely cares for his people, and seeks to improve the life of the impoverished?
These sounds really neat. I'll add them in. Thank you.
Sure, of course.
glad to be of service to a fellow autist
Have you ever tried lucid dreaming as a way to live out your fantasy?
I built my entire career because of lucid dreaming. I love the phenomenon
your entire career? what do you mean?
woah this is a pretty cool idea user
Big Les - an early 1900's man who experinced the first world war in french colonial africa. has a great sense of malice, disgust and greed at most other characters and is typically an outcast. was in war and other extreme situations at a young age and after seeing the outcome of the war has turned to fascism as the ideal system for running a community. This in the coming years earns his support of the nazi party.
When I went to college, rather than go to bio, I went neuroscience because I figured i'd learn more about dreams. And now I'm a medfag, and I want to go into neurology with a focus on sleep medicine. Dreaming is so cool it keeps my excitement alive
Might make an interesting side plot, thanks! It's like I'm hanging out with my robros. I appreciate you guys rolling with my autism.