Can't stand it, everyone at work keeps asking what I do on the weekends just FUCK OFF you all know I do nothing. When I AGAIN say 'Not much just chilling haha' they always say 'Fucking hell you must be loaded'
Can't stand it, everyone at work keeps asking what I do on the weekends just FUCK OFF you all know I do nothing...
I agree. Also getting asked "How are you doing?"
everyday and they expecting to hear "good, and you?"
what a total waste of air
>they always say 'Fucking hell you must be loaded'
What? Do they have weekend jobs or something?
Because I am not spending money going out I assume
Maybe they mean loaded as in drunk?
No loaded doesn't mean drunk in britbong slang they mean I have lots of money, which well I'm not stringy but some vidya, clothes, takeaway and fragrances are pretty much all I spend my money on so I'm doing ok.
>Not much just chilling haha
Maybe it comes off different in person but this just sounds kind of insecure to me. Anyway the correct answer when someone asks you about your weekend is a quick parry like "nothing much," followed by a riposte of turning the question back at them and asking what they did, which is probably what they really want to talk about anyway.
Don't bully me for being insercure.
Pointing something out isn't actually the same as bullying.
>tfw work on the weekend
NEVER establish deep connection with co workers.
I made this mistake many times where I was thinking it will get me into better positions if I come of as friendly and easy going.
But then whatever information they extract from you they will be used against you one point of time.
Never reveal your power level to these Normie idiots.
Even if you say some harmless shit like I was at Iron Maiden concert they will profile you as someone who is metal head and maybe use drugs and drinks.
Normies are ruthless they use everything that they can destroy you.
Just be general and talk about general stuff on work. Dont give them out too much information.
But I'm so lonely, I want friends
Where do you work user?
Originally ofc
A warehouse
Lie about having sex witgh women
i don't even hide anymore, i told a co-worker that works together with me that i masturbate, watch japanese cartoons on my bed and nightwalk during the weekends.
he said that i'm pretty much the most honest guy he ever met, although i wouldn't call me that. i'm just someone who stopped caring.
have you just tried telling them "i have no plans, wanna do smth?"
they most likely are just asking for they may wanna hang out with you but are just as autistic as you
Make friends outside of work, then: take a language/cooking/dance/whatever class, volunteer for a worthy cause, find something that looks interesting on Meetup, look for local events in your town/city, etc. This is something you're going to have to invest some time and energy into.
>spend little money yet dress appropriately w/ charity shops
>spend next-to-nothing on entertainment due to free streaming and buying on sale
>don't drink/ smoke/ take drugs
>yet people make out that i'm rich and that it s a terrible thing despite the fact that i'm clearly not and act as if i'm some privileged snob just for having principles
Its really fucking annoying.
t-this actually sounds reasonable, im gonna try this
thanks, user
you guys dont get this by default and need to be told how to handle such a basic social interaction? lmao
I was just asked this
I just told the guy my friend is coming from out of town
Actually i will be relaxing and doing drugs. Heck, the moment i get home from work i'm gonna take a fat dose of 3-meo-pcp and trip balls
Yeah when I was a wagecuck I told one guy I played D&D. Got a new group from it but also he told others so I lost (1) being able to get out of some weekends shifts cause they knew I was playing d&d and not my other excuses and (2) ever getting laid rom that job (not that that was ever gonna happen anyway)