Have oneitis

>Have oneitis
>She's smart, successful, talks to me almsot every day
>Been talking for over a year
>Make a point of waiting for her to text me first
>Always confiding in her
>She calls me last night, we talk on the phone
>She even tells me I'm handsome
>On cloud 9 all day
>Today, she messages me that she needs advice
>It's about a guy she's going to fuck next week

My heart is broken. I love her so much. Thinking about her fucking this other guy brings me so, so much fucking pain. I want to rip my heart out and splatter my guts all over the wall. I'm autistic as fuck and I seriously thought I was making progress. What's the easiest way to end it robots?

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She is testing the water, make your move now or forever hold your peace.

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So what, she'll still talk to you everyday
Cherish her and support her

And ignore this poster

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I'm so broken user. I'm going to keep my mouth shut because I can't stand to lose her but my heart just screams for her. I've never felt this in love before. Every morning I wake up thinking about her and every night she's my last thought before I go to sleep.

I very much want to end it. Ican't deal with this pain

Cowardice wont win any heart.

Please just tell me what to do, user. I can't make any kind of decision right now. I know enough to know that I'm autistic as fuck and being a little bitch so I have no idea what I should be doing. I want her to be happy but I need her.

Speak to her and tell her how you feel, not in abstracted thoughts, but direct, to the point and from the heart. You have one, I assume, since you seem to be involved well beyond the usual sexual attraction and actually have feelings. So follow them. Thats what nature intended, you know...

happened to me already, i got nothing out of it. we don't talk anymore and i'm still not entirely over it yet.

Addendum: by speak I mean not by text message. Speak with your voice. God speed, user.

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>hook up with girl
>can't stop thinking about her
I'm probably just nothing more than another cock to her :(

I am such a coward. I wish I could pick up the phone and call her. And tell her how much I feel for her. How I want her to be happy. How I would hold her, cherish her, spend every second of my time becoming the man she deserves. I read philosophy for her to have something to talk about. I started going to the gym. I love her so much it feels like my heart is going to stop beating.

you were in the friend zone long ago

You'll get over it soon, I know because I experienced the same
She went to another country and is now married but I still remember her fondly and credit her with some improvement I did when we were close.
Chin up, if you're lucky she'll set you upwith one of her awesome friends or something

You might be stumped or super surprised by this but actually doing that has a higher chance of working out than you might think. Honesty is rare these days. Show some, you might just get some back and that is not to say there is risk but in order to forge a relationship one must expend some risk.

That's what you get for talking to her for a year without doing anything

-girl tells boy about another boy which may or may not be truthful as an observational experiment.
-Observes reaction to gauge relationship readiness.
OP either wins or fails. Its black and white.
Or, OP cowers out of the situation and is put firmly aside forever by the girl and moves on to greener pastures.

Choices choices...

Do you think that might be what she's doing? Please don't hopeium me, I'm in a lot of pain. She had a lot of details about him, about how they met in college and he's coming back into town. About how he plays the same sports and her and they're always talking.

I wonder if she was lying.

So what you're saying is women are psychos that play games with people?

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Do not under any circumstance or compulsion question her about him, just make your feelings known sooner rather than later. Trust me on this, since you can either deal with this now or never deal with anything real ever, and that would just be utterly pathetic.
Grow a pair and use them (eventually, hopefully, right?

God the advice in here is horrible, no wonder you guys have no gfs. OP you sound like a beta faggot, man up.

Women have a right as much as you do to seek a partner that is fit for them. Fuck I really with I had not played my hand in building the internet.

lmfao if youre not larping that sucks dude haha whats she look like man? any pics?

I'm allowed to play games with them too then right?

>A Year

Wtf dude? Why didn't you ask her out? You deserve to be friendzoned.

>no wonder you guys have no gfs
Not everyone here is an incel robot. Some of us have to teach the underclass where to go and what to do because their fathers sure as shit didnt do their job.

>Talks to single girl for year
>Develops crush
>Is a faggot and never tells her
Now that you know how fucking stupid you sound, fix the problem

No, because you wont be carrying the potential child yourself, nor giving birth, and ultimately that is the purpose of every relationship UNLESS its a known factor beforehand. Not everyone wants kids, including women.

Hive minding the human race was the worst mistake humans ever made. Fucks sake. The state of young men and women these days.

Keep her as a friend, but start talking and dating other girls

>tell her how much I feel
Yes, please do that and tell us how it goes
Forecast: Poorly, with bouts of hilarity for those outside the storm zone

You fucking dildo, what if the guy she wants to fuck is you and she's playing coy? Gotta seize life by the balls, man.

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>And tell her how much I feel for her
Yes, do this, but not in your faggy way.
Try to make her feel as bad as possible instead.

First, ghost her for like two or three days and then after a million text messages like "what happened user? where are u??" say something like:
>I'm sorry, but I needed to take me some time off. When you said you were going out with somebody. Yeah. That really fucking hurt me, you know. I think you broke my heart with that. Did you really never consider I had feelings for you? We've known eachother for way too long. No way you didn't. Why did I deserve this?

Don't attack her personally though, like "Fuck you bitch for doing this to me". And don't make it ALL about you, e.g. literally saying "I feel terrible and this is all thanks to you. Happy??". No. Just state how you feel, and *implicitly* blame her for causing it, just like in example above. That'll make her feel like SHE's done something wrong and she'll reconsider her actions.

The worst you can do is just pour your sob story "boo hoo woe is me I love you. Why don't you love me?" on her, cause you'll just confuse the hell out of her and she won't know what to get out from it.

she knows exactly what shes doing and she did that to hurt you, block her.

>When you said you were going out with somebody. Yeah. That really fucking hurt me, you know. I think you broke my heart with that. Did you really never consider I had feelings for you? We've known eachother for way too long. No way you didn't. Why did I deserve this?
Literally exactly what you say not to do
>The worst you can do is just pour your sob story "boo hoo woe is me I love you.

>not in your faggy way
Your faggy way is among the faggiest ways I've seen

the post

Oh boy I remember when I fell in love, it was the worst experience in my life. Now if I find a girl particularly cute I just stay as distant as possible to not let it happen again. How can anyone like being in love? It feels absolutely terrible.

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