Tfw no schizo gf/bf/gf(bf) to stalk and expose

>tfw no schizo gf/bf/gf(bf) to stalk and expose

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tfw immune to caveskin fuckery

>tfw no schizo gf/bf/gf(bf) to stalk and expose
Stop harassing me. I don't know what you want.

Who are you even? I just want a schizo gf/bf/gf(bf) to obsess over. If you're one gib discord pls

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>tfw no bf (male or female) who will requite the affection i have for him
Why are guys so fucking weak when I'm willing to accept anyone?

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are you a girl(femalle)

IMMUNE to fuckery. i hate yew too much to ever trust

>are you a girl(femalle)

I am unironically schizo and being stalked (I think), thought you were the one harassing me.

I did that.
They only hated me more after that.
Don't do it, please.

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>tfw no schizo gf/bf/gf(bf)
>to stalk
>and expose
Dammit, so close

Your stalker must be a lucky guy if you're this alarmed by him. M-maybe I can take his place, are you a male or a girl(girl)?

>implying I want their love

Lmao just kill them

You don't think it'll hurt you absolutely when they just tell you to die because they'll be better off without you being alive in this world? Because hearing this from the person you love destroys me and my mental health.

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That's illegal, plus my stalker will not expose themself.

>tfw no harasser
>tfw everyone ghosts you
how did you earn your stalker, anonette? do you like attention whoring by any chance?

I am male. I thought OP was my stalker.

It's so obvious you never had to deal with a stalker/were in the position of one.
Go ahead and take my dependent personality disorder and tell me how nice it is after a year or two.

What made you think that?

OP here I'm not asking to be stalked, I'm asking for a qt schizo gf/bf/gf(bf) to stalk, and later expose

what do you mean by expose?

I ask my stalker what do they want and if they want to expose me do it so I can kms. ( I type to them, I think my pc is hacked) And here you are making a post about a schizo you want to be gf with and later expose. My therapist just thinks its the schizo

>I think my pc is hacked
>My therapist just thinks its the schizo
I don't know who you are but you look to be an ideal candidate. Consider yourself stalked from now on, friendo.

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I do the same thing everyday so you'll get bored faggot.

I have my injection today. I want bf/gf to stalk me.

>making a thread to act like I'm not already being stalked
Fuck off already please please please

Take your meds you crazies.

>tfw schizo
>tfw just took a peer support specialist training where I can help others recover as I have
>tfw don't care about being "exposed" as you call it. I openly share my recovery story
>tfw I still hear voices
>tfw the possessed says no to the possesser
>tfw feel like Majin Vegeta

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Any schizo want to confirm if I should go check my delusions out or not? I am female and possibly very retarded

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>I do the same thing everyday
Not an issue, love knows no limits, sweetie. I will never get bored of stalking my qt schizo gf/bf/gf(bf) as he goes about his daily activities.

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Cool. Then you should at least talk to me so I can tell you about my psychotic experience(s). Don't hide in the shadows.

>possibly very retarded
Why not take it a level beyond and become RARTED?

>teases our desire for relationship
>doesn't make any effort to contact any of us
I have mental problems, this isn't nice.

whats your delusions then user?

You know what? Here:

But I am rarted user... very very rarted.
Pic related. Basically I died when I fell down the stairs and now I'm in a fake reality where there is nothing real but myself and God. God put a Black Hole in my head that censors and filters my thought, preventing me from thinking certain things about other peoples (fake persons) life and physically displaces me when I think about it. He is testing me if I will act on suicide or murder. We are one. He is all and I am one. He is my answer and my question and the same the other way. In some way, we are both a God. I will either die acting on these actions to see and pass the test, or die forever thinking about this.
I don't know if I can tell my parents about this and how they would react.

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You know exactly what we want. By the old gods, every user will spread these cheeks and INHALE!

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Tell me about them, what's the latest and most memorable you had?

>Don't hide in the shadows.
It wouldn't be as fun if I did though.

>I am female
god shut the fuck up

Who is this originally perfect breeding specimen SEMEN DEMON!?!?!?!?

