What have you done that has caused successful weight loss?

What have you done that has caused successful weight loss?

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Not eat so much.

I ate fewer calories than my body burned.

I have been bulimic for seven years and occasionally mildly anorexic. No I am not a girl

Stop drinking soda and probably coffee too and you will automatically start losing weight assuming nothing else changes.

its fucking miserable and you'll be hungry literally all the time, from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep. but it does work.

>No I am not a girl
Yes you are, fag.
Coffee doesn't have any calories.

I have a long veiny donger


not each so much you stupid fat piece of shit

fat people should just kill themselves honestly, what sort of use is there for people who are too dumb to stop stuffing unnecessary amounts of food down their gullet?

Cardio bro. Lots of fucking cardio.

worry about the gains later. Right now you need to focus on weight loss. And that's done by eating less and moving morem

Caloric deficit (Use MyFitnessPal to log) and Couch 2 5K. Pretty fucking fool proof.

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Honestly despite the meme, Keto. Actually sticking to it, lost a good amount of weight, food is good. So much meat! and my mood is better

Ive been going on about 30 minute plus walks daily and eating mostly raw vegetables for lunch
I had done something similar in the past and it worked pretty well

When I get that burning feeling in my stomach I know that weight is being burned. I have some kind of eating disorder and am underweight so I know the feel well. Something that makes me lose weight every single time I do it is this:
When you get up have a small breakfast with coffee. (Gets your system moving) When afternoon comes and you are hungry, only eat one or two bites, then leave it. Stare at it and remember that you can not eat any more than you have already. This should make you feel extremely uncomfortable. Do this for your next meal as well if you really want to burn. If everything goes right you will feel horrible and unfulfilled, probably anxious too. It's like an abusive way to force your body to use its own fuel.

Swear off all soda and cheese. It's not hard. After a while you won't even want them anymore

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>swear off cheese

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it's true that cutting shit food out of your diet is an effective way to improve your health and lose weight. it's false that you won't want them anymore.

Wagecucked 90 hours a week to meet deadlines.
I lost 15 lbs over the course of 3 weeks.
Thank you Mr. Shekelburg, I love you now!


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>Stopped drinking sodas last October
>Think about them every day
>My brain when I see Coke on offer in the shop

Some craving just never go away.

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>Swear off all soda
Anyone actually trying to lose weight has already done this. Its like step 0

I'm like this with fast food. I can go without eating it for six months and I still want it literally whenever I'm really hungry.

This may sound stupid but is diet soda okay? Its the only kind of soda i drink

Cut sodas down to one a week and started drinking a shit ton of water instead. Also, tried to eat less carbs.

I'm also out in the sun all day so I'm sweating a shit ton.

None of this was my decision. My dad forced it on me when I had to start working with him against my will.

Does cutting diet soda actually do anything?

Ive read that while diet soda does not cause weight gain on its own it may stimulate appetite or trick the body to release insulin

started doing OMAD

it sucks but it works

down like 60lb so far

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How long have you originally been on it?

going on about a year now, but there was a 2 month period in between where I stopped being so strict with my diet

gained 5 pounds in that period and got my shit together again

honestly not sure how i'm going to ween myself off this diet without ballooning back up, but hopefully i'll figure it out

lost like 50 pounds this year mostly OMAD and ADF, became fairly skinny with little physical effort. I'm still a virgin and nogf so it doesn't fucking matter lmao death is the only respite from this hellish place we call earth

probably also worth noting that i live a completely sedentary lifestyle with 0 exercise

my results probably would have come considerably faster if I did

Bongs and depression

Suicidal depression is great for weight loss! You look like shit, though.

Getting my left leg amputated.

I only drink milk now. 3&1/4% milk. Lost 110 lbs



Punishing myself by not eating. Every time my stomach would growl, I would yell at myself that I didn't deserved to eat. I weirdly enjoyed the pain I inflicted on myself.

I also chose to stop drinking anything that wasn't water although that was more of a test to see how long I could go without a flavored beverage. So far, I'm winning.

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i became a vegetarian and stayed away from refined carbs like breads and went from 190 to 130 so

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Spending months utterly depressed and in heart-wrenching grief helps a lot. Bonus points if it leads to heart failure which tends to cause mild diarrhea, stopping the food from being absorbed properly.

Try it out sometime.