And people wonder why fags exist

And people wonder why fags exist.

Attached: roast final boss.jpg (960x1280, 145K)

I wanna put her clit in my mouth.

Robots are like 10 years ahead of society. When we all turned gay, we were enlightened and improved our lives infinitely

Roastie or beautiful boy pussy? Which way robots?

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Christ it actually looks like an infected axe wound

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I call this one the gay test.
A straight man would lick that clean.

all genitals are disguting except erect cocks

OP, I've got some bad news for you.

I'd crawl in there and die a happy man.

I would say she probably has 4 kids.

>t. exemplary faggot
Any roast is better than gargling some fag's juice.

she is so beautiful, i want to have a really long and sloppy french kiss with her. then i want to suck her beautiful nipples and then i want to passionately lick her beautiful pussy clean. after that we would cuddle and be comfy together.

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you should unironically try having sex with a male, you won't be so angry all the time

Pathetic try, discord tranny. Fags are disgusting, i wouldn't mind "concentrating" them on some secluded shithole, like Africa. Even worse are mentally ill fags like you.
You're just one step above cucks, good job being a failure.

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lol that's a funny picture. but seriously you'd be happier with a bf

All the happinness in this world isn't enough to make faggotry tolerable. You go choke on your bf's schlong and shill your degeneracy to him.

alright sounds good to me dog

She's disgusting, what's attractive in this photo?

she's imperfect, i consider it to be beautiful.

Attached: hope-solo-leaked-nudes-19.jpg (1280x960, 137K)

>head of society. When
To each his own. My seed belongs in there.

This is why robots like sissycock!

What an asshole that bitch has got. I'd lick it clean.

She has a horrible fridge figure, limp tiny tits and haggard face.

Seething tranny cope. Most trannies would walk on hot coals to have any kind of bio pussy, let alone one like this.

Actually it's the reverse of that.

I wouldn't like it but gladly stick my dick in there

I honestly don't find vaginas attractive at all. Everything else fem, like cute face, long hair, boobs, ass, hips, thighs, etc I fucking love, but vaginas just don't do it for me at all. It's been that way since I 1st saw a picture of a vagina. It's the opposite for male bodies and dick. Masculine features just don't do anything for me, but dick (just dick by itself), does. The only male bodies that do anything for are basically the fem, like no fat sticc, hairless, etc like . I don't know if I'm gay or what.

Stop watching porn. Your brain associates cocks with pleasure

looks good too me, fag

I don't even watch porn, not even hentai. I just look at 2D images. Seriously though, I saw more pics of vaginas than I did dicks as a teen, partially because I think I felt like I was supposed to. Never did much for me. It wasn't really until I came here that I started seeing more dicks.

Imagine needing that, kek


Finding pussies gross is a huge sign of latent homosexuality.

Attached: roast.jpg (1280x851, 212K)

i have a roastie pussies folder that i fap to regularly.

Attached: roast2.jpg (2000x3000, 581K)

Keep posting. I don't find either of those attractive, but let's keep going to see if there is one I do!

This picture is a pleb filter
I would lick and suck that pussy so bad

You saying that looking at vaginas did nothing for you is a big indication that you're questioning in your sexuality.
To me it sounds like you have a preference for feminine "twinks."

It's a misconception to think you need to be attracted to traditionally "masculine" features to be gay.

It's only the genitals really. Still like other fem features that are unobtainable for males. Boobs, Ass, hips, thighs (don't kid yourself, even "fem males" can not copy the fat distribution and overall make up of those areas), long hair, clean shaven, etc. There has been very few (if any really) guys ever, even twinks, that I have ever thought about wanting to get intimate with and kiss and buttfuck and all that. I'm not saying that defensively either, though it can come off that way in writing. Just saying.

your an alien to me

God damn I wish I were gay.

If you find this repulsive you are fag, I would suck ti dry

It's okay. I'm an alien to my sexuality as well it seems.

didn't know STD were that useful, thanks for sharing

I feel exactly the same way you are about this. Not sure what it means for me either.

