I shit twice a week but I guess it is because I'm castrated

I shit twice a week but I guess it is because I'm castrated

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One time on a canoe trip I didn't shit for 4 days
I have no idea how that happened because these days I usually go twice a day

I eat raw carnivore and only shit once a fortnight

Didn't shit for three days once and dropped a huge log, pretty sure the apex of the shit brushed my ballsack before thudding against the toilet bowl. Took six flushes and some serious prodding to bury the beast.

you were probably not eating much + burning off most of the stuff you did eat

carnivore diet is known for its constipation, please just go back to having a normal diet with some fiber, for your own good

fuck you zoe.
oregon trail fuck you zoe.

I only shit once every 3-4 days. It's been this way for me for years.

I usually shit about 5 times a day. I'll go in the morning and feel completely relieved, then suddenly get this sudden urge to shit again about five minutes later. Then it'll hit me again in another five minutes, and so on until finally I get it all out. Do I have ass cancer or something? This can't be normal.

I haven't shitted since I was a baby

I shit at least three big ones every day and sometimes a small one to top it all off. But it's like fucking wiping nutella. I've tried eating nothing but oats for a whole day, but nothing happened.

My asshole's a sensitive, ripped up mess. I wish every toilet was mandated to have a bidet.


>I wish every toilet was mandated to have a bidet.
preach brother

diet? formed/diarrhea? blood? is the urgency to go unbearable or can you hold it if you needed to?

My diet is pretty bad. Not a lot of straight up fast food, but I eat a lot of microwaveable meals and canned foods. The turds are usually solid, but on the rare occasion when it's the liquid shits I get the same thing where I have to keep going back to the bathroom constantly. It's not unbearable unless it's diarrhea, but that's pretty normal.

Is that a momokunt nude

how is your constant shitting affecting your asshole? Do you feel some soreness?

it can be unbearable but sometimes after a particularly nasty bout of diarrhea and gastric spasms i look down half hoping to find a fetus or atleast pieces of it and i am constantly disappointed. i dont know what i am going to tell my parents.

Hey Brett

tell them you have cancer

i have an immunity to abortion pills it seems, woe is indeed me. i cant muster the courage to grab my dads 9 iron and score a hole in one on my repulsive putrid baby sack that hangs off my body. what will my mother say?

probably just your guts not liking the junk you're eating, maybe some colitis because of the high inflammatory junk, your body sees the inflammation, thinks its sick and says I need to get this junk out ASAP which leads to diarrhea and urgency

just try fixing your diet, eat less inflammatory things and less sugar and more probiotic things like yogurts or fermented foods, a lot of yogurt has sugar in it though, stay away from that, also stay away from low-fat things

Nothing at all.

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

You need to get TOPPED that will help clean out your bussy OP

i wanna clean out her pussy. i want to have hot bipolar sex with her where i break her fucking nose.

representing alburquerque

whats the fattest we've ever been boys? the fastest i've ever gotten was like a stepdad bod i looked like a koala. this annorexic girl from school made fun of me i dont think ive recovered.