Why are qt asian girls so racist?


Guy was just chilling on his phone minding his own business

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isnt it everybody

>thug looking nigger speaking loudly, saying nigga every other word, gesturing excessively
Common sense yellow bitches.

She's probably right
>I hope things work out for her and people don't fuck up her life, niggers are human garbage

Who gives a goddamn look at that gap between her thighs

racism is natural, just get over it
t. hispanic

That was pretty stupid of her, running and screaming "hold your purse" might've gotten her into the exact scenario she wanted to avoid.

Better to run away and look racist than to relax and get caught up in a chimp out.

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tfw no racist azn gf

Murdering, killing, stealing, and being a general asshole is natural too. Doesn't mean it should be tolerated.


Not him but those are two different contexts retard.

And blacks do that anyways. Your point?

Lol are you retarded.
Inb4 "my personal interpretation makes those words different for me therefore you're wrong :^)"

My opinion still stands faggot.

Manslaughter and murder are still killings, fag. If you're going to go into the semantics of context at least use the correct contextuals.

So because they do something that means it's ok for everyone to do?

God asian women are so fucking based. I need an asian wife to breed.

>God asian women are so fucking based. I need an asian wife to breed.

What's that supposed to prove?

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Lol no. Just don't be mad when I'm extra wary of them stealing my shit

based and slintpilled

as long as you are not hurting anyone, what is the problem with racism?

>ggrrrr niggers >:(
>uses based
Slice your throat

t. upstanding african american spontaneous house redecoration entrepreneur

Isn't that your job, Nick Gur?

You are hurting them. You are spreading ideology that could potentionally affect the policies laid down in a civilization that would hurt a certain race.

>uses a black people word while niggers use a/c, housing, and electricity.

Oh nonono bruh look at this dude

not really lol, you're thinking of a different word brainlet

based also redpilled cutes

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he was swearin out loud.

he was swearing out loud and standing in the street like some thug. my friend told me she got robbed multiple times by blacks at gunpoint. shes asian

They're just not suicidal, unlike the commies.
Around blacks, never relax.

>large city where people walk everywhere
>standing in the street like some thug

ill bet shes been robbed by a black guy before. the way she said "grab your purse and run" thats some past trauma ptsd. full flight mode

>never relaxing around niggers
It's not racism, it's called common sense.

and right when they look at each other, both of them could feel his stare on their bodies. they walk past him without a thought, its when they start feeling his gaze they run

they approached and walked by him just fine. its only a little after they glance at each other and run. he was staring lasers at them

obviously he said something to them, sounded like "come on over here" to me. to two small fragile women that's scary no matter what race the person is you stupid fuck

Damn, the bitch in your pic is ugly as shit. I gotta say I'm impressed by your standards; you won't have trouble landing your personal 10/10

oh did he say that? i couldnt decipher it. that would be even more scary

Because asian girls are worthless scum

>cute face
>perfect bod

How is that not perfect?

Comes with higher IQ. Everyone is racist, but few are racist for the right reasons.

Pattern recognition. Asians have an average IQ of 105, they recognise the pattern of blacks mugging everyone who looks wealthy and so they act on that

This, can't believe R9K off all places would fall for the SOOO PURE, SO CREAN AND INNOCENT ASIAN WAIFU MEME


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No, it's both. Racism is common sense.

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hes just salted

White women have quadruple as many bodies as Asian women.

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nah those girls did nothing wrong. the guy was off putting to say the least ESPECIALLY if he said "come here". they had no issue with him until he said that

Asian girls would be based as fuck if they didn't have a massive obsession with white guys.

>muh body count
Shut the fuck up you absolute retard, as someone currently living in Japan you have no chance with any Japanese woman that isn't a gaijin hunter (i.e high body count already) unless your N1, love yearly trips to disney land and enjoy starfish sex once a year.

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How is that a negative?
Never said anything about pursuing Japanese women. Stereotypes are based on truths. Pure innocent Asian waifu meme exists because they're less whorish when compared to white women.

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>less whorish when compared to white women

Pure weeb fantasy, they also look fucking retarded from the side. Trust me don't waste your time coming in here like I did.

