Anons who dropped out of college, what did you do with your lives?

Anons who dropped out of college, what did you do with your lives?

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I got on hormones and transitioned into a "hot" """"""babe"""""" to pick my fuckbuddies on /robotville/.

Obviously not much, if they're still on Jow Forums

Work at a shoe store, getting hit on from time to time.

Dropped out in 2017, tried community college twice, tried to kill myself, working a part-time job now with no idea where to go with my life. I don't like the higher education system, not just because of the stress of classes and people, but because of all the financial shit and legalities I have to deal with. Maybe someday I'll return to college, but not until at earliest 2020, I've grown incredibly lazy over the past 2 years and have stopped giving a shit, which isn't good for wanting to succeed, so I'm trying to reverse that and get back on my feet.

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OMG the pic is LITERALLY me.

Spent a lot of time on hobbies (music, drawing, vidya, writing, reading)
Had a couple of jobs, resign after a year for each of them, take some time off and use money I earned to buy stuff I need for the longer term as well as to sustain my hobbies

I'm mostly NEET living with my parents, but when I need money, I do food delivery apps. I probably would have killed myself by now if I was still in school or had a real "career". I don't get how normalfags can handle that shit.

I went to a tech school and graduated

I actually didn't drop out of college. i graduated. im just here to say that dropping out of college is smarter than gettng 90% of the degrees and going into debt. I had to work two shitty jobs for 1.5 years and only use the money to pay off the debt to get out of it. since i graduated i've never worked outside of retail and the most i've made is 16/hr (usually part time jobs).

the only safe majors are accounting and CS, unless you want to become a doctor/lawyer/pharmacist. anything else, you're going to have to be really good at sucking cock, getting people to like you, and """"networking"""" which i cannot do because i hate people.

t. majored in polisci and wish i had dropped out

>I don't get how normalfags can handle that shit.

There's a lot that distract them from deep issues. Family expenses, vacation plans, consumption, social media, politics, etc.

Dropped out in '12 after which I was a NEET for a few years. I erorded whatever paltry intelligence and social skills I had during that time. I've been a wagecuck on a mindless hamster wheel for the past ~4 years and there's no end in sight.

Yea my family is running out of money and the "financial shit" is indeed the worst thing ever

That never worked for me. All that shit is just more effort into shit I don't really want to do. When people say shit like, it sounds like the solution to not hate working is to work more on stuff that not only doesn't pay you, but actually costs you money.

I went back to school at 26, got a B.S in business and started work on the insurance industry

Congrats on not thinking like normies do.
They just want more.

I work for my states train company. Get paid more than I would have and how I get to shitpost for 42.32/hr

how did you get this job? oregon trail

Very sad reality for many graduates

Went to art school studying cinema after high school and quickly dropped out. Flip flopped between community college, NEET/hikki life, mental institutions, and retail cucking for five years before completing an AS in compsci

Eventually transferred to a commuter school third tier university near my mom's house. Now I'm living at home and 3/4 of the way through my BS in compsci. I work part-time at my old community college doing IT and have a relatively attractive girlfriend

Most important to me is my writing. I've published a couple mediocre short stories in magazines nobody reads but aspiring/failed writers. I'm in debt but it's not insurmountable, and I have a disposableish income

All in all, 5/10 decision. I'm not a normal successful person but it could have gone much worse

Just dropped out, about to join Air Force. I plan on coming back eventually

I want her boipucci so bad lads

Dropped out half way through first semester, now I am day trading cryptocurrency. I couldn't help but feel I was imprisoning myself and dooming myself to a 9-5 job.

I definitely wouldn't have made it through regardless, college is designed for extroverts.

I found a shady consulting firm that got me a contract doing sharepoint development which I was able to parlay into a full time .net development gig after giving the firm the slip.

It's been gr8

Dropped out of community college and joined the Navy. Now I work in a cyberwarfare unit. Yeah parts of the military suck but I wish I joined at 18 instead of waiting into my 20s

At least now you can make epic shitposts on Jow Forums that can be backed up with knowledge

I became a software developer and now my company is gonna pay a portion of college next year. The money is pretty good for an area with a super low Cost of Living and since I'm 19 I have plenty of time to pursue what I want. But let's see how it goes.

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Frats are fucking dying out on my campus because they can't enroll enough people. They used to pick and choose people who came to their recruitment events, now they take literally anyone who shows up and fulfills their gpa/class standing requirements. The stereotype of college is for extroverts, but it is not universal.

I ended up hyping up my resume and landing a job in IT, which is looking like it's turning into a career at this point.

Once you get into corporate you realize it's more about experience than a piece of paper, not to say that a degree isn't important but...

dropped out at 19, neet for 20 and 21, now at 22 wagecucking part time while back at school getting a programming cert

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I'm 29 and deliver pizza and for skip the dishes.