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>It wouldn't be as fun if I did though.
Why hide if I accept you? I thought stalkers hid because they feared they wouldn't be accepted by their senpai

no u r bigger mental problems.

Not that guy but if you're diagnosed with schizo in Englanistan they'll treat you as a vulnerable adult which sucks for a bit. Pretty much makes you feel retarded. And trust me there are some retards in mental hospitals.

To all the anons here who are schizo.
Don't listen to the ones trying to "help" you.
They hate you, they want to ruin your life.
Don't trust anyone else but yourself.

Typical schizo nonsense, take your fucking meds freak thats why they treat you like a retarded child.

It's a male, and its name is "Aiste".

I am male. I thought OP was my stalker.

tags: aiste

Because it's more fun that way. Now tell me about your psychotic experiences.

You need to tell your parents about this user.
They'll help you feel ok again : )

your god sounds trouble some but it does sound like your forming delusion im sure there will be more if there is only you and god then what am i ?

I thought robots being mental was a meme, so many schizos ITT.. for your own good I hope you're just self-diagnosing retards

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why would you want to expose them and how would you ?

I'm scared at how they will react. I think it would be better if I somehow check myself. I don't think I'm too delusional now but I really really really cant stop thinking about it. The more I think about it the more patterns and dots I connect.
If I let my delusions keep forming will I inevitably get worse? You are not real but a creation by "God" or the second being that is part of my being. You are just a part of the test.

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You're clearly damaged and I want to look after you.

worse in what way further from reality maybe but its when you start to act on them youll regret it speaking from experience

i dont know if you can really help it i haven't found a way myself although anti psychotic injections did help me take the step back i needed to see what i had myself into. they come with some side effects but you can stop taking the injections if you want and it feels refreshing and when your no them you feel like a new person so yeah you can consider meds it took me getting sectioned to get on the injection because i was always to paranoid to take pills properly

I am not clearly damaged. I just want to sort out my head user. There is nothing to look after. I will only doubt your existence and motives.

Oh okay. Yeah, acting on it would mean doing something like homicide so I don't know if I'm at that point yet. I'm scared to tell a psychiatrist and be considered a threat to society by the delusions. How did you know you were schizo from delusions? At what point did you go seek help?

>not clearly damaged
Have you read your posts, dumpling?

I don't think enough bad things have happened in my life for delusions to form from them. It's some internal cause cus I'm retarded, user.

other people usly say something but the fact you and i can recognise it maybe its a good shout to get some outside help even if they dont give you the help your looking for i dont want you thinking about hurting yourself when you could be engaging that mind thats maybe looking for answers and creative pursuits

personally i found it hard to tell the doctors anything due to paranoia ect but they still diagnosed me with psychosis so it must have been quite apparent

35 year old schizo here
>tfw no neetbux gf (male/female) to play arpgs and take turns making dinner with

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orginally TITS OR GTFO

Something must be going pretty badly for you to make shitty attention seeking threads like this on the internet larping about your mental state

>it is unknown what will happen once I pass the test
Here's a comprehensive pic of what happens, user.

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i figured i may as well leave my email here to see what happens, im a schizophrenic girl from the US

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Thank you for the advice user, you are very kind.
I didn't make this thread user. And making all of this to LARP seems a bit excessive.

I hope your god frees you or reveals itself to be one of glory its a shame your traped in your own personal test when a mind like yours could be doing alot more what drives you what do you want to achive stressing yourself till you hurt yourself cant be the best thing to do

Tfw Im schizo but somehow managed to pass psych tests at meps for military

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that aint a comprehensive list of shit retard

im retarded so i forgot to leave the email

[email protected]

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It isnt useful at all but I feel as if Ive fell down a hole now and cant return my head back to the way before when I didnt think about this or know about it.
How do they test you user?

They just asked me a series of questions and stuff and evaluated my body its pretty easy for psychos to get in lol with how they do it

you cant change time but you can probably clean up the black void and its ok i understand a bit ive been close to what you talk about its about knowing your own limits maybe idk we cant help it

please tell me who this girl is please shes cute

Probably because your appearance and personality are really ugly

No wonder the ass looked like shit

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