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I mean yeah it's alright for us but I feel bad for Asian dudes. Getting cucked by your own women like that's gotta suck balls.

they love white men too, no worries

Humiliation, forced feminization, forced homosexuality, castration, brainwashing, slavery, solitary confinement, despair I have been born into a prison, and my body is my prison. I was never allowed to be the real me, and this life is a mere transient state to which I could never call home, and all my life I have been waiting, waiting to escape, to return home, to a world that is mine. This entire existence is my prison. I cannot think. I cannot move. I must endure silently. I still remember the times I saw my mother being fucked by my step dad and I had to look away, in disgust, in horror, and in envy. Even though I turned away, I would jealously leer at them, fighting back tears of unfulfilled desire. How much I wish it was to me that my step dad would show the same affection. The sight of my mother being filled to the brim with his powerful white cock made me tingle, and, ever since I could remember, I resented my little asian peepee. I wished I was an Asian girl so I could be fucked by my white step dad too, but he simply refused to touch me. He would complement me on how feminine I was, how little I was, how much he loved the fact that asian boys are basically interchangeable with girls, and how often he jokingly referred to me as a girl, but he never actually treated me like the girl I am. He never loved me the way he loved mommy. I hated him. Yet I loved him and looked up to him, and even worshipped him. And as long as I can remember, I have always wished that I could find a white man just like my white step dad, but unlike my step dad, my white man will castrate me, keep me as a girl for the rest of my life. I want to be fucked in the same way my white step dad fucked my asian mother.

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it doesnt. its the whole "asian guys are beta and letting this happen" gossip. and thats putting it mildly, some dudes are more upset at me for not minding it and try to force my hand by attacking me. very bizarre

Nah it's statistically valid. Just compare the average body count for Euro and Asian women.
>they also look fucking retarded from the side
Pic is a profile shot and looks okay to me.
I imagine so lol but who cares.

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and THIS is what im talking about, fuckn caveskin FREAKS lol

>you gotta be N1 to get a Jap girl

lmao boring as shit personality detected. I'm like N4 at best and still have a harem of girls. A couple are Christmas Cakes but only a virgin would care about that tbqfhwyf

That is not a profile shot, that is a 3/4 shot. This is a profile shot.

Of course you do bro.

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gross die f*g

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Doesn't matter you can see her face from the side and she looks fine.

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>who cares
Based and asianpilled.

>Doesn't matter
>Posts the wrong thing entirely

You weebs are fucking retarded, I'm so glad your fantasy's get shattered upon arriving in places like this.

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>white women side profile

Looks like men desu

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Why are you in Japan if you hate Japs so much?

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Because hes not. Hes a regular r/asianmasculinity poster thats been here for a while.

Based. White women have man jaws.

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I made the mistake of coming here to study during a placement year.

>has to resort to cartoons
Dumb typical hakujin, I'll not even bother posting caricature's of asian woman.

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>hating on Lauren
>hating on white women
my fackin face rn

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Go home if it's such a shitty place then.

She fucks blacks.

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her ex bf thats like 1/4 black? like based Zayd Atkinson. why do yew take issue with having good taste?

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I will be in August when I'm finished studying, I just want to educate people that Japan isn't this grorious futuristic country that people make it out to be.

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Black guy with Asian gf here
She laughs at chinks and I laugh at nigs
we are perfect for each other

and here i am pleading for people not to use the n word. figures that some of the racists are black

ITT niggers and white roasties fuming with anger

I think the sooner we get over muh hurt feelings because of words we can get to the real roots of racism, stereotypes and inferences based on colour; not content. If someone calls me a 'black dirty fucking cunt' they might as well have used the word nigger. Same intention.

Racism does hurt people

>take my bag off and put my suitcase down
>crack my knuckles and take my shirt off
>start kicking the shit out of every little chinky manlet in that protest, knocking down bug men like im neo from matrix 2 fighting mr smiths
>get an asian qt harem who mercilessly mock the asian men

Asians just cant stand up to whitey muscle


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prob not. i can see a blackbot being upset at first, then realizing the dude said something to those girls and understanding why they ran.

your gaslight is out of butane, bud.

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fuck off cuck niggers are the worse thing ever created in this fucking earth. You might be a left wing retard or a secluded faggot or both. You are the reason we have this degenerate world

People who don't live in the west are generally racist, it's not just asians.

its not racism if he said something to those girls. thats just being mega creepy

Because this is what happens when you relax.

but we dont need to go out of our way to perpetuate it either.

>fuckn caveskin FREAKS
it was an asian dude that wrote it

uh huh. but its not an asian dude that keeps posting cuck shit and racist shit, those are caveskins (tm).

I'm not white you fuck. I'm just a cuck for white guys

exactly what a seething, snake-tongued CAVESKIN would say

whatever you say, schizo. I'm hispanic

at least youre consistent, spic trap

Man, look at those cute asian girls with their neoteny. It looks like they need to go out with White hunk with a BWC for that classic White male protection.

does linking not work in r9k or something

it means the post yew are trying to link was deleted, mein fruende

But it's not, the thread is still active, I was just reading it. I thought the same at first so I checked.

you mislinked it, it has an extra digit

Because you're an idiot who added another digit or is trying to link to another board

OK you can't crosslink to other boards? That's what I wasn't aware of.

I can already tell you're from pol you're so utterly retarded and can't read basic FAQ before posting.