Women are more compassio-

>Women are more compassio-

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She's having her cake, and eating it too.

>tfw not being allowed to murder your child is literally slavery
wtf bros women have it so hard

>having or caring about anything on social media


"women are more compassionate on average" does not mean "all women are more compassionate than the average man", there's a big difference

Imagine not being pro abortion. Yikes dawg.

>censoring out account names
Why do people do this? I can search up the image and find the post in a minute if I wanted to. It's public shit, there's no used trying to make it private


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God forbid women decide what they want to do with their bodies

why do angry young white men care so much about abortion? At the same time conservatives want to limit and/or cut off welfare. Who's going to pay for all these unwanted babies? Abortion is honestly the humane thing to do rather than creating a bunch of poor people whose parents don't even want them.

yeah but how about you stop being whores though, then we won't have to stop you from killing your kids

God forbid when the baby comes out and it gets its dick chopped off without consent

What about when it's a rape or when a small 12 year old female gets raped and ups in pregnancy would you want her to go through the hell of being pregnant would you want her to die when she gives birth or want her to live with the product of her rape

Stop with these petty what-if scenarios. The purpose of planned parenthood is to make as much money as possible by killing unborn babies. Stop acting like its some heroic deed thats saving society. Its literally just about money you fucking sheeple

Yes, it's in the Bible to forbid women from doing what they want with their bodies.
It also forbids men from chopping off their foreskin.

You didn't answer my question faggot and this "what if" actually happened a 12 year old was rapped in Alabama so yeah what then faggot?

>Who's going to pay for all these unwanted babies?
Put them in the military, raise them as soldiers.
Problem solved.

How many times is it that situation? 1 out of 100?
Abortionists always use that situation, literally nobody opposes it in that case, but that's not what most abortions are.


Can men stop paying taxes then? Their wallet their choice, and it even involves their bodies when you demand them to use their hands to file taxes or register a business

Im not answering because you already know the answer and are just repeating the same meaningless questions like a fucking normie NPC

Compare that to how much it costs to keep unwanted children in foster care for 18 years

>"women are more compassionate on average"
How do you measure it? Citation is going to be required on this statement.

go back to being cucked by the bluecheckmarks on twitter

angry alt right faggot lmao

I never understood why you fags pretend to be moralfags but only when it comes to abortion
None of this shit affects you in any way, I don't see any reason to give a fuck

Robots want more normies to be born


will you drop everything in your life to become a father at 18-19-20???? well now youre starting to not have a choice! guess what anons? if you get a bitch pregnant thats your checks garnished for 18-25 years!
ALSO, even if the bitch DOESNT EVEN WANT YOUR MONEY the government will MAKE SURE you pay it anyways with jail sentences as consequences if you dont

the real cucked thing would be to keep the fucking baby of some whore you fucked and have the government enslave you and MAKE YOU PAY THEM FOR YOUR OWN BABY

seriously tho this anti-choice thing is so fucking stupid. it is not a female only problem BECAUSE IT TAKES A MALE AND FEMALE TO MAKE A FUCKING BABY

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only if you're retarded at which point your opinion doesn't matter


Fucking die in hellfire you normal shit son of a whore. Get the fuck out.

Complete the gestation and give away the child to adoption.
Easy as that

not everyone has given up hope completely for the rest of their lives like you user.
why dont you just fucking neck yourself if you 'know' your life impossible to improve past your current sad shitty state. fucking crybaby bitch

ok good luck convincing the girl to do that! im sure it will work out perfectly

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come on man desu originales

Because dying hurts and the possibility of an after life and all that punishment is fucking spooky. Plus I don't want to scar my folks with the horror so there's that too. Also there isn't more to life than pussy but there are other, boring, insufferable things to do and take part in that are miserable but given the oppertunity can be made a subject of in any social interaction. I haven't quite put that hypothosis to the test though as I don't have any friends. Being in my 30s, as a neet shutin I've seen horrors not even war vets could imagine. In fact I'd take seeing a close friend ripped in half calling out for his mom just to know I can go back home eventually and get laid over this life any day. If deeper thinking is bred from gazing into misery, then I drowned a long time ago. I simply exist at this point. Locked in a cage in my mind. Was born uggo so was destined to fail. Get the fuck off my board.

