>Not waterfasting
>i've done a 26 days fast like 5 years ago but my dad took me to the doctor and forced me to eat
>now that i don't live with him in on day 1 of my new waterfasting adventure
>i will only drink cofee from time to time
Wish me luck bros

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I have been sexfasting for 19 years. AMA.

only 19 years? lmao get off my board casual

Op here ama. Im at work and bored out of my mind

Lmao that's fun-

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why would you not drink water?

I meant water too obviously

Water fasting means only drinking water my zoomer friend

why are you fasting though

Because i want to lose my belly. The muslims do it once every year and you don't see fat muslims

I always see "fasting" used to refer only to no-eating, i assumed water-fasting meant "no food and no water"

have you considered just fixing your diet instead

>Saudi Arabia ranks 29 on a 2007 list of the fattest countries with a percentage of 68.3% of its citizens being overweight

still better than the us tho


how do you even do this? if i go 4 hours without eating im like crawling around on the floor and i scream at shit and get angry i start shaking and i cant concentrate on anything like i legit cant even read a sentence. wtf do i do. whats wrong with me

try chewing on gum, preferably sugarless it helps me keep my mouth busy

hard part is because most of time social interactions occur around eating. so it is hard to either skip meeting people of miss out

no it feels like I have 0 nutrients in my body and im dying

Any calories you consume mess with your fast and cause hunger and lower weight loss.

I coped with anxiety playing video games. I completed resident evil 4 on the wii and i know it is painful but i was suicidal at that moment and i just thought that living was more painfyl so basically i tried to starve myself to death and when i went to work i told my coworkers i was water fasting and the hottest stacy started talking to me thats what kept me going

>go 4 hours without eating
>go into withdrawal

the problem is your fat, addicted to sugar, and have no self control

like really, 4 hours lmao jesus christ, try taking baby steps and stop snacking and just have 3 normal meals/day, then cut it down to 2 meals (breakfast, dinner), and then go OMAD

I know its r9k, but if u get a job it is easy to not eat while you are at work.
After 6 months of not working I gained 30 pounds, but now im losing the weight only eating when I get home. Also eating only like 30g of carbs a day if any at all.

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OP is "water fasting", meaning they only drink water, and use their fat stores as sources of energy (autophagy). Anyone who does it properly includes minerals in their water to maintain electrolytes, but beyond that, nothing else is needed, assuming you have sufficient fat stores. There are also two varieties of "dry fasting": 'soft', and 'hard. Soft means you do not eat or drink anything, but still bathe, wash your teeth, and practice other hygiene matters with water. Hard dry fasting is a complete disconnect from usage of food or water.

Each has their own benefit

>how do you even do this?
Willpower, productivity, and getting over your physical addictions to routine eating of sugary trash.

What minerals? Can I just take a multi-vitamin? I don't think they digest well but is it still enough?

salt and potassium
some people take multi-vitamins while fasting, sure, and yeah they do not digest well you will piss most of it out, not to mention the fat-soluble vitamins will have nothing to dissolve into and not get absorbed at all (like vitamin D, but simply get some sun for that)

make sure you don't overuse tho, they can form into stones when the kidney is overwhelmed

what forms of potassium do you take? Would lite salt(iodized salt and potassium chloride) work?

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Just eat decent food at a small deficit and workout in some way. It's not fucking hard. Fat people just eat like fat fucks and are lazy.

>What minerals?
Sodium Chloride
Sodium Bicarbonate
Potassium Chloride
Magnesium Sulfate

That's basically anything you may want to consider taking in. You can use regular table salt (or preferably, Himalayan sea salt) for sodium chloride. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Potassium chloride can be found online, or in products such as "NoSalt" or "LoSalt" (which are mixtures of sodium chloride and potassium chloride). Magnesium sulfate = epsom salts.
>Can I just take a multi-vitamin?
Absolutely not. Aside from some minerals, consuming anything besides water can potentially kick you out of a fast. At least, it may put your progress back.