>be me >Mexican >macho alfa obviously >all in all in cool with people from other countries coming here >Japs and Chinese people come and establish restaurants or factories (Toyota etc.) so it's all good >never really been xenophobic >closest is wishing death to every gringo and his family but that's because they took more than half of our territory many years ago >notice lately I've seen more negros >in 21 years of living here I had only seen less than 10 negros in person >I've seen that amount in the past moth, all different negros >wtfwhy.noir >read that my retarded government has been giving "humanitarian visas" to migrants that want to cross the border with the US and so even Africans have been coming >they even gave them food when many of our people are literally starving >see on the news a fat bitch complaining about the food she was given >"you don't even feed this to the pigs" >fucking-whore.png >realize also that because the amount of migrants that have been trying to cross the orange man is gonna impose tariffs to Mexican products >fucking the economy even more >get fucking mad
>be me >want a big thicc wall at the southern border >also be me >xenophobic
Fuck off fucking migrants, if you want to cross then cross the Gulf of Mexico fucking faggots
Heres a question to you OP What is your opinion on the original latin nations of europe(Spain,France,Italy,Portugal and Romania) Do you feel some sort of brotherhood with them or are they just another kind of gringo to you?
Parker Scott
I cant count how many venezuelans and central americans I see everyday, Niggers too. I give them money hoping they make it to America.
Also thats what you get for voting AMLO, cucks. Fuck Claudia (((Sheinbaum))) by the way
James Russell
>want a thicc wall on the southern border Anyone who isn't a brainlet chairo wants a wall and the army guarding it, unfortunately we've been governed by a bunch of fags since like forever so it'll never happen because mexico is a country of "tolerance and respect" and the Goose in Chief is such a pussy he won't change that either
Juan Foster
This is what happens when you vote a literal socialist into power. The country will collapse within his 6 years. Fuck that motherfucker and the 3 million who voted for him.
Luke Torres
>3 million *30 million
Who /chavezgang/ here?
Nolan Wright
I like all of them, the countries and their culture. Can't say much about the people. I have the impression Spanish people hate us.
I didn't vote for him but how things were it was a given he was going to win.
Yeah man, it makes my blood boil. Also the retarded thing ALMO is gonna do in Tijuana I can almost assure Trump is gonna see it as an aggression since people will use that to try to cross the border.
Aaron Sanchez
>they took more than half of our territory many years ago Lol, no. You invited settlers there; they cultivated the land; they decided to declare independence; you chimped out; you got your ass handed to you; America helped out because they were asked to. And thus Texas was born. Get over yourself.
Aiden Anderson
I pray to God he gets coup'd.
Samuel Diaz
i don't understand how tariffs would be raised
Christopher Morgan
You sound pretty based, you can come here one day if you think you can't take it anymore As long as you don't mind being mistaken for a colombian or a "guy from a spanish country"
The other way around. A bunch of white Americans were encouraged to move to Texas by the US government so they could secede. Hardly anyone lived there until that time.
Tyler Rogers
>were encouraged to move to Texas by the US government They were invited by the Mexican government because the place was a wasteland at the time.
Dylan Jenkins
Products from Mexico will be like taxed 5% per month if Mexico doesn't stop the flow of immigrants crossing it to try to get to the USA.
Merci. I'm saving as much money as I can because I want to get out. Also want to visit all of Europe before I die.
Justin Cox
Fuck off, you did not deserve California or Texas, or anything north of the Rio Grande.
Camden Kelly
They weren't invited. They went there and the government turned a blind eye to their malpractices because they were busy with more important things. The Texans are the ones who chimped out when Mexico banned slavery.
Henry Bell
No. A bunch of gringos migrated to Mexico, they were invited to, and brought their slaves with them. Mexico had already banned slavery so the moment those slaves stepped Mexican soil they became free men. The gringos chimped out because they wanted to own slaves because they were to lazy to work the lands themselves and asked the US for aid. Mexicans asked the government for help as well but denied because "LMAO who wants that fucking shithole" the Mexicans there fought anyway and got their crap beaten out of them. Then the Texas decided to go nuts again when USA tried to ban slavery and you know the rest of the story.
Adrian Long
>want a big thicc wall at the southern border At last, the Mohican sees the truth. Every country without established borders is going to suffer from scum of a worse country leeching into their forces and degrading society as a whole. This continues down until you hit around Somalia where they probably just have rabid hordes of bandit dogs try to steal treats and eat baby's ears.
Michael Allen
>they were invited to THEY WEREN'T INVITED. The """invitation""" of some rogue shithole state government (Coahuila) doesn't mean they were welcome.
Landon Johnson
Dude you'd be surprised to know how many actual non chicano mexicans agreed with this long before Trump came to be president. Lots of people label them as traitors and faggots. Chicanos don't represent the average mexican nor do american msm, though you can only resist propaganda for so long before it affects you and elect a commie president like ours.
