If you're less than 5'10" do women automatically see you as less than human?

If you're less than 5'10" do women automatically see you as less than human?

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short women dont

Short women are the biggest height whores there are though

unironically yes

I used tinder for a month and i didn't had a single date (im 5'7)

Original stacy profile #1461

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like 30% of women are taller then me
and 60% are about the same size as me. With only 10% of them shorter than me (from 7%-15%?)

Except its the opposite. Short women are biologically driven to search for tall men do thier kids will be taller

I'm friends with twins who are both shorter than me who both have long-term gfs and have had multiple partners before that. The tallest member of their family is the eldest brother who is 5ft6, he's gay but the other brother was married and has kids and their dad and all their uncles have wives/children.

I don't think my height is the problem, I'm just ugly and charmless.

I'm 5'7 i can confirm

this. they're also disgusting

weird. maybe you are right

Maybe you're all three

Meaning I'm invisible to 90% of women

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Depends on the person, user.

Some girls are into tall men, others not. Don't get trolled by this normie bullshit.

> 5'4 here, not even struggling into that bs.

They're way worse then women over 5'8

But they are also worse at telling the difference between 5'8 and 6'. Tinder thread then?

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Every scientific study has shown that men between 5'6" and 5'10" attract the most women. Why would they see you as less than human when tall men are known to have the hardest time attracting girls?

Yep. can't tell you how many short sluts have called me short even though I tower over them

I like short guys

Short women are the most bitchy about height

Jesus Christ. Who would spend money to hand out with a hamplanet? Who would spend the money and time going on a real date with someone who advertises fetish photos and whoring services on their tinder profile?

If you're above 6' then women automatically see you as ugly and don't want to fuck you.

What do you consider short though?

>the absolute state of this world

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Below 5'10"

Just remember this used up roastie swipes left on anyone below 7/10

into the oven with that thing

How tall are you though? Ahahflshahuwjdb

5 feet 6 inches desu senpai

Gotta love the female basedface, though. 10/10 would go to Cracker Barrel with.

You're gay or a tranny right

>this is a 7/10 in burgerland

>tfw 5'6" 120 pounds

Literally no woman will ever want to be with you. They simply don't see you as a man. Only options are to be gay or a tranny or kys.

Sad but reality

fucking gay tranny psyops in every thread

Yeah its not looking good

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Add your genetic DNA to it and cuck the father user

6.2, Jow Forums(by normie standards anyway) and I'm still pretty much invisible to women.

Guess I'm ugly :^).

Short men like should take the pinkpill. Bi women despite not accepting shortness in men will accept it in women.

t. bitter 6'3" gay virgin

I'm 5' 9.5" and met my fiancee in Singapore, so no, at least not if they're from the right part of the world.

this is actually pretty fucking hot. would dump loads in this stupid bitch

>6.2, Jow Forums(by normie standards anyway) and I'm still pretty much invisible to women.

Holy shit

whats the deal with this adventure bullshit? are men like zelda games to them? also lol at that name.

Girls think that they get matches because of their bullshit travel photos and cringy life motto bios when in fact all men want to do is bang them.

adventure and having fun means sex. Just like getting a coffee means dating

mulattos look so weird almost indian men tier

>Quiet and introverted
>I like to go on adventures

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No, but they see you as not a dating option. Like someone who is too old or a child, or the wrong gender.

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Yeah, unlucky. Guess it's time to re-roll, eh?

cunts do this to try and ruse men using age filters
I want to raw dog since you cant get her double preggo but a dumb knocked up 18 year old probably also has STDS

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Daily reminder that the most attractive height for men is 5'8" and lanklets taller than 6' are mostly virgins.

>easy to obtain enough food to feed an African village or 1 American for a day
>still being a lanklet

c o p e

Wish i had saved the picture that goes with this one

I really hope it doesnt work like that in real life. Though i remember seeing Putin's health secretary say something to that effect

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>never married
>in love with jesus

>single momma