Would you hit a girl?

if yes, under which circumstances?
I personally wouldnt unless im cornered and she has a weapon. even then, id try to disarm and submit her with my biologically superior strength

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Of course I would. Why would I not? If she is getting in my way or annoying me I will treat her the same as I would a man.

Yes, if she deserved it

Yes. Girls are gay

>biologically superior strenght
>can't even maintain eye contact with a girl
yeah, nah, you're a joke

>I will treat her the same as I would a man.
you know men and women are not equal.
they are more delicate

Yes. Under the same circumstances I'd hit a man; in self-defence.

what constitutes "deserved it"

Yes if she starts whaling on me it's only proper to hit back

>be me
>Middle school
>Sitting with the girl I love
>She's 10/10. Also the most popular girl in the school
>Some boy beat up a girl hours ago, we are talking about it
>She says not hitting girls are stupid
>Asks me if I would hit her
>She slaps me
>I touch her cheek and go in

Fuck I was a beta at the start. I wish I slapped her

Realistically, only in defense of my life. If there were no consequences I'd beat the shit out of girls just for fun. I'd just turn them into human punching bags.

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Done it to multiple sluts multiple times, idgaf.

you virgins need to stop hitting women and have sex instead

>under which circumstances?
If they were drowning and hysterical. Or trying to kill/harm other people significantly. Does spanking count? I don't think spanking counts but brats aren't really my kinda type either. If they were trying to act like a domme from a joi video.
You know just common sense kind of stuff.

They like being hit.

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what about hitting them while im having sex

OP is an incel

bitches loves to get beat up

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>you virgins need to stop hitting women and have sex instead
t.uber incel

I already hit them during sex

Ive hit women multiple times, every single time was because they tried to hit me first and thought they would get away with it, most times they cried like a bitch and ran off somewhere (which fixed the issue) or one time she just said wow, calmed down and realized maybe she shouldn't be hitting men all the time.
I hold my strength back a little but whenever i'd punch a man i'd also punch a woman.

Under no circumstances

If she had a weapon I'll beg her to spare my life

>most times they cried like a bitch and ran off somewhere (which fixed the issue) or one time she just said wow, calmed down and realized maybe she shouldn't be hitting men all the time.
That's a really positive story.

>Would you hit a girl?
>if yes, under which circumstances?
If I could get away with it.

>>Some boy beat up a girl hours ago, we are talking about it
>>She says not hitting girls are stupid
>>Asks me if I would hit her

Wow, makes a change for the girl to be the redpilled one.

Yes but only hecause I believe in equality, you hit me and I hit you back.

She was... Different. She was actually intelligent and had a personality. Most people couldn't see it because of her 10/10 russian face but our circle of friends actually knew her.
I miss her honestly

Interesting that she developed a personality, when many pretty girls just live off that and have no need for character.

Tell us more about how she was smart/different?

Sure. We were in Azerbayjan, people wasn't corrupt like westerners.
This pretty much explains it actually

when i was in like 4th grade some bitch was making fun of me while we were in the lunch line so i slammed her tray that she was holding into her face (didn't have food on it yet)
some bitches deserve it

I treat everyone that violates the NAP the same way.

My asperbers/autism really shows when im drunk.
Was unemployed and blackout drunk at a bar and for some reason I reeeee'd and punched some hot chick in the face a couple times until the whole bar beat the fuck out of me. Luckily I ran out of there with 1 shoe missing. No charges filed luckily. I'm still not allowed in that bar 9 years later

I have during sex. A lot of the girls ive been with liked being hurt.

And I would if I had to in self defense but I also know im strong enough to just hold them and prevent them from hitting me. Even if you think that you should hit them back its good to not get arrested

what became of the shoe

I would hit a girl if she was directly threatening my life with, say, a gun or some other weapon.

otherwise, no

>I have during sex. A lot of the girls ive been with liked being hurt.

as someone who also does this, I think you must realize that that really isn't "hitting" a girl. you're not trying to actually hurt or cow her, you're just smacking her around because it makes her pussy wet

No. Unless she is a hoodrat or is physically abusive

Yes and I have. In college a girl tried kneeing me in the balls so I punched her across the face and she chipped a tooth on the floor.

Yes and i actually had to do it once.
Moral: If you act like sub human you will be treated as one.

There aren't many instances where hitting someone gets you closer to your goals than grappling someone (especially if you don't include competition that includes hitting).

>Would you hit a girl.

I already have, so yes. Absolutely. You don't cut the line, cunt. Especially if you're going to get confrontational over it. Take a swing at me and you're gonna feel the floor.

At least I was nice enough to just gut punch her instead of breaking her fucking jaw.

I have, and she completely deserved it
what is most interesting is that she used to really like me and I assumed I probably made her dislike me by hitting her
now she is practically drooling over me (while having a boyfriend)

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Based roastie-punching 'sperg.

But not all Azer girls are as smart as she was?

How was she "different"? Besides hitting you.

Why had the other girl got beaten up btw?

How did you guys get away with that?

>A lot of the girls ive been with liked being hurt.
Why are girls like this?

Then they shouldn't demand equal treatment.

If a girl hit me I'd probably pull my dick out and jerk off.

