Tfw 6'2

>tfw 6'2

God I love not being a manlet..

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>tfw 5'4
I had no choice but to transition...

tfw 5'10. Not accepted by manlets or tall people

im also 6'2 but im ugly as shit so i've failed socially anyway. At least nobody makes fun of me anymore because apparently my height is "intimidating" and people dont want to start anything with a towering man who looks like a serial killer

>tfw 5'5
manlet pride

>thinks he is not a manlet

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I genuinely feel hate for tall people

dw brother the manlet uprising will happen any day now

You love being a kissless virgin? All the guys shorter than you are fucking girls.

>tfw the only thing you have going for you is being a few inches taller than most guys
congrats dude. you are still never getting a gf though

Too bad OP a faggit

>6'2 as well
even if we're ugly at least we're not manlets

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"being a few inches taller"
sounds like manlet talk

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>YEAH BUT I'M 5'11"

feel like won the genetic lottery
>tfw life is still mostly shit & am depressed
>tfw see manlet, dicklet, brainlets saying that all their problems in life would be gone if it wasn't for genetics

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lmao the manlet cope & rage is too cute :3
reminds me of pic related

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Same here, user
actually people were really thought i was some kind of crazy criminal back in high school, at first it annoyed me since i wanted to be socially accepted but then i realized i was doomed to be a social outcast so i took my fun by scaring people,i was good at it, it was fun

>fell for the high IQ depression meme
bro just hyperfocus and create something/solve theorems etc.
All you need is an outlet for your intellect and you'll be fine.

>tfw handsome manlet

when will u tallboys learn? C H A R I S M A and facial structure is what does it

*puts your condoms on top of the fridge*

jokes on you when he only owns a mini fridge

6,5 and Jewish
love btfoing Jow Forums manlets

With your mutilated penis that will never enter a vagina? Lel.

6 inches and only ever fucked one girl
she was blonde aryan
Still disgusted by it. She told me I was her first ''white'' guy

Sad to here that you are jewish native to no land



jk I'm a virgin loser

We are all native to somewhere
t. Jew from Bronx, NY (who is also 6'3" lol)

3 inches taller than average, taller than 75% of women, clearly not a manlet retard

everything below 6' = manlet
you've never been on tinder or talked with a girl online, have you? lmao

>dad 6'5
>mom 5'11
>15 yr old brother 6'2
>tfw 5'6

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yeah theres clearly a massive difference between 5'11 and 6'0, not just the length of a pinky finger

if a guy is 6'0 and bald, a guy whos 5'11 with hair will look the same height

lmaoooo your coping is so freaking pathetic hahahah
>b-but what if...
ye shut up dude, we all know that you are just trying to justify your misery lil boi.
You don't even mention the possiblity of the 5'11 being the bald one and the 6'0 being the one with hair because you are just looking for validation of your worldview from down there

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But there's more than plenty of us in that neutral 5'9"-5'11" range, so we could probably make our own group tbqh.
t.also 5'10"

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> She told me I was her first ''white'' guy
Lmao burgerclaps, better get checked though.

Not sure how many of you are underage faggots but I graduated high school at 5'5" and I'm 6'4" now. I mean, I get denied cigarettes and alcohol all the time despite my ID clearly stating that I'm 28 but at least young girls 18ish hit on me and I never have to date ugly used up and expired 24+ year olds. So don't an hero just yet frens.

I'm glad I can identify as 6'2 even though I just barely make it (189cm).

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Hah. Similar stats so not him but you get hamstrung all the time. Inferior people in positions of power go out of their way to make life difficult simply because your intelligence is a threat to them. It is rare to work with people who recognize your brilliance is an asset. Thankfully all the C levels I report to are this way. My PM is an obstacle

Exactly the same as me, I also have resting bitch face so it makes me even more scary.

I just want to be loved so bad bros...

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I am 5'8, and I want to fucking kill myself. One can say that I want to do this because of my height, but if someone wants to kill oneself because they're 5'8 then I feel like you can almost be sure that there actually are some actual underlying issues disguising themselves

>tfw 6"4'
>tfw bald
People assume I wanna kill them, but then again, they're kinda right.

5'7 here and life isn't too bad.
Most people cope by getting overweight but idgaf.
What else is going on user?

The only things I can think of is loneliness and self-esteem issues, the latter probably being the reason for my height fixation

Did all your height go to your dick, user?

is 5'11 verging on 5'12 manlet?

I feel ya.
Good news is, theres more and more chinese bringing the national average height to an all time low (probably)

Just further yourself in whatever path and life will get a little easier as you get older. Dont let something like height get to you. Its not as important as being socially adjusted and self sufficient.

Im 5'7 but fucked my first girl at 15, dated he for two years, dumped her, fucked 2 more girls and then got my current gf who ive also fucked. I'm only 18.

Transition to what?


Fuck you gonna do about shorty?