If your room doesn't look like this, you don't belong on this board

If your room doesn't look like this, you don't belong on this board.

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Why do you have 2 controllers user DO YOU HAVE FRIENDS OR SOMETHING GTFO NORMIE

My room is not messy. I try to keep it as cleans as possible.

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my room is pretty bad. I manage to clean out the dishes and trash but it still looks like shit. it's dark and needs to be swept and I have a mouse running around somewhere that the cat let loose.

My bedroom used to be real bad. Broken liquor bottles, books stacked to the ceiling, rotting food, piss bottles; the whole works. Deciding to clean it up and tidy for 5 or 10 minutes every day has made a significant improvement to my quality of life. Youre not even that bad off OP. Give it a try m9.

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>The average Twitch streamer's room

Without pics, how do you expect us to believe that?

Ahhh the good old days when I had a foot high of rubbish on my floor, bed ridden, actually liked anime, played runescape all day.

No wonder I failed Uni.

My rooms are kept tidy now but my head is still a mess.

Wtf man I just cleaned my room!

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I'm getting fucking tired of phoneposting.

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it's gotten worse since the other day. lots of molding food.

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No please don't be a tard op.
Your room is your palace and considering how much time you spend in it it should be clean

Look at the normal nigger richfag sitting in a finished room

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How about a finished basement?

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What does everybody's book collection look like?

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wtf is that tent in your room? Is that were Americans pray?

looking at my little shelf
>hobby gunsmithing
>gunsmithing made easy
>the elder scrolls cookbook
>book about berlin tunnels
>george carlin's brain droppings
>hand reloading manual
>dragon ball z manga

It's a wardrobe. I keep jackets, long sleeves, dress shirts, and polo shirts in there.

I had a copy of brain droppings, but my sister stole it from me about 8 years ago.

Oh wow an assortment of clothes? Look at Mr. FancyPants.

I play life on hard mode with one pair of jeans, shorts, 2 tshirts and one pair of shoes.

Fucking rich people need to get off my board.

tokyo pop made initial d mangas in English?

Dohohohoh, who do you think built """"""""""""""your"""""""""""""" board? RICH DUDES FAG
Suck my cock and I might give you a 20-port switch

I'm a high school graduate (class of 07), who deliver pizzas for a living. I gotta keep warm and look good for job interviews.


Do it, faggot. I have one sitting in a box that I've never used. I bought in on a lark over a decade ago. You can make money with this shit by charging idiots to connect to each other for LAN parties. I'm just too lazy to use my own vast resources to create perpetual wealth, booooohohohohoho

Anyone else feel really comfy when your room gets dirty and or when your clothes smell like you cause you havent changed them in weeks or took a shower

Heres my (mostly) fiction shelf.
btw user, I don't mean to be rude but you choose a really bad selection of programming books. After you've read those, you might want to look up "the Gentoomen's library". It's a massive library of computer science books which are mostly pretty good.

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Need a bigger tv though. At least 50 inch.

>hacking for dummies
Fucking baited lol

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No English non-comic books because I get them from the library. Not pictured: stacks of books/manga/doujin on every other table surface, had somebody over the other day and had to move the doujins around so she had somewhere to put her drink

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I haven't actually read them. I decided to go to college last year, for computer science, but got banned from receiving financial aid after the second semester.

That's a 53 inch.

My room is not messy but not spotless. I do nothing so how would it get messy? Fuck off normie

Mate you can get a shirt for literally $2 at a thrift shop. Having a few clothes does not mean you are rich, it means you arent schizo

Yep. Most of these shirts cost me under $10 at Walmart. The jackets were gifts.

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i need to pick up i just dont have the motivation to do it

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Nigga this ain't autism. It's mental retardation to roll around and sleep in garbage.

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a messy room with food everywhere during bug season? no thanks retard

Cool wardrobe man. Looks very portable

That room is giving off a bad vibe

i have to tip toe and jump around trash to get out of my room. There is a layer of clothes cans bottles and refuse everywhere. the last time I claned my room when it got to this state I had to smuggle out six trash bags and spent weeks discretely washing clothes

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WTF man, are those framed softcore on your walls? Why?

Personally I am quality over quantity when it comes to clothes, I have like 2 pairs of pants, 2 jackets, and 8 shirts. Why would I want more when it just makes the laundry pile bigger before I'm forced to wash it.

I found them when I was cleaning out a foreclosed house, 11 years ago. I need to make my room look like a guy room.

how so all it says about me is that i like cats and stuffed animals

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Whatever floats your boat, its your room, as long as you are comfy in it. To me it seems chaotic, the Nicholas Cage pillow is especially off putting

BL desktop , good, classic Jow Forums
Nicolas Cage pillow is probably something you'll cringe at later
BTW, what's on that other pillow? Is that Dangan Ronpa or something?

the nic cage pillow was a gift from a friend also i want to show off my chapstick collection

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>that dead roach
absolutely disgusting

I hope you like being h&ck3d faggot. I know you have Comcast. You made a huge mistake

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>that fucking mousepad

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danganronpa is my fav i want hajime hinata to be my husband
i have 2 one for use and one for view

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Love neets with messy rooms, dirty cum stained laundry, soda cans and food wrappers.
Cock dripping with cum after fapping for the 10th time that morning after waking up.

Please do rate my room frens.

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it reminds me of my friend Tristan's room which is a compliment hes a good guy

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Here's the other side.

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I don't have any more open usb ports so deal with these shitty drawings

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do I qualify for a robot account?

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Watch Kali tutorials, that book is probably outdated by now

r8 mine i havnt cleaned in a week

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oh yeah and L1 has a completely fucked broken screen, which is why it's connected to the TV

If your desk doesn't look like this then you need to get off this board.

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>he has a desk
fucking rich fags I swear to fucking god

nice fake guns. where did you buy them?

he buys them from walmart

Why would I buy fake guns if real ones are cheap and easy to buy?

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looks plastic.

>if you're not a disgusting slob, your suffering and struggles don't matter.

Most modern firearms are at least partly made of PA6 or some form of polymer/ plastic. The CZ 805 bren in pic has a metal upper reciever, BCG, etc. But the housing/lower reciever is plastic. Its nice for weight savings. Most magazines like pmags are plastic now too, they dont bend when you drop them like USGI aluminum magazines.

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again, nice fake. I'd like to know where you buy such a nice replica

I know you are funposting, posting BCG picture anyways though. I wish I could find a bren replica too. I dont even think they make airshit models.

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>all that effort
>no replies

What are rooms even supposed to look like?

I'll keep that into consideration, but, honestly, my interest in programming as passed and I'm currently working on saving up to earn my CDL. I was born to work a blue-collar job, anyway.

Cleanliness is free and i have all the time in the world I figure if im not leaving tbis house then it has to be comfy. I used to be the same though but i made a point of developing good habits. Took some pride in my surroundings and i feel a lot better for it



I have two controllers because I raged and threw one across the room and now it pulls to the left

Wtf a girl? gross

Illegal sbr is an illegal sbr

I like that shade of green, user.