Reminder to the lonely people on this board that personality and confidence is what matters...

Reminder to the lonely people on this board that personality and confidence is what matters, and not superficial things like your appearance or height.

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is that Nicky Taylor? he didnt fugg her she has bf

Not being bullied as kid and having zero confidence and self woth because of it is what matters.

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Left is a whore that want free things and right is a professional whore that want to be famous by leeching
I doubt destiny is even happy. He is right now but when that tight pussy on the left is gonna leave (and trust me she's leaving) he's gonna be miserable again
There is solace in the fact that everybody is miserable on this earth

>Just don't be an angry entitled basement-dwelling neckbeard NEET
Man, this is too hard. You're right, nothing is your fault, it was all because of society and women.

Destiny has no personality. Hes famous and hes very intelligent.

This is true
t. 29 year old balding manlet who just got married

>Thinking I'm any of these things
I'm single because I'm ugly, a good personality will get you friends at best faggot

>very intelligent
Relative to a brainlet like you maybe

or be rich and famous

Oh fuck you really got me good!

Talking fast doesn't make you intelligent

What the fuck does "confidence" even mean? For instance, people either complain that I'm too quiet and passive or that I impose my own views and speak over them when everyone else is being a bunch of mumbling insecure sounding faggots going "ummm..." every other sentence. Make up your minds already.

Destiny is very intelligent and you have nothing to back up your claims to the contrary except for the fact that you disagree with him.

>Talking fast doesn't make you intelligent
Can confirm. I talk fast and rarely say anything of value.

He cucked some other dude on stream, he is pretty alpha.

Yeah, smart relative to the average person. That's kind of how smartness is defined.

If you have at least one of the three, you will do alright. Guy in the picture has 2/3.

Destiny is very unintelligent and you have nothing to back up your claims to the contrary except for the fact that you agree with him.

I disagree with almost everything destiny says.

Destiny, I like you, and I know you browse Jow Forums, but cut the fucking bullshit, retard. You're not even ugly.

she settled for your money congrats

What does he have out of the 3?

He's above average intelligence, however he isn't super high IQ like his fans lead you to believe, it's just that next to right wing e-celebs he looks like Hawking.

His fans don't think he's a super genius. He can have extremely retarded views like everyone else. If anything his fans are the most neutral because they'll call him out on being a retard (Which he sometimes is) or a hypocrite. This is legitimately a monthly occurance, but no surprise that you'd pull that out of your ass.

so this is the Power of getting mogged

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money and status since hes a e-celeb faggot that has zoomers donating him thousands

But you forgot to add that he's a famous streamer, now put him in most of our positions. Yea sure you can look 'smart' and act all confident but at the end of the day it's not gonna matter so much. I tend to believe people care more about appearance than actual personality (60/40 balance) so in the rare occasion that you have an exceptional personality if you look like shit you will still be considered a 4/10. That's just how the world works, destiny just hit the jackpot with his streaming 'career'.

>Posting Destiny
Kys autistic faggot. Nobody likes that pile of onions that abandoned his own child.

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Same. I wish I knew how to stop hating myself.

Why the fuck normalfags ALWAYS lying?
Jesus fucking christ, can' you fuckers at least answer with correct platitudes?

The reason a lot of the average dudes with okay personalities on this board can't get girls if because they are in their rooms alone all day and if they do have a social circle it's small and exclusively male ( or the few girls in it seems to be perpetually taken.)

reminder to the normalshits that having luck exists and you shouldn't mistake it for confidence

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Honestly, just kill yourself OP

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Yes, thats true. That doesn't help my autism though.

If your face looks like that you really fucked up. If you treat all kinds of allergies and diseases you have as a kid and do a lot of excercise then you will turn out good looking.

Bullshit, a few allergies won't fix your jawline or your prominent ears. I exercised as a kid, I'm fit but still short and ugly as shit.

>that gut on Destiny
the infamous skinny fat manlet

Destiny has fucked two girls that I wanted to cuddle. Burn manlet

im just not worth it

Destiny unironically has good facial aesthetics and a manageable height. As well as probably having a decent amount of money and presumably charisma

I can't believe Destiny cucked that Swedish incel so hard.

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You think allergies turned that man's head into an actual light bulb? Nigga what the actual fuck are you talking about

is this guy supposed to be ugly?

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that guy is gay

This, Destiny is a chad

Jokes on you OP my personality is worse

He is in open relationship, only way for beta to actually get a girfriend is too allow chad to come in from time to time

do people who meme about this personality shit even realize what they're saying? lets just say personality is in fact everything. ok. do you think you can just change everything about yourself just because you want it to happen? thats about as impossible as changing your appearance. if you think you can truly switch and alter your personality like this, then you should be able to switch your personality into a chad and get all the benefits of chad. go ahead and try to do this on tinder and post your results, please. why aren't you just copying jeff bezos personality to become a billionaire?
you really have to be a fucking idiot to think this is how life works

This pic pretty much proves that manlets have nothing to complain about.

I don't make 6 figures year like him

Does coming to the realization really make a difference. To many their personality will never be what others want around

Shut the fuck up. I dont want to change my personality because I like myself. If someone doesnt like me then I just disagree with them. Why would I act like someone Im not in order for them to like me and why would it matter if they did at that point if they just like a facade?

Okay well that doesn't change anything because I'm fucked in the head too. I've literally never had a female friend in my life and I've spoken to them maybe only a couple times. I also hardly can handle interactions with people in general, not just women. At this point I'm just too fucked and isolated to re-integrate into normiedom.

Fucking based narcisistbro. I fucking feel you my man we dont have to change for anyone

Imagine being this retarded lmao no wonder you cant get a gf


I think you mean articulate. People are often fooled into believing that someone's position is correct simply because they sound "intellectual." Very similar to folks who swallow Russell Brand's pretentious horseshit simply because he has a British accent.

Reminder to the people on this board that if you were a friendless loser in your child/teen years, you already missed your opportunity to practice on your social skills and you will always be awkward

John Lott destroyed him during a recent debate about gun control. Bonnell even had to admit that he wasn't prepared and would need time to answer the man's points. This is what happens when he debates an actual academic instead of some YouTube or Twitter personality.

Confidence is superficial as fuck dumbass. I'd rather a girl fuck me for money than because I was a confident douche. That's why I pay hookers and don't bother with drunk hoes at clubs.

that's how he admits defeat. either "i'm not prepared" / "don't know enough", or he simply attempts to get the person who beat him deplatformed.

Talking speed actually is correlated with intelligence. It's generally a sign of faster or slower processing speed which is one of the things intelligence tests measure.

Destiny is unironically /ourguy/. If he can make it, then anyone can.

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how the fuck he went from streaming lol/starcraft to hanging out with all the famous "ad-friendly" (ie presentable) twitch streamers?

Prior to his fame I only knew of him from his talk with XJ9 from League (the dude who posted nudes of his gf)

Destiny is beta libtard, that supports cucks, gtfo saying he is /ourguy/ thx

>"is all confidence guys"
>Shows streamers that hang out with each other for money
>Shows peoole with well known economical advantage (for doing nothing really)
>Focuses on manlet that pussies out when another male is even remotely nearby irl

This board has gotten pretty fucking lazy lately, c'mon robots, even a bunch of autists cab do better than whatever this threads are.