Ungrateful son of a bitch

How do I deal with an aggressive younger brother who has no manners, pushes my mother, insults her and recently even urinated on the carpet in the living room?

>inb4 beat his ass
I did several times, he just wont stop

Im desperate for a solution
My mother has bruises over her whole body...

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buy a litterbox and teach your mom karate

your brother has the chad gene. get over it faggot

Throw all of his shit out of the house and then throw him out. Change the locks while he's out. Call the police. Or you could beat him more severely. Break him arm or something.

he sounds based asf, quit being a bitch OP

She is way too old for karate
Even short walks are exhausting for her

Just make him some god damn tendies.

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break his tv, computer, phone and console

Beat him retarded op, then beat him some more.

Shut up..
Im crying at night over this because I hear my mom crying because of her helplessness.
Even the police is powerless against since he hasnt reached adult age

Document his antics,show the videos to the police. Get him arrested and a restraining order.

Im scared to do that because I fear he could destroy my shit when I leave the house.


take him out somewhere secluded and end him, only way you'll find peace probably. it's not like becoming an adult will magically fix his degenerate tendencies, so you'll just have to put him out of his misery
if you think about it, people acceptably killed their own family members over much more trivial things in the past.

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get a lock for your door, and hide your shit if the locks not an option

>women being beat by teenage boys
Why are women so pathetic?

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My door is made out of cheap wood.
One could easily push it over

OP, listen here. I was in the same situation and made threads about it before.
Every single time he does ANYTHING bad, beat the fuck out of him. Actual beatings.

Mercilessly rape his asshole.

Beat him up. youre the older brother right. Like just beat him senseless. Everyone has a limit. Just find his strangle him or some shit. You cant have us come up with answers and just say cant do that that doesnt work police are powerless like solve it your damn self then. But police totally arent powerless if youre american they can still fucking arrest him. They have juvenile prison you fucking tard

If you were in the same situation, has your brother made any progress?
It seems pointless to beat my brother.
Every time I beat him he gets even more angry, I dont want to fuel this idiot with more anger.
And a lucky bastard is he, he is the one with the better genes. I struggle taking him down and I always injure my hands when punching.
He never got seriously injured

Beating him isn't enough, you have to break his spirit.

Knock him out and let him wake up with a sore asshole and a funny taste in his mouth.

these anons have the right idea, you're the authority over your brother and in your hand is vested the divine right to beat the shit out of him when he steps out of line. he will reach a breaking point if you take a belt to him enough times and teach him not to act as he has been out of fear for you. it might not be pretty but if the police can do nothing like you say, then you are also free to do what you need yourself. godspeed user.

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buy some hard drugs and a scale, hide them in his room, and call the cops saying he's dealing. minor or not, that should get him in jail for a few months at least

He's 15 and 175cm tall. I'm 170. He's a bit stronger than me.
I simply beat him with a baseball bat every day. Also he's really afraid of spiders so I just throw one at him, shove in his fave, make him eat one etc
He's still an asshole to everyone but knows his place

Give him a good waterboarding session

What the fuck is his major malfunction, though?

>He never got seriously injured
You need to get stronger. Strong enough to hurt him, and strong enough for him to know. Eat more protein, lift some weights or do some calisthenics. Don't ask for a less shit brother, but for the ability to fight back against him.
>Tfw you will never waterboard your abusive brother.
Do this, OP. If I could have done that when I was younger, I would have.

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OP your brother is a faggot.
Legit just kick him out or leave him in a forrest far away.
Either leave him forever or pick him up an hour or so later.
Then he will be grateful for what he got.

beat him next time he touches your mom so hard he won't do it again. Must be done, hitting your mother is unacceptable!

your brother has autism. Please be understanding toward him.

I'm curious as to what went so wrong in his upbringing for him to ever get to that point. These levels of degeneracy should never be reached.

beat that nigger till he learns

Beat him into the hospital. Break bones.

>did several times, he just wont stop
Maybe. I dunno ask me why hes feeling angry and stop hurting him?

>teach your mom karate
Pfft gay.

>Every time I beat him he gets even more angry, I
No way? Really? I cant imagine why.
Move out op.

>that should get him in jail for a few months at least
Hes just gonna come out worse and thinking hes tough.
Good job retards.

>I'm curious as to what went so wrong in his upbringing for him to ever get to that point
Probably molestation on op end.
That or constantly hitting your brother with the sole purpose of trying to be his father with the iron first.

>Your mom has bruises all over her body
lmao. Let him beat her. Your mother's probably a roastie anyway. If it were my bro hitting my mom, I'd join him.

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Rape him

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maybe try to understand why he does the things he does. instead of fucking pissing him off even more, why dont you try to understand what it is that pisses him off, you fucking pussy?

in that i mean, why dont you talk to him, OP? are you seriously afraid of your brother? talk to him, or try to get him thrown in jail like the little pussy you are.