'this is MY board because I SAID SO!'

r9k wasnt made to be a virgin loser paradise it was created to be a board where you couldnt spam threads and where people would have genuine discussions instead of meme wars because the robot made it impossible for that to occur.

just because you spend all day and night shitposting about how miserable your life is doesnt mean you have any claim to the space whatsoever, and more so makes your situation even more depressing because you cling to the ideal that this is your 'safe space' away from normans when in reality youre still impeding on them with your crybaby bullshit that nobody wants to hear

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because the LIBTARDS are for it I have to be against it

that won't happen because i tape the end of my dick shut idiot

>where people would have genuine discussions instead of meme wars

Yeah, I remember that place. R9K before the normalshits wanted to roleplay belonging here. A place where valid discussion can take place? Do you know why /b/ is such a shithole, it's because neurotypicals make up the majority of the pop on it. My point, this board was something before your kind decided to show up. Now it's a tranny shilling meme cancer spewing nightmare where if I'm not hiding threads, I find myself sighing in disgust over what I'm seeing. Sure, it's not my place to lay claim, fine. I'll give you that, but after seeing the fruits of your cancerous labor. After taking into account all that you and your kind have done to this place, don't you think it would be justified for someone to fucking kill you and make this world .000000001% better. Put some thought into that, but do so elsewhere. Fuck off.

yes, they are compassionate. the thing is that women feel a lot for other women who aren't ready to go through pregnancy or feel like they just don't want to raise a child.

a reminder that woman's life and beauty is a lot more important than a child's life.

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go back to reading your fairytales bible cuck

right on man
I miss the old days

meanwhile if you're a father who doesn't want to financially support or raise his child, you're fucking scum.

you were doing fine there for a while

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nigger you beta neets are the ones creating all the racebait, >tfwnogf, femanon larping, and boohoo my life sucks threads.

ive been an active member of this board since its creation YOU NIGGERS ARE THE ONES WHO RUINED IT

can someone photshop it into her licking a dead fetus?

yes, that is true. at that point the child is already a living and thinking being. a fetus feels nothing, human's brains aren't able to form memories until 2-3 yrs old. killing a fetus is no worse crime than crushing a fly, refusing to raise a child is depriving them from an important parental figure which stunts their growth.

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This is why sandyhook was justified.

I have never created a bait thread in my life. The bullshit that is killing this board, the stuff you're talking about came with the rise in board-crossers. The whole "down on my luck culture wasn't bad, and still isn't. It's those who want to make a "meme" out of it that missed the point entirely, and in doing so spiraled everything out of control. There are so many boards, so many websites for people to talk about normalshit bullshit. This site originated on the fringe, the forgotten. R9K was the bastard child of that long lost memory, as deformed as it was. Now it's just 3rd rate LGBT Twitter.page.

If you don't genuinely wish you were aborted you dont belong here.

im just still honestly taken aback that this all spiraled from me saying that someone on this board might get a gf eventually. yikes the self hatred really jumped out from there on

my point was literally women are allowed to completely wash their hands of any self-accountability or responsibility, whereas men are expected to be responsible.
We also get no choice in whether or not she keeps the baby despite being just as responsible for her getting knocked up.

oh also you just basically justified killing infants.

thank you, this is what ive been preaching to the stars. if you make abortion illegal, think about how many more people will suffer the same horrible existences as us. would any mother want that for her forced birth child??!

Life happens fast

You think that's an easy decision for a woman to make? That's their literal biological job. No woman just washes their hand of an abortion. That shit is a big deal. You also think someone in you're in a relatsionship with wouldn't take your opinion into consideration before getting a fucking abortion?
Actually have a relationship with a woman before you generalize every man/woman relationship on the planet and come back with a well thought out opinion before posting again. Thanks.

Having sex is an easy decision to make.

Then you should probably try it once in a while bud

>why do angry young white men care so much about abortion?
Because the ability to fuck with no consequences gives women way too much power, and angry young white men suffer the most from this tyranny.

>At the same time conservatives want to limit and/or cut off welfare.
And they're based as fuck for it.

>Who's going to pay for all these unwanted babies?

>Abortion is honestly the humane thing to do rather than creating a bunch of poor people whose parents don't even want them.
The humane thing would be to forcefully motivate the parents to cease all casual sex and take care of their babies. Don't tell what's humane, degenerate.