Same. I mostly fap to dicks but when I go out I'm only attracted to woman. I think dicks are just flat out more aesthetic than pussy, proven by the fact that shemales are leagues more popular than cuntboys. You never hear anyone say "I love men but there is just something about pussy".

I see.

Referring to this thread it could be more common than I thought. I'm thinking it could just be a common fetish (feminine features mixed with male genitalia).
I suppose sexuality isn't necessarily "one-and-only" either. You just like a mix of both, who knows.

vaginas and tits look disgusting. they feel nice, but still disgusting to look st. i only enjoy female faces and butts

Could be wrong, but aren't most fag STDs still avoidable with proper condom use? Also, isn't it mostly a risk for the receiver?

>tits look disgusting
Actual fag detected. Vaginas are gross but boobs are quite aesthetic.

Question, have either of you ever attempted, and possibly, finished sex with a woman? I've never fucked or been intimate with anyone ever, so kind of curious if maybe in person, it's easier to get aroused from vag than through picture/video?

No but I have the same suspicion that pussy would be awesome in real life. I think the problem is that porn doesn't really emulate the best aspects of woman, its all visual, and pussy is usually just plain ugly. We have a few overzealous straight guys saying how they would love to dive into that mess, but think about how you rarely see threads dedicated solely to admiring vagina and its aesthetic. Threads about woman are either about the beauty of their bodies/face, or how vaginas smell like zombie flesh.

I'm actually kind of anxious about it, but also curious. I want to find out if maybe it'd easier getting an erection in person, but I also don't want to get close to someone and get to that point and just totally fail. I've thought about just biting the bullet and setting up Tinder and trying my luck with just some random thot to fuck just to see, but I'm not really into the idea, and I also hate the stupid still having to court after "matching." Escorts are also a possibility, but the ones I've seen around my area are meh, and they all cost $200+ for a night.

Testing hfhdhiddi

Why didnt it let me make my last post

It only lets me post after I remove all punctuation

Fuck this site

based and bonerpilled

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Im straight but come on. This shit is gross reason so many fuck with the lights off

Im not even going to link all of the Anons that find this disgusting shit in any way sexy

I just searched up beautiful woman bending over pussy and this came up on the first page. Most 10 out of 10 Stacys have fucking horrendous looking or at least weird looking vaginas imagine what the average 5 out of 10 Becky looks like

Imagine looking at pic related and thinking yeah I want to stick my dick in that, or worse yeah Id eat that out Now imagine basing your whole life solely around putting your dick that and/or eating it out You work out get a high paying but equally high stress job you get depressed over it you have several kids you spend time with your gf even though your only interested in her pussy etc This thing is literally your whole fucking life the pinnacle of your existence And then you make fun fags for not being absolute mindless retards because you gave up your whole life for this shit You genuinely ask yourself at night why are some people gay You call us disgusting

Why the fuck do breeders throw away their life for this Why would you go through so much effort when you can get the exact same thing from a bf and more without most of the effort

It only lets me post once Ive removed all of my punctuation Why do I even bother posting here This site is more autistic than its users

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Example number two

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>have found vagina gross since the first time I saw it in porn
>still attracted to females and not men
>sexually submissive
anybody else like this? I feel like Im on the cusp of being a gay bottom. But when it comes down to it Im not attacted to masculine bodies, hairy men, etc.

i fell for the boipussi meme and i want to kill myself. I need to experience real pussy just once

This. It's just a slimy asshole with lips. How is that any less gross than a regular asshole?

Yeah I feel the exact same. Not really planning on having sex ever though so it's not a huge deal.

No kidding i actually would fuck thi than op's pic

I know I'm gonna sound like a Reddit fag, but damn I glad this thread has shown me I'm not the only one like this. Been multiple people in a similar boat. I don't get it.

And when I say glad, I mean that I'm not alone obviously. I'm not glad you guys are also stuck in this shit situation.
That pic makes up likely less than 1% of boihole's, and it's also probably been edited and taken with good lighting too or something. I feel the same just based on pics though.

I wouldn't lick it, but I would definitely cum in it.