Found this little buddy under a truck

found this little buddy under a truck
what should I name him or her

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Kill it or your a Faggot

Name him Shadman.

Name it mee mee

thing is I dont know if its female or male

Get the fuck outta here degenerate


Name it beebee

call it lil' blackie

Not shadman user, but you could just name it Shad if you're unsure of the gender. But don't listen to those animal hating anons, you're doing right be this kitten.

fucking CUTE
name it Nigger

Call xhim toxoplasmosis

look between the back legs, there should be two holes. if they are both round and close together, its male. if they are farther apart and one is more of an oval or slit, it's female.

either way name it nigger man after lovecraft's famous cat

Kill urself real quick

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Shove a knife down your throat you fucking retard

call it raynaud syndrome

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Rolling (even though numbers are not needed)for chuck

>retarded eyes
T-Rex sounds good.

call it Helper

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R-Rudnik... is that you?

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Call it Igor.

Call it sneed, formerly chuck



Just die, motherfucker

Call it snowball

*you're* you fucking ape, please post when you can spell

Azaroth, destroyer of worlds

Frostmourne , when he gets hungry and meows to someone he says ''Frostmourne Hungers''


see which one he likes


Name him niggerman like HP Lovecraft

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Name it Merz

Newton. It's what I plan to name the next cat I get.

Take it to a vet and get it it's vaccine shots.

You should feed it dry food and only wet food as a treat as cats needs something a bit more chewy to maintain their teeth.

Keep the food away from it's litterbox. Cats dont eat were they shit.

Kittens are a bit clingy when they're young. Never run around after it and try to pet it, let it come to you when it wants to cuddle.

Get a small ball and a long clothes line and throw it around and drag it after you, they love that and will run after you like a madman.

Cats can bite a little when they get excited and playfull, but they never bite hard. If they bite, dont pull your hand away as you'll tear your skin and do more damage. The cat will usually stop immediately if it doesnt get a dramatic reaction. If a bite tears the skin, wash it under the sink for a little and it should be fine.

If you need to discipline it when it claws your furniture, pisses or shits somewhere despite the litterbox being available or something else, just say "No" to it with a stern and low voice. You can also clap your hands as they hate that.

Other than that, there isnt much you can fuck up, cats are independent creatures and will come to you if they need anything or just wants your company.

Get a cat brush and brush it's fur once a week, cats love that shit.

Call it Triggernigger

Call it XxXNiGGERXxX420

Name your new cute cat fren "Dennis Prager" best name ever

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>You should feed it dry food and only wet food as a treat as cats needs something a bit more chewy to maintain their teeth.
cats are carnivores tho

Name him cat.


Dont. Pets are a pain in the ass just give it to someone else

Sorry i dont think his cat is a n agenda pushing slut for oil companies

>spawn of Satan
Because it will become what is depicted in stories as, a demon
It's better to hand it over to a shelter

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Last name tarantino
It's a cute cat name

name it salem

This, but use a foreign language. Neko or something.

Crush it with a truck nigger.

Take a knife and cut its throat open. Pin it down and dissect it like a frog.

Czarny (pronounced charny) is black in polish



cats are good pets. have fun.


I wish i had a kitty



Jow Forums isn't like it is on the youtube top 10 lists bro

my mom used to have a black cat that died at 16 when i was 3 years old
his name was Ramses

I had a cat like that for 11 years before she got sick and died. So I vote for the same name: Midnight.


name it pipa

name him bean


greekfag spotted

oh fuck, ive been exposed


Do you think he had an owner? If not and you want to keep him, get him vaxxed and all that shit asap

Name it Tom Robinson

summer fags keep glowing

Name it darkness after that one anime girl who lust over being sexy tormented and our future

Cats hiding in cars are always the best, most based cats when domesticated.
I found my buddy that way and he's cool. Can post pics if you want
Name him after the car part you found him closest to

That's the same fucker that ate my cheeseburger

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I've been meaning to get the Timesplitters games.

Name it Dot also check to make sure there aren't any others near by. A mother cat could have given birth and might look for it

also strays have worms

Eat sand and shit blood thrash human

Please name him Horse, or Rigatoni

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a great name for a little puddic.

Name him Tyrone if male or Gwanda if female

name him a human name like carl, susan, or steven

I find that shit so funny

also like Whiskey

name him

adolf hitler

Earl "Whiskey Chopper"