Is it transphobic to not admit the "trans women are women" mantra that gets repeated so much...

Is it transphobic to not admit the "trans women are women" mantra that gets repeated so much? I fully believe anyone who wants to undergo a sex change has the right to do it and to be treated as whatever they identify as, but I refuse to accept the proposition that the life experience of a trans woman is the exact same as that of a biological woman.

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Not it's called common sense

>that the life experience of a trans woman is the exact same as that of a biological woman
Obviously it's not but why would that prevent them from being women? Life experiences off biological woman A can be completely different from woman B. Are women who grew up in backwards shitholes more of a woman since they had to deal with more patriarchal disadvantages than women in somewhat progressive countries?

Once a tranny passes, they have pretty much all the disadvantages of a woman and a relatively similar experience through life. Of course in an ideal world gender would be a meme no one gives a shit about but since it exists and since basically just two are widely accepted, post transformation MtF trannies just seem closer to women than men.

Since this is officially a trans thread, am I really supposed to be open to sex with a trans person? I guess I could get past it if it was just head, but everyone seems to think that if you like someone as a person, that means that it doesn't matter if they have a penis or not. Its kind of grim desu.

See I don't disagree with that but there is a very real biological reality which is the fact trans women don't have wombs. They don't have periods and they can't have children. Should they have a say in things like abortion rights when they literally have no understanding of gestation?

And yeah, you're probably going to mention sterile women now, but thats still a different case and sterile women aren't that numerous, plus they will still be treated socially as if they were regular fertile women.

I don't know, man.
Seems like it's just safer to stay inside these days.
Can't trust women to be women, can't trust men to be men. Can't trust anybody to do nothing. They're all just out to get you. I can't even be white in my own house anymore.

>but thats still a different case and sterile women aren't that numerous
With age basically every women gets there. Besides, it's not like we're overrun by trannies. AFAIK I actually never met one IRL and statistics put them at what, 1% of the population? Bet there are more sterile women.

>plus they will still be treated socially as if they were regular fertile women.
Until they reveal it

>Should they have a say in things like abortion rights when they literally have no understanding of gestation?
Pretty much everyone can get the understanding. And it's not like there is a view on abortion unique to women. There are some utterly against it and some who want to have choice over their body. Just like there are men supporting different viewpoints. Having direct experience with something to have a say on it, seems a bit too limiting.

In practice, we live in a representative democracy either way. Even most experts have no clue about more complex economic topics, yet every dumbfuck who can barely spell their own name is allowed to vote on these matters. So it sounds like a problem far beyond trannies.

Well, isn't it the same thing with a lot of, "effeminate" gays? They act more like women than women, right? It's because they're following an ideology, and not existing naturally within that state so it appears artificial and out of place.

But they still don't pass as women nor are treated as women by society. And IMO they act more like, well faggots.

>Plus they will still be treated socially as if they were regular fertile women.
And you'd know this, being a fertile man. Living as a barren woman is fine until people find out, then you're treated as broken and defective, people won't talk to you about personal parts of their lives and you'll be constantly patronised that you "don't understand" because you were fucked over at birth. Its very similar to how trans women feel about their situation, so personally I just really disagree.

I agree with most things u said. Theres definitely more sterile women out there than trannies. And I have never met one post op either. But the main thing that that separates m2f transexuals from the reality of womanhood is choice. It would be like if you saw a white person that decided they wanted to live the rest of their life as black after an operation. Then one day they joined a black empowerment group as well. Wouldnt it feel a bit like a play? Sometimes its still hard to think of them as the real deal just because they are dealing with some of the issues that come with the new role they chose.

>the main thing that that separates m2f transexuals from the reality of womanhood is choice
To a point you're right, though the way I get gender-dysphoria, is that they suffer constantly in their male bodies, hence the transformation is basically the best thing they have left. Besides it's not just a choice that would add female centric issues on them but also a whole load of tranny stuff. It's not like they go "oh well, today I feel like a female and want to play with my boobies"

>Then one day they joined a black empowerment group as well. Wouldnt it feel a bit like a play?
Definitely and obviously they wouldn't have any personal experiences of growing up black just like most trannies don't have about being a girl – but post blackanation, they would get to deal with almost all of the same issues; and if they are genuine about their goals, hell, why the fuck not.

>Sometimes its still hard to think of them as the real deal just because they are dealing with some of the issues that come with the new role they chose.
They do complicate the picture a lot for sure, but in the long run it can give us a better and interesting perspective on gender roles and gender expectations since they are a pretty atypical example of many things.
One topic that messes with my head is the participation in previously female-only sports.


trans is a fad that we've allowed to exist stemming from internalized sexism and gender dysphoria. it doesn't make any practical sense at all and that's why these people are usually fucking insoluble and miserable.

I've personally never understood the "transwomen are women" thing. It feels incredibly insecure to me. There is nothing wrong with transwomen at all, but why can't we just say:
as 4 different categories? Tons of cultures around the world have more than two categories, and it feels weird to shoehorn something so obviously different into one of our existing 2 categories.

Yes, it's transphobic, and that's a good thing.

taking from that why is there a
category at all isn't the whole point to be the opposite sex meaning that sticking to transwomen tittle means you just want to be treated different

You're saying why aren't there just men/women? I mean that's pretty straight forward, eh? They aren't men/women. They're physiologically different.
We're talking like....
Physiology: A
Hormone Combination: A
Brain Chemistry: A

Physiology: B
Hormone Combination: B
Brain Chemistry: B

Physiology: B
Hormone Combination: A
Brain Chemistry: A

Physiology: A
Hormone Combination: B
Brain Chemistry: B

Like that was the point I was making. They're clearly 4 separate categories, and I guess I don't see what's wrong with that. It doesn't make them invalid. Women and Men ought to be treated equally even though we acknowledge they're different categories. Why can't we just add another one and, again, treat them equally?

>transsexuals are MTF or FTM, necessitating the presence of exactly two genders; ergo, binary

Friendly reminder, trannies are attention starved spoilt children and acting like they have any idea what they want is setting yourself up for disappointment.

>Is it transphobic
Who fucking cares?

How is this even Jow Forums related? Fucking faggot mods, do your job.

most of the debates i see here regarding trans gander issues boil down to a matter of language... ie: specifying gender as a collection of social constructs, distinct from biological sex. the opposition says "no fuck you a woman refers to the biological sex configuration rather than the constructs of femininity". its all just an argument over vocabulary.

>is it transphobic
Who gives a fuck? Stop letting propaganda scare words define your beliefs and actions. Their feelings don't dictate reality. Shoving feathers up your ass doesn't make you a chicken, and chopping off your cock and putting on a dress doesn't make you a woman.

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