Should I threaten the disgusting muslim subhuman who sent unsolicited nudes to my little sister last night? I know there are potential legal repercussions, but I'm fucking pissed and there's no way I'm going to let this slide
Should I threaten the disgusting muslim subhuman who sent unsolicited nudes to my little sister last night...
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Silly niggers being violent as always
OP, I am a muslim myself. Let's talk it out. Is this person muslim, or are they just from a muslim country? To me, sending nude photos is very unislamic, as we are taught to guard our private parts.
I'm white you idiot
You think I don't know about taqqiya?
Even the most vile and barbaric tactics are acceptable in Islam, so long as furthers your conquering of it's enemies
I see right through you, scum
I've been a student of my religion for two decades. I'm pretty sure that's not how it goes either. Taqiyya isn't obligatory therefore commiting sinful acts can't justify it. If I wanted to sell you something, why would I show you the bad parts of it?
Stop listening to these LARPing sand niggers
Oregano is originally
blast this and make tarrant proud
I would do it if i was you
Have sex
I don't know man frightening children with sandy cocks sounds pretty fucking Allah-kawaii to me.
Get evidence of what he sent, then beat the shit out of him
so tired of retards using "muslim" as an ethnicity
anyway show him the evidence then bash his head in but you are a Jow Forums poster so you are probably too weak
Muhammad Boetticher.
Something that definitely happened lol
If anyone did that to one of my sisters it would mean there face to the curb, especially if they are muslim. My twin sister is a fine looking girl, I make sure she always tells me if a guy is giving her trouble.
Be a good older brother OP, but don't get arrested either.
How are you retards falling for this shitty bait
Oh it certainly did
Kid was in my grade 2 class
My mom sent me this last night
Forgive her, she's pretty bluepilled
As a Muslim I'd tell you to go beat him up
or contact the police and let them take care of it if you want to avoid ruining your life
Sand Niggers are gonna nig op, there's not much you can do about it. Just make sure your sis doesn't get with the ape.
Yeah Yeah Amhed, don't you have crowd to drive a truck into?
>arguing with your mom about politics
>letting the Jow Forums autism out into real life
big yikes
Your mom isn't blue pilled, she's right. Anglo americans are some of the biggest fucking trash on the planet. European immigrants are the best though. Your racism towards darkies most likely stems from your inceldom.
what does that have to do with my original post?
Shouldn't you be praying right about now, Achmed?
I'm Christian European, Billy Bob. I speak 3 languages, my parents speak 5. They are 1st generation immigrants that living in a home valued at almost 3 million dollars. Meanwhile, 90% of your trash kind are useless broke degenerates with no family value and, despite having 10 generations worth of opportunity to amass land and wealth, you dipshits have nothing to fucking show for it.
Meanwhile Abraham Shekelstein, Pajeet, and Ho Ting Lo immigrate to your country and rise above you within a single generation. And they do it without acting like degenerate trash and constantly breaking laws.
Ahmed, mother called, she wants you to go back too raping women and sending nudes to children.
The LARP is over friend. Please cease posting.
My parents both make over 100k/yr and
I'm on the road to make similar
With how much you seem to hate whites, you must have some semitic dna mixed in somewhere along the line
if it was one time depending on the age just let it go but if he harasses or keeps going I would just get him arrested theres not much you can do and theres proof
>im white you iddiot
Kek. And whatever you do, especially if you act, she'll crave the forbidden arab cock. Enjoy your slut and future ahmed nephews.
Does it even matter if they are an arab or a west african? Shut the fuck up. It's the same subhuman mentality no matter the country.
Depends how old your sister is if she's below 18 you can put that fucker behind bars user
I don't hate whites, just anglo american trash. White Europeans are literally the best stock on Earth.
Nice try with the 100k/year BS. That isn't even impressive, by the way. That is literally the manlet tier of 6 figure salary lmao. Meanwhile the Jews are actually starting businesses and employing cucks like your dad and profiting 10x as much off his dumb ass.
Muslims aren't a hivemind bent on destroying western civilization, they follow the same rationale as any other group in the world. People should just know this already
I wouldn't threaten the guy unless you want him plus 50 of his cousins on your ass, if you have the pics send them to his parents or some shit, what he did isn't allowed in islam and they'll give him shit for it.
Yeah OP, to make actionable threats of violence to this visible minority. Nothing could go wrong.
Don't be a fucking pussy. Molotov his house.
Decapitate him ISIS style.
How will Mudslimes ever recover?
I think I'll hold off for now
If he ever harasses her again though, well...
he won't be doing it a third time
If your sister is under 18, you can bust him for sexual harassment of a minor
If he is under 18, you can bust him for distribution of child pornography.
I know you want to beat the shit out of him OP, and I'd love to help but there's not really a way you could get away with that.
Don't be a pussy. Go kick his ass, OP.