>What about when it's a rape
Keep it. You deserve rape for being a degenerate.

>or when a small 12 year old female gets raped and ups in pregnancy would you want her to go through the hell of being pregnant
Twelve year olds should be married and raising kids regardless.

>would you want her to die when she gives birth or want her to live with the product of her rape

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I chose not to until marriage.
You know, to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Abortion is just so women can be whores. That's all it is. There's no reason for a woman to get pregnant with all the copious amounts of contraception available, the act of pulling out before cumming, AND the CRAZY act of NOT HAVING SEX.

All this is is to keep women having the ability to thot around without having to deal with the consequences and responsibilities of her own actions. What I don't understand is why women of substance and character are for abortion. The tragic truth is that all people vote and act as a group except white men. White women view themselves as women and as minorities. All non-whites view themselves as non-white and voting for non-white interests. The only group of people that consistently votes against their own interests and for the sake of others is white men. And the mere act of defending and voting in your own interests as a white man is enough for people to label you racist and for you to get fired from your job and ostracized.

i think women can be a little more responsible. they can tell if the guy is not wearing a condom, they know if they aren't on birth control.
Guys are guys they're going to want to get their dick wet regardless, clearly we aren't responsible or in control of their bodies, so they should really be responsible for contraception.

you're not even talking to the person who posted the original comment fuckwit.
LMAO and now you've turned into a snide passive aggressive, and bitter faggot who is going to project about my life.

I've had relationships and they were shit. I even had a pregnancy scare with my second gf, and that moment i realized i had no fucking say in whether or not she was going to have the kid. And despite being 19 and not being able to support a kid or being mentally ready for one, because i was a man i was expected to rise to the table and provide regardless of whether I wanted to or not.

And yes there is actually a fucking vocal sect on twitter who see having abortions as something fucking empowering. Learn more before you post again faggot.

>no consequences
yeah not like they cost money or anything. Or have any sort of emotional cost.
Condoms? Birth control? Pulling out and yanking it over her tummy?

>Condoms? Birth control? Pulling out and yanking it over her tummy?
Apparently not enough since we NEED abortion to be a woman's 'right'.

Let people suffer the conseqauences of their decisions.

The baby is a seperate body from the woman you dumb nigger

A fetus is technically a parasite until it is born and them becomes a human parasite.

I'm 10000% for abortion as long as all women are circumcised at birth and have her beef curtains chopped off as well when she turns 18. It should be mandatory law that clitoris should be chopped off at birth.

Uhhhh, women don't lay eggs user

Babies are not parasites. Stop being an edgy le misanthrope

The baby has its own DNA and heartbeat. Its a seperate body from the mother stupid roastie

>yeah not like they cost money or anything. Or have any sort of emotional cost.
Those consequences aren't nearly impactful enough for roasties to stop them, so I don't count them.

sure, after the woman gives birth and the doctor cuts the cord. But not in the womb bud

>Missouri only has 1 abortion clinic left in the whole state
>they want it to shut down after it's license lapses
>starting last week, ALL women that want an abortion have to wait 3 days before getting one and MUST have her vagina inspected by a male government worker days before the procedure

Absolutely based and DARE I say it, whorepilled. Women are SCREAMING AND CRYING that they are being violated and having their bodies raped by this forced and state mandated vagina inspection where they shove their fingers in and spread their vag open and leave it open for 30 minutes to get the air out. Fucking based Conservatives.

Fetus is equally part of woman's body as men's body, who impregnated her. You don't have arguments against that.

>wanting kids to grow up with roastie moms who didn't even want them

Abortion is compassion. Kill them before they can feel anything, it's better than the lives they'll live in this miserable world.

women are all about comfort, they value it over righteousness or responsibility. If abortion is the easiest route for them emotionally, they'll take it and they will have little regret for it.

Abortion is just another way for them to avoid the responsibilities of their action. Whereas the father, he gets no say in her choice, but will be held responsible if she chooses to have the baby.

Right now we've basically created a social zeitgeist where women cannot do anything wrong. Abortion is considered prideful, promiscuity is considered prideful. Slut-walks for example.

The baby has a heartbeat and seperate dna inside the womb long before birth

hahahaha for real women deserve actual adversity. This is something worthwhile for them to finally complain about. LMAO.