Kevin Parker
>>closest is wishing death to every gringo and his family but that's because they took more than half of our territory many years ago Literal Ch*cano ideology, you know very well the U.S. won that war and BTFO your president at that time.
But yeah, those niggers should be hanged as well those nopalniggers from South Mexico and the centralamerican niggers.
Connor Taylor
I blame indians and communist college students.
Henry Miller
>you can only resist propaganda for so long before it affects you and elect a commie president like ours. It's rough for us all. I'm not crazy about Mexico, but I do wish you well as our neighbor. Maybe someday a Duterte will rise up in your country and start killing all the gang members and affiliated politicians.
Liam Harris
De que hablas si estas igual de negro y pobre como esos literal negros pinche sudaca de caca
Learn proper Spanish, you chicano fuck. Stop butchering my beautiful language.
Lucas Reed
I know they won the war but I can't help it, it just triggers me.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
They never tell you that they won the war thanks to the Apaches making the north of Mexico a shithole through raiding and killing and acting like savages in general. They left the northern states desolate and the few people there welcomed US troops hoping they could put an end to the indians.
So yeah, the US came in through the front door unopposed thanks to the fucking indians.
Gabriel Torres
Sure that explains the north, but the US marched into Mexico City virtually unopposed, even the US troops were shocked at how easy it was to route the Mexican soldiers. There were people calling for a wholesale annexation of Mexico because of how pathetically weak they were.
Gabriel Allen
>>read that my retarded government has been giving "humanitarian visas" to migrants that want to cross the border with the US and so even Africans have been coming Can you tell Jow Forums about this? I bet they'll find out who came up with this idea and fuck their world up.
Easton Gonzalez
Well yeah, they literally had all that vast, empty space to march through without fear all the way into central Mexico, establish themselves, and fuck shit up. Also, they landed through the gulf of Mexico.
I still blame the indians. If it wasn't for those red niggers, it wouldn't have been such a pathetic war.
Easton Hughes
I'm white mexican and i hate being dragged down by these fucking mestizo mongrels that are sadly 90% percent of the population, i want both a thicc ass wall on the north and south, we should not let those 5'2 shit skins keep giving us a bad reputation.
>a literal socialist god how fucking stupid are you user? yo don't get all your info from Jow Forums right? right user?
John Clark
>I'm white mexican lol
Luis Gomez
Gentlemen, please. Allow me to clear up the matter. The Americans in question were invited by the Spanish government (or at least, the colonial government), which ruled the region at the time. They complied with the rules required of them to stay, including converting to Roman Catholicism and becoming fluent in Spanish. These Texans took no side during the war for Mexican independence, as the region was fairly remote, and to be honest they didn't want to make the winners angry. Following the war and Mexico's independence, they humbly asked if they were still allowed to stay, this time as citizens of Mexico rather than Spain. The Mexican government graciously reaffirmed this for them. The issue came with Santa Anna, who was seen as a tyrant for repealing the Mexican Constitution of 1824. Whites and Hispanics alike joined the fight against Santa Anna, and it was not clear among them at first if they were fighting for independence or for the restoration of the Constitution of 1824. In the end, it was decided that they needed to be independent from Mexico as their own republic. For 9 years after gaining independence, Texas used what was mostly the same Constitution of 1824 they fought for, and indeed they still use this document as their state constitution to this day. In short, it's an issue carried over from Spanish colonialism, and the Texas revolution was a battle for the rightful Constitution of Mexico, fought by Mexican citizens, be they white or hispanic. I don't give a shit about the land the US took in the Mexican-American war, you could have the entire west coast if I were in charge of things. The land between is a little difficult to maneuver with, in part because giving up Utah at all will lead to a Mormon theocracy, and I'm sure the mob will find a way to directly control at least Vegas. I'd put it to a vote with New Mexico and Arizona.
Jace Thompson
yes, we exist, but we are only 5% of the population
Justin Perez
Believe it or not some part of the Spanish conquerors maintained their bloodline. It is unfortunate the Spaniards did not continue the work of Cortez and cleanse the rest of the Americas the way the Anglos did for most of North America. Now the European remnants have to deal with the trash the Spaniards didn't get rid of polluting our bloodlines.
Cooper Johnson
>Mexican >wants a wall So will Mexico pay for it after all?
Austin Fisher
Stop embarassing yourselves.
Joshua Campbell
I'm good if my taxes are used to pay for a *southern* wall.
Chase Taylor
But your OP describes Africans crossing the border with the US.
Kevin Hughes
>white mexican >still and indio desu a whole annexation would be benefial for both sides. Mexico wouldn't be such a shithole and the USA could've easily conquered the world already with all the extra resources. Then nuke Israel not have to keep kissing their ass. Sure there would still be race issues among us but overall everything could've worked out.
Oliver Bell
Ya we vete a dormir al chile a nadie le importa we
Nicholas Perry
I don't care if people want to leave and go to the US, the less people here the better. People from the US don't cross the border to come here so I don't even care if there's a northern border.