Be me

>be me
>listening to old dubstep for nostalgia
>remember doge, mlg, black ops 2 trickshot montages
i miss those simpler times

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>black ops 2 mlg shots
Yeaaa no, mw1 was the peak of glory
Mw2 was good too, and black ops is when it all went down hill
And dubstep sucked balls, glitch music genre and ukfdnb was where it was at
Rigth before monster/mountain dew/doritos was a thing
Skrillex ruined dubstep too, and people who listened to oldschool dub know what i'm talking about

oldschool dub? what the fuck is that, call me a retard but the oldest dubstep i know is like MtEden's Sierra Leone and Skrillex's scary monsters and nice sprites. And i'm talking about that "MLG age", you know what i'm talking about, they might seem cancerous now but they were fun back in the day and i miss them truth be told, also CoD BO II is the best cod believe me you can't change my mind

Thank god I'm not the only one who loved mlg montages
Every time I get high I start blasting dubstep on my cerwin-vegas and binge on montage parodies like it's all 2014 again

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Personally I find old dubstep and brostep to be different genres, the former is kinda chill and calm while the other is energetic and ravy
I mainly listen to neurofunk and crossbreed now though, gotta love those fat basslines and snares that go dum

I'm getting too old now that zoomers talk nostalgic about this 2010+ shit

yeah brostep is the genre i'm thinking of, Skrillex and all the other jazz

>hurr look at these zoomers talking about 2010 shit hurr
imagine using zoomer unironically, go fuck yourself

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Dub isn't dubstep


what the fuck, are you 15?
I wish I could go back, hold me bros

Got triggert, zoomie?

Was meant to write dubstep, but oldschool dubstep like
Skream, Joker, TRG, old Rusko, Caspa, Digital Mystikz, Coki
And sorry for shitting on your post dude, i was just a handfull of years earlier, didn't play BO2 so i don't know how it was
I mostly spend my time playing MW1, and the MLG "xd" stuff was kinda fun at the beginning, but i do prefer the years before all of that
Thanks for the reminiscing though, it's been a long time since i dreamt back to those times
They were simpler, they were..

Same dude, i went the neurofunk way too, and i don't regret spending so many years on that genre
Constantly surprises me, let it roll is even better, and probably gonna spend alot more time in this genre

And yeaaa, that's true, to be honest i didn't even know that genre was called brostep

Yea, i fucked up, no morning coffee = no whole thoughts

What do you think of crossbreed? E.g. The Outside Agency, Switch Technique, Hostage, Deathmachine, Fragz, Mystification etc
Check those guys if you haven't

>blah blah my childhood was special and unique
I was playing Unreal and Quake as a kid, it's all the same really you just have nostalgia glasses

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Never went into crossbreed, actually it's the first time hearing the name oddly enough
I listened to alot of hardstyle/hardcore/terrorcore before transitioning to neurofunk
I'll definitely spend some time checking it out, if there is other artists that's worth spending time with just throw them at me

Other than that i'll get around those you mentioned, sounds really nice actually
A "bit"(hehe) more drum heavy and gritty than the neurofunk i mostly enjoy, not bad!

That's how i got into gaming actually, + age of empires 1

Fuck I wish I could go back to 2010, I miss being happy

zoomers are '95+, 2010+ shit can be nostalgic maybe.

i cant stop

Using both triggered and zoomer? You're the type of retard that also unironically calls himself a doomer

Let me guess, you were born in 98/99?

Attached: 20 year old zoomber.jpg (678x654, 104K)

Yknow Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites is almost 10 years old now?

Someone who was in their mid teens when it dropped would be 25.

It's weird but I miss sheezyart. I miss the bitches there, I miss Kalashnicola, Edd, Ugh, I miss everyone damn it.

Yes this is weird and specific but I loved Eddsworld and Kalashni when I was young. I just miss the shitty art.