I'm a femanon and my fetish is being a silly clown and being embarrassed dressed as one, I know this is dumb...

I'm a femanon and my fetish is being a silly clown and being embarrassed dressed as one, I know this is dumb, but I can't stop thinking about it

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what do you think of this situation?

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post more clown content pls

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Haha Imagine someone coming up and honking your big clown nose and teasing you about how silly you look. They'd probably be able to see you blush even through the white makeup

Why is clown fetish a thing?

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U too, I like to see it.

That would be awesome, it's the kind of stuff I like. I'd definitely blush.

Because I like feeling embarrassed and humiliated by the whole situation. Some people just find it cute/hot though.

>her face when she asks you your fetish and you say clown girls
fuck this reality

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It makes more sense then feet at least
foot fags need to hang

If I had a bf he would make the same face, I just know it

All things given your fetish is pretty tame. Honestly if it's not something gross like piss or scat i don't mind doing stuff that my partner enjoys. While i do have my own fantasies and fetishes i also get off out of my partner's enjoyment and pleasure. I think alot of people have this mentality when it comes to their loved ones so i don't see this out of the realm of reality.

hold up I swear I saw this same post a week or so ago, some femanon talking about her clown fetish. Are clown-femanons really popular on Jow Forums or is this the same bitch calling for attention?

God, I want to humiliate and torment a cute clown girl.

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Why is anime a thing?

do you know how many guys pretend to be into a girl's fetish? i've talked to many guys that joke about how weird it is that girls want them to hit them and choke them, but they go along with it because they're getting laid and don't mind

hum, Idk, you're pretty open-minded, and so am I, but most people are not like us I think, they might say it's okay, but deep down judge us for it.

This thread is also mine

Really? How would you torment her?

Could be a LARP or people reposting to see if they get more traction/opinions, It's not even a Jow Forums thing reposts became more prevalent in Jow Forums, be it bait or legit discussion.

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Not even dumb but un-Oregon as well. Kys yourself my man.

I want a cute clown girl to tease and tickle me.

but most people even freak out when they see clowns and stuff.. I hope ur right though

that could be fun too

You should be a Juggalo then, you would fit in perfectly.

Yup, that's the one. I'm the guy with the name because I forgot to delete it after I was in some weird name thread.

>ywn make her *honk honk* and squirt from her flower


what does that mean??

Alright where are you OP? If ur near vegas I will drive to you and honk ur ass u clowny ass qt

>they might say it's okay, but deep down judge us for it.

This is why I'll never tell anyone my fetishes IRL.

is this you bianca? can you even go one day without fishing for attention lmfao. go overdose and die already you underaged crackhead.

>but most people are not like us I think
Probably. But the internet is good to filter that sort of people and save time and energy.
Also your partner might enjoy doing it not only out of love but a mix of other fetishes/situations.
For instance getting throat-fucked would probably ruin the makeup, tearing up/sweat and whatnot, not to mention the lipstick would make the cock look like a godamn lolipop. I personally would enjoy seeing that so maybe you could find somebody that is willing to do it for that, or the "cosplay" sense, humilliation... etc. It doesn't need to be a 1-to-1 of what you feel, but for some reason the other person might seem inclined to do it. Even if they don't have the enjoyment of seeing the other person in complete pleasure.

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I don't live in north america :p

yeah, i'm not inclined to do it either.

I would llove if someone could enjoy the fetish with me like that, even if not for the same reasons. I hoep i'm lucky enough to find someone like that one day. maybe he could share some unusual fetish with me first, so I would feel safer sharing mine

you know what it means you balloon animal whore

It's from a game, pal

Clowns are friendly and love you make you smile.

I had a crush on my geometry teacher and found out that when she was in college, she was a clown you could hire for birthday parties.

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w-wait, do you mean it literally or figuratively?? my english is not perfect you know

>she was a clown you could hire for birthday parties.
I'm interested in doing that, but I won't because I have no idea how you do clown stuff

yeah, we would

Where are you from? Also, what kind of outfit would you like to wear if you could?

H e m e a n s i t f i g u r i t i v e l y

Why am I seeing girls wearing clown makeup now? Is it some kind of meme?

mean ;-;

>Where are you from?
Eastern Europe

>what kind of outfit would you like to wear if you could?
my favorites are the traditional one piece clown outfits desu... but I like the ones that are like dresses, or the ones that have skirts too.

>Eastern Europe

Oh, nice. I'm in the northwest.

>I like the ones that are like dresses, or the ones that have skirts too.

Those types are really cute.

I just want a cute lolita clown gf who will beckon me in for a kiss and then pie me in the face.

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Op are you the Georgian user?

dammit kiki stop posting u fucker

>Eastern Europe
Hey at least if you meet somebody unless they're in the states moving there/to you won't be such a hassle.
t. guy that had to go from the third world to spain to get laid

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What if instead of her wearing clown make-up from the start, we took turns blasting our loads on OP's face until her entire face was painted?

Have you ever dressed as a clown?

>Those types are really cute.
I agree they are adorable

I'm not

Hope I can find someone in my country

Why not both?? I really like the makeup..

Yes. I do it sometimes on the weekends.

op is a guy.


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I wish. I hate my periods, it's disgusting.

>I agree they are adorable

Yeah. A long gothic lolita-style/poofy dress paired with over-elbow gloves would be amazing.

Do you have an embarrassing clown name you've thought up for yourself?


Sounds cute. What kind of makeup do you think it would go with it?

No. Good point, I do need one. But for now nobody saw me or anything, so it's fine.

>What kind of makeup do you think it would go with it?

Maybe something like 's gif?

>Good point, I do need one.
Going off the list of names I linked, how does "Buttercup the Bimbo Buffoon" strike you?

I like it!

I'm okay with buttercup, but bimbo is too much, I'm not a sexualized clown!

>I like it!

I'm glad! Maybe you could get a fluffy/feather fan, too, as an accessory and use it to tickle people to make them laugh and smile.

I'm just thinking of stuff off the top of my head here, but the way. I'd love to see something like that, though. It sounds like it would be adorable.

Step 1: pretend to be female

Step 2: make up some stupid story

Step 3: sit back and laugh at all the replies

AYYYYY no but its my thread now bitches fuckin clowns

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A small, yet knowing clown.....
it's a clown world we're living in, anons

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You dont have the balls. Never met an anti-footfagger I couldn't beat.

do clown masks count? i think they're pretty neat

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subtle clown makeup...

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artsy clown looks

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>femclown fetish
finally a place me

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Sounds very nice, makes me want to dress like that.

I'm really female, but it's okay if you don't believe me :)

I wouldn't waste my time in creating "some stupid story" just for some thread.

They look nice. But I prefer whiteface clowns

cool pic