Comfy chat

Where are you from, user? How was your week and any plans for the weekend?

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From UK. Ill be doing nothing. Finished my wageslaving drinking to forget the pain.

You first anonski.

>be me
>be a ""functioning alcoholic""
>spend my days hung over hating myself wondering why i drink so much
>spend my nights on chat sites drunk
>usually wake up with 2-3 different girls contact info
>most recent is a 14 year old islamic girl
>this is my second or third time talking anonymously to her in 2 months
>she shows me her long cut scars on her arms
>says her mom hates her and that she hates her siblings
>feel kind of bad for her
>steer the conversation around and she starts laughing hard and covering her mouth to laugh
>told her if she was ever actually really lonely to hit me up
>give her my info
>she adds me right away and messages me 10 minutes after our chat ends saying thank you
>i will wake up tomorrow and not remember anything
>i will spend the day exactly like today and wonder why sober me is such a fucking piece of shit
>drunk me can hold a conversation about literally nothing for 2+ hours and does it nightly
>i only actually try to make cute girls laugh and they usually crack up and give me their info without me asking and say something like im funny or im chill or they want to know me
>sober me has literally never spoken with a girl for longer than 5 minutes
>they message sober me and i have no idea how to respond
am i just destined to be an alcoholic
is it this easy for norms

>Where are you from, user?
>how was your week
It was alright. I visited my grandparents who are the only people that really matter to me.
I will be trying new recipes this weekend and buying a book to read. Then going through a neet existential crisis and crying myself to sleep

>be me
>A bit fucked in the head from medication
>Talks to girl
> "hey user hows your week been"
> Says "I have not done anything nor have anything to do this weekend"
>Qt asks wanna go to a night club someday user
> sure
> 2 years later haven't gone to a nightclub due to being to anxious to go with her
> Feelsbadman
> Spend rest of life under a bridge in misery land
> Wonders why he doesn't have a gf

I am a fucked up person anons.

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yeah it is. you're almost there user, it's just normals don't beat themselves up when sober

Lithuania and life is shit.

I'm from Lithuania.
The week was very hot, i'm very very bad at dealing with it. I prefer when it's colder, but it's nice to go out at 9-10pm for a walk. Practiced more texturing.
Plans will be to nolife the new Path of Exile expansion. I'll try and sleep early, then wake up at like 5am, a few hours after launch to play. The expansion always makes it easy to fix my sleeping schedule, so i'm happy for that.

How about you, OP?
I mean the obvious meme answer would be being able to relax. Drinking prevents you from overthinking things too much. When you're sober you're probably very self conscious and while drunk you don't really give a damn and just want to share/listen to people. But you know that already. At least there's a bright side to your drinking. For some drinking makes it only worse.
>tfw didn't visit my grandparents in a while
What are you cooking, any specific plans for that?

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Can you do something about the schizo shitposter? Shes annoying

Can't do anything, he doesn't want to get fucked.

i feel so shitty about everything when im sober too
i will see the same exact people and theyll expect something but im just sitting there and too afraid to say anything
then the night repeats itself and i wake up with text files of notes sent to my sober self trying to help me remember them but the notes are usually useless information like "brunette girl 15 black background failed finals but passing somehow" or "showed doll ass and had convo about balljoint dolls"
a very surprising amount of these girls literally do not give a fuck that im twice their age
and that makes me feel so much better

It's a guy
>do something
Like what? People just need to stop responding and orbiting.

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>Where are you from, user?
Portland facking Oregon
>How was your week
Pretty fockin noice. Work was decent. Saw a fun movie with a pal (Hands of Steel...there's this thing called B-Movie Bingo where you play bingo with B-Movie cliches and 300 drunks), got a bicycle project started that is going to...fuck I can't fucking wait to see and ride the result.
>plans for the weekend
Going to join a MTB trail work party on Saturday, get some good physical work done and maybe do some MTBing. Sunday I hope to get a good bike ride in and will see me mum for dinner.

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Germany here.
7 more hours of wageslaving to go.
I can't wait to get home and be comfy.
We have this Monday off here. That's coincidentally also my birthday.
My parents are leaving on a trip this Sunday. So that'll be my first Birthday alone.

draining week mood just keeps getting worse and worse

Its a he??Cant you talk to him in your language to make him stop?

Thats silly. Why would he stop because of that.

I'm just going to blog quickly about a dream I had
>got ok job this year, its meh but better than nothing
>in my dream I got fired just as I was getting the hang of it
>new job was something like cleaning and installing things on the top of tall, big chimneys, some as big as nuclear power plant ones
>also my brother who I fucking hate and who has wronged me countless times took my old job
>felt saddened by it but say ok
>as dream goes on I found although I'm being paid I'm forced to do it. Later find out I'm getting zero safety equipment other than tall ladders
>first chimney is like 10mts tall, clean and install shit fine
>second chimney is a little taller and so on
>get to clean one that is like 100mts, almost fell off the ladder and shat my pants as I was climbing down
>near the dreams end I find myself on top of a nuclear chimney next to a skyscraper, see my brother enjoying my old job through the windows, wind fucks my balance and I remain paralyzed by fear, I think I fell by this point and wake up
Im sure theres a meaning to this, and its pretty obvious. Im going to make that fucker pay for this. Goodnight anons.

>fine i guess
>i have to work this weekend :'(

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South Korea
lifes endurable
at least for now


Probs gonna celebrate the start of the season by enjoying a nice bottle of champagne