What do girls mean when they say they like guys who have hobbies?

what do girls mean when they say they like guys who have hobbies?

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It's just some bullshit to make non-Chads think they have a chance.

To show off to their friends. Literally, that's the only reason.

i think it mean that they don't want guys who stay home all day doing nothing

Learn jiu-jitsu and go to church

girls are obsessed with horses if you have a hobby horse it means you have a lot in common

You're right but begs a larger question of those like OP. Why is OP's question even necessary?

i was about to say this and yeah, this is basicaly the only reason

It means chad with hobbies, but they'll take chad without hobbies as well
>user with hobbies isn't my type

Jiu-Jitsu is a meme fighting style all you need is basic Judo and Boxing

*Stares Joe Roganly*

ahh man thats amazing but have you done DMT tho?

They like guys who have hobbies that will lead to making money

When a girl says she likes guys with hobbies she imagines a 6'2+ chad that knows 2 chords on the guitar.
She doesn't imagine an unattractive or even average guy who is actually good at something.

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They do not want them to be entirely depending on the female for pleasure and relief from boredom; people need time to themselves regardless of gender - for many males the same preference applies. If you have nothing to do in your average day that isn't based around mass consumption of media (be it reading books, listening to music, playing video-games etc. regardless of the quality of the material) then you are likely going to be more occupied in engaging with your partner, not only because they are your partner but because you are bored and when you start talking 'too much' as a result you'll find yourself tiring them out rather quickly.

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It means they like guys who are into woodworking, moutain climbing, or working out. Nothing else counts as a hobby to them.

It just means they like guys who are interested in "cool" stuff and are not "boring". Nevermind that I have been playing soccer for 15+ years, collecting art for 10, and actively take my pupper to the park and enjoy outdoor time.

I am doomed to walk the earth alone.

it means they like quirky chad

women don't give a single fuck about woodworking, if you don't have chad looks they'd find it autistic

There has to be some 4/10 guy that fell for the meme, so he learned to cook, learned to play guitar and took up mountain climbing or something "cool" like that only to be shut down every time because he is never "her type"

Have you ever talked to a female or even been near one for long enough they can have hobbies your mom probably has hobbies close to woodworking


Serious talk now - once you move away from general population (including Jow Forums subculture), the world becomes pretty empty. Nothing happens. Either you, yourself, can make something happen, which is pretty exhausting, or you can find other people who have made something happen and join them.

I know it's pretty abstract, but I've been playing guitar for 10 years now. I've learned a lot of shit, I've written and recorded some music of my own - and that alone is enough to count as a part of me, as some kind of personality.

Just by seeing any kind of stuff that you've made yourself, other people know you're not a work-home-family consumer drone. Actually, "know" is a strong word - I'd rather say "feel", because interest is a subconscious emotion.

So, whatever you do, just make something and put it online and link it your real-life digital identity. People will notice. Not everyone, not many, but some will. That's enough for me, I guess.

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>your real-life digital identity.
Normie please go