It was mostly due to drug addiction and being a shit head robot with social anxiety.

I wish I had gone to college for counselling

My only option now is to start a business, get some shit government job or kill myself with drugs.

I regret everything.

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nah nigga deliver me that pizza and ill give u a nice tip

I am 22 and lost af but if there is anything I know is that unless you are addicted to heroin or some shit like that or you have 200k+ in college debt and a film degree you are kinda alright.. you have some degree of flexibility. The way I think about it, it doesnt really matter if you have a 12/hr retail job or an 20/hr corporate job your life will still be miserable wage cucking 40+ hours a week.. In this life you either go big or go home

Accounting and cs is such kiss ass lily ass career. I graduated in acc only to be discriminated against for not being good looking enough and having the wrong attitude. Regardless of being able to do the fucking job better than the kiss ass poster bois they hire

Yeah well fuck you
I wanted to go but my high school fucked me with false accusations and putting 1 too many felonies on my record

give me your address and Ill deliver you a pizza

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500

Mostly masturbating to anime

Dropped out after pretty much failing first semester at Community College. I was tired all the time and felt like I didn't belong there. I was 19 or so at the time, now I'm 22 and have been a NEET with an unsuccessful online shop. If I can save up enough money this way I will look up good ways of investing it. I've been thinking of getting a part time job and going back to college for this fall semester though, but I don't even know what I want to study, only think that kind of interest me is /gd/ but everyone tells me a degree in that is useless

dropped out to take a break cause anxiety, got fucked from there. i was a total dumbass with my student loans, and being out of school for so long they sicced collections on my ass and i owe thousands before i can go back to school. right now i just wage cuck as a cashier and pray for death. i wanna go back to school but then i see just how much i owe, and how long itd take me to get that money, and i dont even want to bother

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I graduated from college, but realized afterward that a college+classroom environment is absolutely terrible for learning. I learned much more after graduating than I ever did in college. I am much better at teaching myself something alone with a book than using the education system.
>Professor goes over something in class. You may or may not understand it in the single instant that it is discussed. Professor instantly moves on to the next point.
>Specific professors grade your papers harshly because they don't like you
>Having to take a bunch of fluff unrelated horseshit classes just to fulfill major requirements (I took Poetry, Songwriting, History of Protest Music, Songwriting (again), Astronomy, Gender Studies, Race Studies, Prose/Fiction, Neuroscience, Astronomy, and Human Sexuality...for an Organizational Development degree...)
>Wasting 10-20 minutes per class walking to and from buildings (much longer if the building is on the complete opposite end of campus)
>Waste time listening to insufferable faggot students try to 1-up each other and sound smart
>Waste time listening to that one kid who asks pointless questions because he feels like he has to ask SOMETHING
>Waste time on projects and group projects that only tangentially relate to the knowledge you are supposed to be learning.
>Waste time formulating and writing 20 page papers instead of digesting knowledge.
>Waste time listening to the professor go off on stupid tangents that have nothing to do with the topic/talk about their personal lives
>Have to worry about being in awkward in a social environment, making friends, impressing the opposite sex, etc
>God forbid you have actual friends that are constantly trying to drag you away from studying to play video games

Meanwhile, learning by myself
>Read material
>Attack difficult concepts from different angles until I understand it completely
>Test myself to make sure I really know it
>Keep notes to review periodically
No bullshit involved...

Dropped out of uni in '15. Biological science
>got kicked out 2 weeks later for pissing off my manchild wannabe dad
>went somewhere else
>worked minimum wage for a year
>went for training in mental health, got fired for drawing a gun in my personal notebook. No blood or guts, no edgelord bullshit or anybody getting shot. Just the gun
>found out I got blacklisted by the same people who fired me, so now I can only work in limited professions
>did custodial work and walked out because I got harassed by the management, who also tried to work people do death, literally. Some workers were in on it too
>still have student loans from uni

Probably going to find a trade school or something. College is just as fucking stupid as the normal-tards who run it.

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That has to be a union job. With that kind of hourly rate there's no way it's not a union job. I'm guessing that he either spent 10+ years working a shitty job with low pay before getting promoted or he has a relative/good friend that's in upper management.

How the flying fuck do you trade crypto successfully??!?!? I tried daytrading forex fulltime during summer break in highschool years ago. I'd spent years studying the markets beforehand and got absolutely slaughtered. Please tell me what you did right. If you're telling the truth about daytraring and being consistently profitable then you're a fucking unicorn m8. I have an enormous amount of respect for people that have the mental fortitude to daytrade and remain calm and stick to their strategy.

fellas, is it gay to fap to nathalie mars? asking for a friend

Live with my parents and work at fast food restaurant.

Not if the balls dont touch

sound like a faggot with a victim complex

probaly look like a greasy fag

boohoo retard