>NEET for 7 years
>vidya and anime isn't fun anymore
NEET for 7 years
Other urls found in this thread:
I've only been NEET for 6 months and both of those things got boring ages ago.
NEET for 4 years
Spend all day listening to music, watching twitch and shitposting here, time flies by.
Have zero expectations of any current vidya still lose interest in minutes even when i bought it day one even buyer's remorse won't force me to play this.
i'd kill myself if i was neet for seven days, let alone years. how d'you guys do it? i get so bored not being at work or colleg
>NEET for 16 years
>life stopped being bearable ages ago
>how d'you guys do it?
cuz we're not normies, fuck outta here
i'm definitely not a normie, but also neither a robot.
i don't seem to fit in anywhere
Take some advice from me, some loser with nothing useful to tell you who's been a NEET for the past 21 years;
They're still fun, you're just depressed. Get over yourself and hedonize elsewhere for a while then come back to it. The worst part of anhedonia is the amount of time you waste if you let yourself get trapped in it.
1) Learn to identify irrational negative thinking, never allow yourself to say things like "I'm so worthless, why am I even here, I wish I was dead" which will all make you feel worse. Simply not saying that shit makes a huge difference.
2) Try to find some useful hobbies or get a job. You'll be able to afford all kinds of vidiyers, gaymes and other homosexual paraphernalia that way.
3) Try actually doing basic things like wiping your ass or the laundry. That might not be fun, but honestly speaking the reason we find "fun" things fun isn't because they're great on their own, they're just less awful than all the other shit we constantly need to put up with. If you button down and get some shit that needs to be done dealt with, you'll suddenly find all that "fun" shit is way better than the other shit.
>NEET for 4 years
>Vidya and anime are still fun
I'll never sort myself out at this rate
Anime still works for me. As for vidya... last one I played was FFXII when it was released so... a long time ago.
I wouldn't mind having something to do but I don't miss school. Would be alone every recess, during lunch and during class. I got some job at a workplace for mentally disabled people, although most seemed to function normal socially... quit after a month or something because no one there talked to me so going there was more depressing than being alone. Guess it didn't help workload was really low so there wasn't really anything to do and when there was we'd be like 5 people doing the job of 1. They basically got paid by the government to have people there so of course they took in more people than needed so they got more money.
>i'm definitely not a normie, but also neither a robot.
>i don't seem to fit in anywhere
don't worry user I feel the same way. I do fit all the criteria for robot but I just can't relate with people on here for whatever reason
>I do fit all the criteria for robot but I just can't relate with people on here for whatever reason
darn. i feel you too, friend. i took this test.. if found it in another thread here a while back.
i got a solid score of 69 which i thought was funny and cool, but it also places me in normie-robot purgatory
>be neet for three years
>always motivated, in really good shape, never depressed
>work for three years
>can't even leave my bed on days im off
>can't eat
>nothing is enjoyable
yeah mine is 47 so well within the literal "robot" category
what's it like as a robot, user? i guess cyborg's pretty on the nose for me. i mean yeah, i have a job, but i also spend half of my day drunk while doing it. i'll go home, go to sleep and wake up with whatever's left of my bottle from the day before and do it again
Why didn't you listen, user? I bet you were all
>I'm a truneet trubot truwiz
>you're just a fucking normie!!!
all those years
what the fuck happened to this board
you are both brainlet normies now gtfo
How exactly am I normie user? I fit all the criteria for being a robot (no friends, online or IRL, ugly, virgin, don't attempt to socialize, etc). Just wish I could fit in among other robots
See your future
You are either a normie or a robot user.
Which do you feel closer to?
me too, user. i'm not the same user you're not replying to, tho. i don't think i'm too too ugly. if i tried, i could look half decent. also i do have a job, but i need the money for my car and my booze. other than that, i don't socialize and i drink alone 9 times out of 9
r u fkn daft or smt
Go take a walk around nature and come back and see how you feel then, NEET fren.
Because if you are in what you like to think of as a "grey-area" there is/was hope for you. You just messed it up and we don't want to listen to you complain about that
i feel like some gross, god forsaken amalgamation of both. i think cyborg fits me pretty well
I don't see a point, I live in a rural area and there's nothing but empty fields outside, nothing's going on, it's boring as fuck
I hate nature, If I lived in a city i'd go out and find something to do for sure
I'm not in a gray area at all though, I'm this poster here If anything it just proves how fucked I am beyond hope that I can't even connect with other autists. I just don't really seem to have anything in common with anyone. I can't relate to robots not because I'm better off than them, but because I'm just that shit at talking to people.
I became a NEET first time at age 25. It lasted a year. It was amazing, i loved it
Now i'm a programmer and want to die every day
I never liked anime or video games though. I have actual hobbies and interests, they just won't ever make me any money
I think to be able to enjoy NEETdom you need at least a touch of autism/aspergers or you need horrible anxiety that makes being around people terrible. I just don't understand the non-monetary arguments in favor of working
I'm selling my labor, that's it. If i had money i would retire
How can you want to die everyday doing programming, literally just a comfy job. Think about people doing trash ass jobs for a living
BASED brainlet
not him but just because it's a well paid high education job it doesn't mean it's easy, programming can be fucking frustrating, that's why I quit it after 1 semester in uni
>horrible anxiety that makes being around people terrible
Well that's called "social anhedonia" and it isn't anxiety or even remotely related. It's rather the opposite of what a healthy person feels due to social interaction: pleasure, in the case of the social anhedonite, is replaced with pain.
So it's no different from attempting to escape from any other sort of pain. What healthy person feels themselves burning and just decides to relax?
>>i'd kill myself if i was neet for seven days, let alone years. how d'you guys do it?
