Post your favorite memes
Post your favorite memes
the funny thing is, this is actually logically sound. ISIS is using the mexican border weakness to sneak operatives into the country, and there's no reason they can't target a NASCAR event.
the second one in auth-right is extra spicy
Tits and liquor
political compass memes are old but gold
my favorite meme is boys who are girls
Pick Up
Is no one else bothered by the white line at the bottom that is being inserted into images en-masse? The culprit is the website, which automatically rips image posts from reddit and turns their titles into a caption on the bottom. It appears sometimes there is no title and you just get that worthless white line. What a godawful site, it's akin to ifunny. Fuck meme kids.
Can't explain why
omfg is that what it is?!!
countless good memes ruined and it turned searching for a meme on google into a complete fucking nightmare
prob the best because it's better than girls who are girls, good taste
pretty sure it's a cropping/resizing issue
lmao i like it too.. and idk why either
Yes, unfortunately has a high search engine ranking so their hosted images appear before the originals. The same thing with ifunny and their shitty watermarked images.
You mean there is supposed to be a caption but it's getting chopped off? It seems more like they have a system that inserts white space and adjusts the height based off how long the "caption" is. If for some reason their crawler can't retrieve a title to be used as the caption, it just leaves the sliver of white space and saves it to their site.
My favorite meme is what is 13% but also 52%?
Stupid neighbors woke me up
Your mom knows
shovel doggo =D
This is legitimately the best meme I have ever stumbled upon. Behold.
muh social contract tho
freedom time
God damn socialists
who would have guessed, social media summerzoomers have shit taste in "memes" just leave this board
thanks for the free (you)
They are all yours, Lucy.
This board is now /b/ and I fucking hate it.
Noticed this too. 2019 Jow Forums = 2008 /b/ origami.
how to fix the problem quick and easy
I am not some kind of pussy who gets triggered when they see a thread they do not like. Just ignore it
>I am not some kind of pussy who gets triggered when they see a thread they do not like. Just ignore it
not knowing being a pussy is subjective, and caring about the normalnigger definition of it
fuck off phonenigger summerfag
i cant choose what makes me angry
>i cant choose what makes me angry
I can tell, you started seething after a little bait
its a mix of hot summer nights and being reminded that normalniggers exist, you would have understood if your genes were different normalnigger
Shit memes all of you wtf i love reddit now