Welcome to the real world kid



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>God loves us all user'

why are spics literally worse than animals?

Didn't even have to click the second one to know what it was. If it was the "carnitas" one then it's rough.

Why whenever I don't want to be racist I have to see these fucking degenerate pieces of filth non-whites and all their fucking brutality and generally being inferior? They are like animals at this point.

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I remember seeing a map which showed the countries with the most murders a year. Surprisingly Central and South America were higher than the Middle East and Northern Africa. Really makes you think

>lack of stable government and police force in backwards 3rd world countries

Same reason similar videos come out of Eastern Europe, especially hobo and homeless related vids.

Aztec blood

>filth non-whites
yes, your ancestors have always been nice and peachy, whitey

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>similar videos come out of Eastern Europe, especially hobo and homeless related vids.
Never seen these, care to provide links? Wouldn't be surprised anyway, slavshits are light skinned niggers.

Jesus Christ that is terrible

shit like this proves god doesn't exist

Just proves that God doesn't give a shit about humans, not exactly the same thing.

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Sorry, I watch them as they come, I don't keep links, but generally it involves teens or young men beating homeless, sometimes with clubs and bats. Destroying and setting their camps on fire with them sleeping inside is something I've seen as well. They usually catch them unawares and overwhelm them before they know what's going on. I think if you dig back in the 2010s there were news stories coming from even central Europe about random murders of homeless.

their ancestors worshiped death and had an insatiable bloodlust, so not surprising. atleast theyre not a bunch of cucks and actually eliminate their enemies effectively.

Why tho?
Why why

what would you retards rather have God do, stop every bad thing from happening? You want God to put everyone on rails living life like NPCs in God's videogame?

>frogposter trying to talk about the real world
ex dee

You should not include "non-whites" in your sentence

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Wouldnt be this way if he'd follow directions and picked the fuckin cotton

>something that happened today
>something that happened 160 years ago
Literally every single person from that time and their children are all dead and buried a long time ago, and yet you still bring it up no matter what. I'm convinced that black people could be getting forced into concentration camps and killed en masse by the Chinese or whoever else and they'd still sit there blaming the white man for all their problems and bringing up shit that happened so long ago the only medical care was amputation and a Bible.
You were never a slave. Nobody today has owned slaves. Slavery has been outlawed in the west for 151 years at the latest, and 212 years at the soonest. Get it through your fucking skulls already and move on.

>implying that the guys in the videos they didn't fucked up anything to be tortured this bad

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Aztec genes

That isnt what i said at all you fucking nigger faggot. Shut up.

You realize youre probably talking to a white guy right?

>Jim crow was 60 years ago

>um sweaty, you have to live 90 years of being tortured in the worst imaginable ways before you can return to me!
>not evil btw
lol this is the absolute state of christcucks in 2019

Maybe the real salvation was the suffering we experienced along the way.

>Maybe the real salvation was the suffering we experienced along the way.
people probably genuinely think this way

Nah but for real there isnt anything wrong with the concept of suffering and causing such things. God created us that way as his grand design so it isnt as bad ad you think. Do you really think god would unironically get dooped by some angel he created? Do you really think satan,sin,and what have you arent a part of his plan? Thats silly of you. He is an all mighty being of unimaginable thought. There is no way in hell he would actually be betrayed without wanting to be betrayed. Atleast thats how i see it.

it's all about the culture, they have no ethics or self respect, and they have nigger IQ

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suck my cock redneck

Gi be PC somewhere else.

epic strawman. I never mentioned Lucifer, explain the problem of evil like I asked you to or fuck off nigger. your explanations aren't sufficient to justify our existence. I'm not saying a creator doesn't exist, but the Christian idea of the creator (and most other religions) is clearly false.

>big brain goverment appointed scientists right you wrong hehah
I see
Also needing justification for things is spooked. Nothing really needs a reason to happen in that sense.

>Jim crow was 70 years ago
>Jim crow was 80 years ago
>Jim crow was 90 years ago
there will always be some excuse to fall back on

Feel free to point out where I mentioned scientists. If you can't, your argument has failed, and you must declare yourself an atheist. If you refuse to do so, you're a liar, and by your own faith you are condemned to hell.

doubt that you or your parents were alive back then. Still you blame yourself & other people that literally had no influence over any of this for causing this.
Imagine being so retarded and feeling white ancestorial guilt.
Guess what, every race has done some horrible shit, every-single-one of them. Would be strange if it didnt happen during the literally thousands of years most of them are around.
Be it the chinese, russians, mexicans, whites, africans, ottomans, ... Every race, empire, nation, gender, age, culture & so on has done horrible shit in the past. You are not responsible for this if you didn't contribute yourself to it. You absolute Retard.

What you are responsible though is being part of a group that is still doing horrible shit in the present or immediate past. Because of 1 simple reason; you have >>>influence

by the way
t. german that lives in a country where the whole world still believes we are all nazis, even the population itself believes they are at fault for what happend back then when they weren't alive.

>white people have never done anything horrible before
it's amazing for someone to live in a world where they just willfully pretend huge chunks of history didnt happen

>Guess what, every race has done some horrible shit, every-single-one of them.
That is the whole point of my comment, mouth-breather. The guy I replied to attempted to justify racism based on the savagery of some brown people. I just wanted to remind him that white people are not pure angels.

I don't agree with what he said either, but his comment compared to yours is at least based on things happening in the present, while yours relies on things that happend when all of us weren't even born yet.

From what I understand MENA actually isn't as bad (especially in Egypt) because social ties and a more outgoing society lead to people being chased after and pursued more frequently.

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Look up US war crimes in Vietnam. Look up Abu Ghraib


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Aztec blood and spaniard, Spaniards don't get the credit they deserve man, they were once the most brutal people in Europe.think about it Spain is bordered by the middle east isn't it? Right across a pond from Africa. The Spanish have been protecting Europe from Muslims up until now. So now look at a Mexican, the dark ones are 70 or so percent native and the white passing ones are like 70 percent spaniard, they're made up of native American warrior or Spanish mercinary or prisoner. They've got the devil in em basically.