Too scared to get a job and of the outside world in general. It's not that being a NEET is a good thing (despite what the memes say), it's just that I can't handle the alternative and burn out after a few weeks of full-time employment.
No but you definitely are, underage idiot.
>How can you want to die everyday doing programming
Imagine you take whatever you enjoy most in life and feel most proud of and someone starts paying you to do it in ways you don't enjoy, ways that make you feel like a pointless robot that serves no real purpose and where the result of your labor is something you feel humiliated and degraded by where you know you're working to make the world a worse place for everyone?
Sounds great, no?
Now add on top the fact that you spend every moment of your free time absorbed in it because it's extraordinarily complex. You sacrifice everything else in your life in order to accomplish the work you're assigned and you even dream about it.
What are you now? A robotic whore?
>burn out after a few weeks of full-time employment
i'm very much the opposite. job is boring most of the time and stressful all of the time, but at least it's better than doing nothing all day. at least i get paid at the end of the week. i can't bring myself to play video games much anymore cause they usually take some amount of commitment that i can't be bothered with.
>It's not that being a NEET is a good thing (despite what the memes say)
some neets like to take a lot of pride in their status. really throws me off sometimes.
>Too scared to get a job and of the outside world in general
that sounds understandable. don't they have drugs or therapy for that, tho?
if you quit it because you couldn't do it, doesn't that make u stupid not me
NEET for 15 years. Games are no longer fun but it passes the time and doesn't require any effort at all. Baffled by people who enjoy working
Man that sounds to me like every job ever that pays well and requires a skill
hehe u sound angry
I'd suggest you stop assuming things
> i can't bring myself to play video games much anymore cause they usually take some amount of commitment that i can't be bothered with.
A lot of people here can't either, so they just lurk imageboards all day because playing games or watching movies is too taxing for their attention span. I still play games out of habit, but I don't get much from it, it's just something to pass the time until I can sleep again
>some neets like to take a lot of pride in their status. really throws me off sometimes.
Well, it's difficult not to when it's the only thing you have. You can't deny being a loser, so you might as well take some pride in being a 28 year old virgin who's worked for about 4 months of his entire life, although this inevitably leads to unhealthy pissing contests between who is the biggest loser, I guess
>that sounds understandable. don't they have drugs or therapy for that, tho?
Probably, but personally I don't want to take any drugs because I've seen what they do to people who are on anti-deps for a long time, and therapy is too expensive (probably wouldn't do that anyway though). I'm scared of fucking up my brain so I don't take drugs or drink alcohol, although NEET life itself dulls your brain and makes you slow after a while anyway.
nice logic retard, go and finish a course yourself just to prove you're not stupid
>Study for 5 years
>Only alcohol is fun anymore
It's just a downward spiral of shitiness. I don't even want to think of what will happen after I graduate.
>this inevitably leads to unhealthy pissing contests between who is the biggest loser
this is true; i have seen this
>therapy is too expensive
this is also true; i have also seen this
kinda feel silly for bringing it up now. fuck therapy.
>I don't ... drink alcohol
Congratulations, you've discovered depression.
Anyone who genuinely enjoys being alone, in ther room all day is simply emotionally damaged. Yes you can do it and be fine, i do it all the fucking time, but it's a defect, not a 'superior lifestyle'.
>it's a defect, not a 'superior lifestyle'
these forsaken souls can convince themselves of anything. i don't think saying a thing like that can change them
>NEET for 6 years
>Got my driver's license last year
>Stressful as fuck, regret getting that license
>Started volunteering in April
>Does not feel gratifying at all
>Got into hiking during the winter
>Fucking regret spending money on hiking gear now that normalfags are ruining the outdoors
So what then, do I just go to a psychiatrist, tell them that I don't like videogames anymore and get a diagnosis?
Society expects men with depression to either "stop it" or die.
Get used to it, or become a woman with kids.
Only now do you truly understand the power of the pink side of the force. Come, take the pink pill and we shall rule together as mother and daughter!
I hate having to wake up early to an alarm 5x a week and sit in in a chair in an office under artificial light for 8 hours a day, being paid to be bored
It fucks with you after a while. All i want to do is sleep when i am at work, then when it's bed time i can't sleep so i wake up tired and groggy every day
I'm not saying it wouldn't be worse with some other job. I am saying this is my reality and i hate it and wish i was NEET again
>it's better than doing nothing all day.
Sure, but if you're NEET you have 24/7 free time to do the opposite of nothing
Nope. I have social anhedonia and it just means you don't enjoy social interaction
Social anxiety is different. You literally get a panic attack from being in public. I don't have anxiety but i had a few panic attacks from smoking synthetic weed so i know how they are
Two hobbies really isn't enough to sustain many people when you've all the time in the world. Some burn out is natural. You gotta be more like pro-NEET graphics: learning instruments, languages, how to cook, etc. Variety is the spice of life, they say.
Yeah if you can't find a way to enjoy yourself when you have all the time to do whatever you want it's your problem for being that boring.
>worked for 3 years
>it was never fun in the first place
>Simply not saying that shit makes a huge difference.
But I'm only thinking about it because it's true. It's not like I can somehow forget about it during the day.
>1) Learn to identify irrational negative thinking, never allow yourself to say things like "I'm so worthless, why am I even here, I wish I was dead" which will all make you feel worse. Simply not saying that shit makes a huge difference.
But what if it is entirely true?
>learning instruments, languages, how to cook, etc
this is work, not hobbies
yea been a NEET for 3 years now
Anime and vidya got boring about halfway through, but I recently started getting back into it and having a lot more fun than usual
Started playing ffxiv and just finished watching Yakusoku no Neverland
Also finished rewatching my favorite anime ever School Rumble. I first watched it senior year of high school so a lot of good memories and nostalgia overcame me.