I have work at 6am (in 6 hours) but I'm not going :)

>I have work at 6am (in 6 hours) but I'm not going :)

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do you wark part time user?

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I love that feeling, starting the weekend early

Yes at a supermarket.
I don't feel happy for doing it but they just treat me like shit so I'm done.

I called the store and he basically told me that I had to come anyways and then my manager (text) didn't even say ""hope you feel better"" or something like that. There's only 4 of us in our department so you'd think she be more nice

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And the worst part is, I'm schedule Friday,Saturday and Sunday at 6am to 2pm.
So I get the hardest part of the work throughout the week, it's fucking bullshit and I'm done. I'm not showing up.

Where are some comfy places to work?

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Have you considered wokring at a security gig?

I'd rather go on NEETbux at this point desu

based, enjoy it while you can pal

You fucking parasite, I hope you die

My mom is gonna bitch me to the moon and back tomorrow for quitting

Fuck is your problem? Original

fuuuuuu and i was thinking about working at a supermarket. what fucking do?

What position my man?
Also, everyone at the supermarket is a miserable slob, especially the managers. Think about it, being the manager of a department at a supermarket it's sad.

Enjoy your time if u can manage to get it

I did same with Uni. though I feel like its more of a dick move with work
at least call them

no job is ever going to be truly comfy, at least not any entry-level tier job.

still, there are definitely differences between those jobs; you may be a peon, but you still deserve respect. if your bosses aren't giving you that, you're right to get out.

(if you can tough it out and put in a two-week notice it'd be better, it's nice to have a job you can list for experience when applying places. but, you can also just omit getting fired, no biggie)

don't quite without a backup job and if you're looking for a new job just go for dish washing easiest shit ever

Why are you on Jow Forums instead of two feet above the ground with a chair kicked to the side? You can;t even wagecuck with any sense of initiative. Work sucks ass but it's the only purpose you're going to have until your body burns out or you somehow manage to get the ridiculous amount of debt from your shit food, waifu pillow, and crunchyroll subscription get paid.

Have fun being the scum of the fucking earth.

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I did this a few times with an absolutely shitty job I worked at. It was honestly one of the best feelings I've ever had. Going to it was just so extremely depressing, not to mention unhealthy, as all my coworkers enjoyed chain smoking around me.

I did man, look here On my resume I just put Toys R'US and since they're all closed I get away with it :)
Fuck dishwashing
No clue what you're on about, but nice projection fagbag.
Did your manager call or text you?

Sucks man. I've had that "you miss one day and you're fired" treatment before
it fucking blows

Me neither. I'm calling out tomorrow because I got tickets to go see Alexisonfire

Well fuck them I can't work my shoulder is busted.
Where do you work, full time or pt?

She called me but only because I don't have a cell phone but give my parents phone number to people. She called me once during the early morning telling me to come in, and I just told her no I quit.

Did you just hang up or did she say something to you?

you sneaky little rascal; might try that trick myself

(also what's wrong with dishwashing? s' just some good ol' manual labor; no customers to fuck with your day, just you and your pile of dishes. i didn't get to do it often 'cuz management favored the chick with mental problems, but it was definitely my preferred task at my last job.)

Only real robots work in the afternoon so they can stay up late and sleep in

She acted surprised and then said "that changes things" then hung up. It honestly went a lot better then I thought it would.

It's kind of like the janitor position, people look at you like some scum.
Yes if I do work It'll be night shift.
Nice, glad it went well. Did you get another job?

My coworkers all like me becasue I'm happy to take the evening shifts which they all hate

let them gawk, then; why should you care what some random stranger thinks?

Nice I should be able to find a job then
Because they treat you like shit and I can't stand that