>Then they shouldn't demand equal treatment.
Feminism = wanting it both ways

Right from the start, women demanded the vote while giving white feathers to shame men into drafting into the army (they supported conscription) and defending "women and children first" on the Titanic and other disasters (which continues to this day)

Yes. I heard about cases the girl fucked other guy and then she laughted at and therefore cucked her bf when confronted. Might use even fists in this case. If she would cheat on me, I would not hit her, just treat her as filth she is. But when she would try to lauht, berserker mode would switch on.

did it at a party right in front of 20 people and no one challenged me as they were either too scared or on my side and pissing themselves at her
people talk a lot of shit online but most people are very scared in the moment from my experience and usually freeze up/ get absurdly emotional etc.
confrontation and particularly violent confrontation is the only thing I excel at in terms of social situations

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No not because I personally disagree with it, it's just to risky if I hit her she could send me to prison for 4 years judges are usually boomers who believe you shouldn't lay a hand on woman for any reason and then I have a criminal record all because I couldn't keep my temper or because I couldn't take a couple of puny punches

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If she hit me then yeah

If I'm being physically or emotionally abused, and I have at least two witnesses to said abuse, then yeah I'll put a bitch's head through a wall.

I'm not a violent person generally, but if she has it coming, she has it coming

I backhanded my first girlfriend at a party in front of my friends before. I felt pretty shit afterwards. None of them have ever brought it up since it happened nearly ten years ago.

how many disasters and drafts you been through bro? sounds rough.

i slapped my wife a few times in heated arguments lol. and i've been a little rough with her when she was super drunk that caused bruising, like dragging her or holding her down. i don't think it's a big deal, we forgave each other pretty quickly and most people who use the gym or go on runs learn to endure physical pain pretty well.

Hit or Punch? No. I mean, maybe if she was an axe murderer trying to kill me.
Slap? Only if necessary, a slap on the cheek.
Spank? Absolutely all the fucking time.

Stop treating women like children you simpering cuck.

But women are children
they have the literal agency of children. I'm not gonna hit my dog for doing something mildly stupid.


No, most women could beat me up

See this is why none of you faggots have any woman who wants to talk to you.
Every single one of you niggers believes the exact same things about women that feminists do.
>Stop treating women like children
That's how they act you dumb fucking negroid.
You seem to believe the lies the pink haired jewess told you. That being "women are equal to men" they aren't and once you start wanting a woman to behave like men you set yourself up for disaster.

I'm not saying that women aren't childish. Braindead cuckold. I'm saying you should fucking beat them anyway. Beat your dog, beat your kids, teach them to fucking behave. Beat women. That's what a real man does.

Yeah, that doesn't teach them to behave dumbass. It makes most of them more defiant.
Only fucking brown third-worlders have this philosophy. Hope the double-digit IQ is working out for you.
You go ahead and beat your wife and kids back in the Indian subcontinent where you belong.

Under the same circumstances I would hit a man.

If I found out she had betrayed me in some major, unforgivable way. I might just wallop a slut.

Bitch, I'd fucking murder her beating her to a bloody pulp.

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I'll beat your ass and teach YOU to behave too idiot. You clearly don't have a clue about anything. Have fun paying for dental after I feed you some teeth.

hitting women is more fun than fucking them desu

>back in middle school
>I forgot why but a girl got triggered by something I said
>next day she comes dressed all sport like
>starts to kick me
>I literally spin kick her back in the stomach
>she fell on her, big, booty and start crying
>remember that I gtfo of the place
>next day she talks to me and wants us to date
To this day I still don't get the logic behind this.

You sound real threatening on an anonymous gorilla training image board.

>even then, id try to disarm and submit her

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>I might just wallop a slut.
>didn't say "wallop a trollop"
missed your shot, user

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Please tell me you brute fucked her

I hit human beings not girls not boys humans. If said person is attacking me and the law permitts me to protect myself. Fuck yeah im gonna swing back. Just being a girl isnt enough for you to not deserve to get fucking smacked. (Also vice versa with men)

I veiw people. But Fuck it that's just me

No, I never would. Even if she starts a fight with you, why fight back? She's a woman. Just grab her hands and she can't do anything. She'll probably start to cry and give up. Then comfort her and forgive her, then sex.

Are your shoes ok?

If a girl punches me, I will literally just pick her up and throw her in the opposite direction.

I would respond with force appropriate to the threat in any situation. Since most women aren't much of a threat I would probably blow it off.

Jesus, you people have problems. Why fight someone smaller and weaker than you? Unless you're that insecure about your own strengths, to hit a woman because of some "fair fight" rule that you made up. It's never okay to hit a woman as a man, it's never justified.

I have no idea dude

I only date zoomers now and literally all of them want me to choke them. I've asked them why they're into this and they basically just say "um I dunno lol"

fuck off with your sexist bullshit

Only if she was bigger than me.

I hope she texts you back, bro.

Jesus, this thread has been alive since i was drawfagging earlier. Might as well respond.

Yeah, I'd fucking hit a girl if she hit me first with harmful intent. You're a fucking nonsensical beta dipshit if you'll allow harm to come to yourself simply because someone has a hole where your dick is.

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>he thinks he should have slapped her
This would've been autistic af. You were supposed to say something like: "I will not hit you, not because you're a girl but because you're my friend. I really like you and I don't want to hurt you for no reason." or some shit like that.