Women do things based on feelings rather than logic.
Using logic to explain to them why abortion is bad will never work (it'll work for the men who make the laws though).
The best way to trigger a abortionist is simply to call them baby killers or something.

Everything is just black and white to you, huh?
okay sure, but the real question is, does it have a SSN?

A fetus in the womb is a parasite by all technical definitions. Stop being an emotionally driven animal and think with your human brain for once.

Parasites dont carry your dna.

LOL you're retarded and you keep repeating yourself like an Alt right faggot okay fag good luck being poor and raising unwanted children retard, pathetic

This guy says it's seperate DNA

>thinking bloobs of blood are babies
Wow lol when did r9k became a bunch of conservative christ shilling retards

By that logic you're a parasite on the Earth and Earth should just kill you.
Earth has no responsibility to let you live, after all.

no but for the most part i don't see righteousness as a female trait. Women tend to go with whatever appeases their emotions the most regardless of whether or not it's ethical.

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>kids don't share SOME of their parents DNA
Are you, perchance, a fucking retard?

>when did Jow Forums, a website which use to have literal swastika banners, contain conservatives

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People like him are blood crazed and dont think rationally

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Ken found the the newfag, I bet you you discovered this site in 2016, you failed abortion

Pride, dignity, culture, etc. are all memes aka spooks, they don't really exist. Women just don't play the invisible game men collectively decided to play.

I bet you eat meat

I'm pro life, but you guys act like men never lie or deceive women before they impregnate her. Women get fucked over, impregnated, abused or dumped all the time by so called 'nice guys'.

You act like your average white male is this paragon of virtue from the 1950's that always steps up to the plate and follows up on his responsibilities, well I can tell you it's bullshit, you're living in a fantasy world. And just because you might be willing to be a father and pay child support doesn't mean there aren't millions of men out there who won't.

No woman in her right mind intends to be a single mother, it happens. If men got their shit together and stopped lying to, abusing and deceiving women, there would be barely any single mothers. You demonize and blame single mothers for everything that's wrong with society but you won't put any blame on the men who get them pregnant.

>he doesn't know Max Stirner was playing the invisible game of Hegelian Dialectics when he created his philosophy of individualist-anarchism

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im actually pro choice, because i'm against overpopulation, and think the likelihood of the child who is aborted being a genius or world-changing is still a small percentage of the fetuses who are being aborted, so i dont mind fetuses being aborted because likelihood is they're going to be dumb fucks.

i'm pro choice, but anti-irresponsible roastie, who can't be held accountable for anything she does.
>she gives it up for adoption
>she keeps it
>she aborts it
Basically society can't see her as making any wrong choice, apart from abandoning it in a dumpster.

Why do you think a mother would throw her child in the dumpster in the first place? That's because its part of women's nature to pick the easiest route, and the one of least discomfort rather than be responsible or do the difficult thing.

Men are expected and willing to face what they fear, women are cowards.
yes they're honestly much more primal than men are. Men will go against their nature, sacrifice themselves, because they believe in someting greater than themselves.

Women are known to sleep with the enemies of war, and start families with them, because they're much more about self-preservation and survival, and their own wants than what's best for other people.

we'd probably still be in the stone ages, if women were in control of creating civilization.

>we'd probably still be in the stone ages, if women were in control of creating civilization.
That's implying we'd even reach the stone age with women in control. I doubt we'd even develope tools.

women should be responsible for safe sex and contraception.

you need to understand we will do risky shit to get pussy. If you dont want to get knocked up you handle the birth control and contraception. There's no way a guy is going to just not try and fuck some chick just because he doesn't have a condom at the moment.

>pro life
>hate people so more people = more hate for them

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yall niggas really gonna eat eggs for breakfast every morning and talk like abortion is a big deal lmao

>sacrifice themselves, because they believe in someting greater than themselves.
how valiant, killing yourself because of a game of pretend.
if a little kid killed himself because he had an imaginary friend and he lost a game of invisible marbles with this imaginary friend, would that be noble and bold?
literally no difference, it's all a game of pretend you're playing, and you get mad when others aren't playing by the nonexistent rules of the invisible game you just assume everybody agrees to play

sounds cool, but that probably means more taxes. children are expensive